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Julie W  

A Mom and tea/coffee enthusiast living in the mountains. Favorite things: tea & coffee, knitting & crocheting and books! :)

User's reviews

  • Coconut Cabana


    This tea is so good! Just the right amount of coconut aroma and flavor mixes with the oolong buttery taste. Soothing and relaxing cup of tea!

  • Meditative Mind


    I'm not normally a white tea fan. usually it's too weak a taste for me. But the floral aromas and taste added to this tea made it so enjoyable for me. Very calming and relaxing. Loved it!

  • Red Rocks


    I love red rooibos when combined with almond and vanilla flavors. It all just works so well. Lovely cup of tea!! Very soothing and relaxing. Nice aroma and taste. just very enjoyable!

  • Green Tea with Lemon


    I tried this at work. A strong nope from me. The tea itself is very weak and pretty much just made a hot cup of chemical tasting lemon flavoring. I won't be trying this one again, and it's definitely not one I would buy.

  • Earl Grey Decaf


    Nice basic decaf Earl Grey. I tried this at work. Great for a cup of tea on the go. Not one I would buy for at home though. Good grocery store level tea.

  • Green Tea with Mint


    I tried this at work. Not really a fan. The tea is pretty weak. Nice mint flavor, but really no green tea flavor came through at all. Like I soaked some mint leaves in hot water and drank it. Not one I would buy.

  • Ultra Spice Chai


    Tried this at work. It was nice to have a cup of chai tea at work, but the balance on this one was off. The spices were forward especially the cinnamon with the tea taking a back seat. Not one I would buy. I prefer a more balanced chai. Too cinnamon heavy.

  • English Breakfast Extra Bold


    I didn't really find this more "bold" than the regular Twinings English Breakfast tea. It's a grocery store tea -- serviceable for me to sip at work. But not one I would buy for at home.

  • Lady Grey


    A nice Lady Grey. I tried this at the office and it made a nice cup of tea. I prefer Adagio's Earl Grey Lavender, but this was an enjoyable cup of tea to sip at work. Not one I would buy.

  • Earl Grey


    This is an ok basic Earl Grey. Good for a grocery store/tea bag tea. Better options. I drank this at the office and was nice to sip a serviceable Earl Grey at my desk. But, not one I would buy.

  • Irish Breakfast


    For me, breakfast teas should be bold, strong black tea. I was disappointed in this tea. Came out weak and not like an Irish Breakfast at all. I should have used two tea bags. Not one I would buy. Better Irish Breakfast blends out there. Much better.

  • Ginger Fire Chai


    I tried this tea at work. I have to be careful with mate, but decided the amount in a tea bag was low enough for it to be ok. Lovely aroma -- cinnamon and spices :) Nice taste. The spice is strong but complements the mate. Nice cuppa tea!

  • Chai Spice Black Tea


    Tried this tea at the office. It was a nice cup of chai tea. Good for a tea bag/grocery store tea. I prefer loose teas, but this brightened my work day. :)

  • Mile High Chai


    This chai blend is so good!! Love it! And helps that this tea company is local to me, so I also feel good about supporting a local business.



    Received this as a gift. it is an ok Earl Grey, but not my favorite. Just ok. Not one I would buy.



    I tried this at work and really wanted to like it, but it fella bit flat for me. The tea smelled better than it tasted. Just brewed up weak.....I let it steep longer thinking that would help, but it really didn't. Not a tea I would buy.

  • Earl Grey Loose Tea


    I admit I have been spoiled by a much better grade of tea. Got a tin of this as a gift, and I don't like it. The flavor is meh at best. I prefer other brands that use higher quality tea. I will stick with those.

  • Desert Sage


    This tea is outstanding! A nice herbal with the lovely scent and taste of sage mingled with peppermint and fennel. One of my favorite herbals especially when I want to sip tea and relax.

  • Decaf Green


    No. Tried this at work. Too light. Weird taste. Just not my cup of tea at all. Definitely not one I would buy.



    This tea is ok. It does have a light fruity flavor in the background but didn't taste like pomegranate to me. not one I would buy for myself.

  • Sweet Potato Pie


    Lovely earthy sweet potato taste with warming spices. A bit different flavor profile than pumpkin spice. Very nice! :)

  • Mango Ginger Tea


    Tried this at work. Didn't like it at all. Odd taste and smell. Just not a cuppa for me. I poured this one out and tried something else.

  • Original Yogi Tea


    Tried this at work. Nice, soothing blend of flavors. I enjoyed it and it definitely helped me power through a busy work day.

  • Vanilla Peppermint


    I tried this at work. Very nice and soothing. I still prefer loose leaf over tea bags, but this was a nice cup of tea to enjoy while working.

  • Cranberry Pomegranate Herbal Tea


    Tried this tea at work. Nice flavor, but I enjoyed it better after it cooled than hot. I think I would like this better brewed along with a black tea.

  • Maple Apple Cider Herbal Tea


    I tried this at work today. The maple/apple flavor was nice, but the tea base was just a bit too weak for me. Enjoyed the cuppa, but not one I would buy.



    I buy tins of Harney & Sons at the bookstore. This was a really nice blend -- nice balance of black tea flavor and cranberry. Nice tea to sip while reading :)

  • Sugar Plum Spice


    Ugh. Why does Celestial Seasonings put Chamomile in everything??!! I'm allergic. I took a couple sips of this at work before I realized it had chamomile in it and had to pour it out. I'm just going to have to start avoiding all CS teas unless I can read the label first. They seem to slip chamomile into nearly everything, even blends that it doesn't seem to fit.

  • India Spice Chai


    Tried this one at work. Lovely spice tea and different flavor notes than other chai teas offer. I really enjoyed this one! If you don't like anise, this isn't a tea you would enjoy. It's pretty anise forward.

  • sweet cinnamon black tea bags


    Nice spicy tea with a heavy cinnamon kick. Enjoyed this at the office. Less robust than the loose tea I'm used to, but it did make a nice cuppa tea to enjoy at work.

  • Casablanca Twist


    A lovely variation of moroccan mint. Tastes and smells wonderful. Very relaxing and soothing. Definitely a favorite of mine!

  • Spiced Blood Orange


    This is so good!! I love spiced orange tea and brew this often since Adagio added it to their teas. Warm spices and orange! The aroma and taste is lovely!

  • Pure Peppermint


    I tried this at my office. Makes a nice cuppa peppermint tea. I brewed this with a tea bag of english breakfast to give it a bit of a zing. Enjoyed it. Glad they have tea at work. And this was good for a grocery store tea.

  • Cold Brew Family Size Tea Bags


    Tried these for an event, and it was ok for making large amounts of cold brew iced tea, but not what I would brew at home or for a family dinner. ok tea -- not good tea.

  • Purple Acai Blueberry Green Tea


    Tried this recently at work. It had a weird, artificial taste for me. I didn't like it at all. Tasted more like chemical based artificial flavoring than acai berry. Not a tea I will try again.



    Tried this at work. Just too weak a taste for me. I think I just don't like green tea brewed from tea bags. Haven't found one I liked yet.

  • Holiday Berry


    This is ok for a grocery store tea. And I did enjoy sipping it when tea bags were my only option. But not a tea I would buy for at home.

  • English Breakfast


    Standard grocery store black tea. Better English Breakfast tea is available and inexpensive. I only sip this when it's the only choice. Nothing special.....but it's tea in a pinch.

  • Earl Grey - Bold


    I tried this at work recently. I'm super glad they added tea to the break room as an option, and this EG was ok in a pinch, but I prefer brewing with a better loose leaf version. This was great to sip while working, but brewed a better cuppa at home.

  • Green Pomegranate, Raspberry & Strawberry


    I tried this one at work and I didn't really like it. The flavor seemed too artificial and didn't really taste like tea. I am just accustomed to better tea and grocery store tea just doesn't do it for me anymore. But -- I am thankful they have tea at the office, and I drink it with a smile of my face. And have better tea when I get home again.

  • English Teatime


    I sipped this tea at my office recently. Not a bad black tea for a grocery store tea. Lighter less robust taste than I'm used to, but a good option when a teabag/cheap tea is the only option.

  • Pu Erh Coffee


    I jumped right on this new tea from Adagio! I love pu'erh tea...the earthy flavor is one of my favorites! And I also like coffee but my stomach doesn't like the acidic nature of coffee at times. This is a wonderful tea-coffee option that is a blessing to my cranky stomach and tastes great!! Love it -- new staple in the tea stash!



    I tried this at work to see what it tasted like. I did not like it at all. Quietly poured most of the cup down the sink drain in the break room, rinsed my cup out, and tried another tea. Green tea base brews up very weak, and what mango flavor comes through tastes very artificial.



    I tried this at work today since it was included in the teas on hand to brew in the break room. I'm not really a big green tea fan. I found this too light and didn't get any bergamot flavor from it at all. It smelled nice....but not one I will brew again. Too weak.

  • Caramel Apple Dream


    Not really my cuppa tea. The apple and caramel flavors tasted very fake to me. Odd flavor. Just not a tea I enjoyed.

  • Decaf Sweet Coconut Thai Chai


    I don't often give grocery store teas 5 stars, but this decaf is really really good. Nice spicy taste. Lovely aroma. Just a nice cup of tea! I really enjoyed it!

  • Cranberry Vanilla Wonderland


    A nice option I like to have around for the holidays when I have company or brewing from loose tea isn't possible. Very nice for a grocery store tea.

  • Sunny Orange Ginger Tea


    Tried this one at the office recently. Nice Ginger flavor. Would have like more orange taste, but it was a nice cuppa tea.

  • Cinnamon Cardamom


    Nice taste, but I prefer this brewed with a more plain black tea to tone down the spice a bit otherwise there really isn't tea taste just cinnamon in your face. Lovely brewed with a black breakfast tea.

  • Yu Qian Anji Bai Cha


    I'm not a green tea fan, but this is very good. Not grassy. Has a sweet nutty pleasant flavor. I enjoyed this tea. A bit light for me....but nice!

  • Vanilla Chai Black Tea


    The vanilla taste is obviously artificial. The chai spices are nice. Not really a tea I will buy again. The fake vanilla taste and scent just turned me off.

  • Decaf Green Tea


    Hard nope. Very little taste but what does come through is pure grassy. Not a tea for me. not one I will buy again. Just did not like the aroma or taste of this at all.



    Definitely has raspberry taste and aroma, but it comes off as a bit fake. Not a great tea, but one that will suffice when it's the only option.



    I was hoping this would have a bit more flavor. It was ok, but I really have to double up teabags to get the level of taste I like. Not one I would buy again. Plus I didn't notice it had chamomile until I drank it.....allergies. Ugh.

  • Bengali Spice


    The toasty spicy flavor of this tea is nice. This is a relaxing, aromatic spice tea. Really good for a grocery store tea and I love their package art!



    This just tasted terrible and fake to me. Didn't like this at all. Not a tea I will be trying again. Just not my cuppa tea.

  • Decaf BlackTea


    I grew up drinking Lipton brewed with tea bags. But now that I've had better tea, I just can't drink this anymore. Pulvarized tea dust in tea bags just doesn't make a good cup of tea. Hard pass.

  • Decaf Black Tea


    Nope. Better teas out there. Tea bags filled with pulvarized tea dust and no matter how I brew Lipton, it comes out bitter. Much better teas out there. Not one for me.

  • Lipton peach iced tea


    This is thirst quenching in a pinch, but this isn't really tea. It tastes more like fake peach flavoring than peach tea. The soda pop version of tea.



    I was gifted a tin of this tea for Christmas a couple years ago. It's lovely! Nice blend of Rooibos and fruity taste and aroma. Lovely relaxing blend.

  • Iced Black Gallon Size Tea Bags


    Nope. Pulverized tea dust in the tea bags. I can't drink this now that I have spent several years drinking better tea. Strong nope from me.

  • Green Diet Iced Tea Citrus


    I like to sip this when I'm out and about and need a sugar free drink. Doesn't really taste like tea and has artificial sweetner in it, but it's tasty.

  • Iced Black Family Size Tea


    For years, all my iced tea was brewed using this tea. It does brew tea, but the tea is non-descript, pularized in the tea bags, cheapo tea. Since I discovered quality loose and bagged teas, I don't buy Lipton products anymore.

  • Black Tea Loose


    Lipton black tea no longer tastes the way it used to. Used to brew up reddish amber with a lovely malty taste. Just an odd taste to me now. I only use Lipton for Suntea now, and very rarely. Not sure what they changed.....but I don't like the change in flavor.

  • Red Zinger


    If it has Zinger in the name and it's from Celestial, I will buy it if I see it in the store. Always good for grocery store tea. Not my normal tea, but nice to have on hand when teabags are needed or for convenience.



    This tasted odd....fake or chemical sort of after taste. I threw the box out. Not a tea for me.



    An ok raspberry herbal tea....a bit artificial tasting though. Not bad for a grocery store tea, but I have much better options in my tea stash.

  • Roastaroma


    A friend gave me a partial box of this tea because she didn't like it. I enjoy it....nice cuppa roasty-toasty spice. Really good for a grocery store tea.

  • Honey Vanilla Chamomile


    I used to really enjoy this tea. Nice flavor, very relaxing and smells lovely. But, I can't have chamomile anymore due to allergies. I miss sipping this one in the fall/winter!

  • Spiced Espresso Chai


    I like CS blends that have chicory in them. This is really tasty....could have a bit more spice, but for r grocery store tea this is very good.

  • Cinnamon Express


    More of a Chai tea than a Cinnamon forward choice. Nice blend of chai spices, but I was really just wanting Cinnamon tea when I tried this. It was good....just not what I expected.



    I was given this tea for the holidays one year. It was ok, but not a tea I really enjoyed. I'm just not really a green tea fan. I drank it since it was a gift, but wouldn't buy for myself.

  • Coconut Crush Chai


    I had a sample of this tea -- so good. The aroma is wonderful. Makes for a very relaxing aromatic cup of tea. Definitely one I will be brewing again!

  • Lady Lavender


    Lovely Earl Grey blend from a tea company located near where I live. The aroma is lovely, and brews up strong but not bitter. Love it!



    I tried this at a friend's house and did not care for this tea. The fruit flavor seemed really odd and artificial tasting. Not a tea for me. Really surprised me as I usually like fruity Bigelow teas.

  • Spiced Apple Chai


    I've had much better apple chai teas, but when tea bags are the only option , this is a drinkable option. I'd rather drink tea that is a bit mid than go without. The apple taste comes off a bit fake to me, but it's a drinkable cuppa tea. :)

  • Toasted Coconut Almond Bark


    Tried this recently at a friend's house. It was ok...I like the chicory flavor in the mix. But, in the end, it was coconut flavored grocery store tea - pulverized in a tea bag. It was ok, and I enjoyed spending time with my friend. But, there is better tea.....

  • Black Tea


    I don't know what changed about plain Lipton black tea since the 70s/80s when my Mom bought it, but the taste is almost completely different. It used to brew up with a reddish hue and had a malty/raisiny flavor. My mom always had a big box of it in her cupboard. But when I tried it as an adult, the taste is completely different. It's flat, bitter, cloudy, and brews up dark brown. No semblance of tea leaves in the tea bags anymore. It looks like pulverized powder. This is not drinkable and garbage tea. no more Brisk and malty cuppas. Yuck. I will not ever buy this again. I have moved on to better tea. Not cheapo orange pekoe pulvarized tea dust. Not even a good grocery store tea anymore. Celestial Seasonings, Bigelow and just about anybody else has better. It's sad. They went to cheaper tea I's horrible.

  • Vermont Maple Ginger


    I just really don't like this tea. I've tried it a couple of times, but each time the taste and aroma was just not for me. The "maple" flavor and scent seems really artificial to me. Just not a flavor that I enjoyed.

  • Cinnamon Apple Spice


    This tea reminds me of a college friend who always had a box in her dorm room. The aroma of this tea still brings back happy memories of studying with my friend....cup of microwaved water and a tea bag. :) But it was wonderful. :)

  • Choco-Mint Truffle


    A lovely chocolate mint tea. I had this at a friend's house. need to order some for my own tea stash!! Lovely aroma and great taste. :)

  • Authentic Green


    I'm not much of a green tea fan. I didn't like this tea. Too weak for me. not one I would sip again.

  • Raspberry Zinger


    I prefer this tea iced rather than hot. A nice raspberry tea for those times when brewing loose tea isn't possible. Not bad for a grocery store tea.

  • Darjeeling


    A nope from me. So many better darjeeling options out there. This tea was very flat and lacked the complexity of flavor I'm used to. I much prefer loose tea options that are higher quality tea.



    I was gifted a box of this tea. Nice taste and a good go-to tea when brewing from loose tea is not possible. I prefer Adagio's Earl Grey teas, but this one is passable when I need to use a tea bag rather than brewing loose leaf.



    Nice mint tea for times when brewing loose tea/better quality isn't an option. Nice aroma, nice taste. The peppermint is pretty much pulverized in the tea bag and leaves residue at the bottom of the cup.....but it's an okay mint tea for times when convenience is required.



    Nice peppermint tea. I keep this around at the holidays so guests who don't want to brew loose tea have a yummy no caffeine choice that can also be paired with other teas or made as part of a tea latte. Always bright and minty! Although I do much prefer Adagio's teas.



    I really like chocolate mint. It's normally one of my favorite combos, but this tea just doesn't work for me. Something just isn't right with the flavors. The chocolate tastes strange and is almost over powered by the mint. The mint flavor is just odd in this tea....not the normal mint flavor I enjoy. Just not a tea for me....weird taste.

  • Ginger Peach Turmeric Herbal Tea


    I tried this tea at a friend's house and didn't like it at all. Ginger pretty much overpowered the whole cup and the tumeric just added a bitter back flavor. Not sure where the peach went lol Not a grocery store tea flavor profile that will work well. I will find a loose tea blend of these flavors and try again.



    My friend gifted me a box of this tea as part of my christmas present a couple years ago. Very good dessert tea. The vanilla na d caramel flavors blend nicely. A great option when loose tea is not available.

  • Almond Sunset


    A nice mellow flavored almond tea. Relaxing. The aroma is wonderful. The taste is really good. Probably the best CS tea I've had in a long time.

  • Lemon Lavender Lane


    Enjoyable grocery store tea...lovely aroma and pleasant flavor. I like to add in some fresh lemon slices. Excellent hot or cold brewed. Nice option when brewing loose tea isn't an option.

  • Wild Berry Zinger


    I had this tea at a friend's house and was pleasantly surprised. The chicory lends a really nice extra mellow boost to the taste. Lovely aroma and tastes great!

  • Shagadelic English Breakfast


    Lovely English Breakfast tea. Smooth, not bitter. Brews dark and lovely. Great way to start my day! Lovely plain, or blended with herbals like peppermint or strawberry added.

  • Peppermint Peak


    I love peppermint tea. When I was a kid at Christmas we used to stir cups of tea with candy canes and let the candy dissolve into the tea. The flavor of this tea reminds me of that! Lovely peppermint aroma and flavor with a nice black tea base. Yummy!

  • Citrus Sunrise


    I'm not sure adding ascorbic acid was really necessary. It lends too much sourness to the taste of this tea. I usually cold brew this with a black tea and add extra water to tame it down a bit. Would be a nice orange-y breakfast type tea without the added weird sourness.

  • Vanilla Chai Tea Bags


    Nice blend of vanilla and chai spices. Smells wonderful and it's an ok tea. A great option for when loose tea isn't do-able. I keep this on hand for when I have company/friends over who don't want to brew loose tea.

  • Foxtrot


    I used to enjoy sipping this...lovely mix of herbal tastes and aroma. But, found out I have an allergy to chamomile so can't sip this anymore. It's a great tea though!

  • True Blueberry


    Lovely blueberry tea. I don't use teabags much these days, but I remember the taste and aroma of this one is wonderful!

  • Black Cherry Berry


    A lovely cherry tea that is a great option when on the go or when there is no time to brew loose tea. Lovely cherry taste and aroma.

  • Green Tea with Peach


    Tried this one. Nice aroma, but too light of a taste for me. I'm not really much of a green tea or tea bag/grocery store tea fan. Much better options out there.

  • Tangerine Orange Zinger


    Nice orange tea for the times when loose tea isn't an option. For a grocery store tea, this is actually very tasty! Smells great too!

  • Madagascar Vanilla Rooibos


    I had a cup of this while at a friend's house. Very good and the aroma is amazing! Nice cuppa tea for when loose tea isn't an option.

  • Fireside Vanilla Spice


    Great spice tea when you need something simple/fast to prepare or that you can easily take with you. I don't use teabags very often, but this tea is great to have on hand when I have company or times where loose tea is not an option.

  • Green Tea Chai tea bags


    I tried this at a friend's house and didn't like it at all. The green tea base is too weak and the chai spices just didn't have the flavor I look for in a chai.

  • Pumpkin Spice


    A really lovely, basic pumpkin spice tea. Awesome aroma and great taste. Not a tea to overbrew. The tins close tightly and keep tea fresh.



    An ok English Breakfast tea for when loose tea isn't available. But just not as flavorful as loose leaf/better versions. Nice in a pinch, but not what I would choose first.

  • English Breakfast


    Terrible. Tea bag basically filled with cheapo tea "dust" and it makes a boring, almost tasteless cup of black tea. Many, many better choices for a breakfast tea. Bleck.

  • Green Tea with Mint Tea Bags


    not my favorite. The green tea is really weak and totally over powered by the mint. I prefer better quality loose tea, but this would satisfy in a pinch.



    Lovely peppermint tea with a hint of chocolate sweetness. Smells and tastes wonderful. I like to keep this onhand over the holidays for guests who don't want to brew loose tea.

  • Mandarin Orange Spice


    Lovely basic orange spice tea. I like to have these tea bags on hand for visitors who do not want to brew loose tea, or when we will need tea on the go. Smells and tastes wonderful!



    Lovely lemon decaf basic black tea. The tea bags make it convenient to bring it along when needed. I don't use tea bags much these days, but I do remember this is a lovely decaf option!

  • Green Tea with Pomegranate


    Not a tea I enjoy. Just tasted weak and the fruit flavor just came off as fake for me. Not my cup of tea.



    A nice simple chai tea. Great when you need to be on the go and can't brew loose tea. Lovely aroma. Nice taste.



    I'm not a fan of green tea most of the time. This tea is just too weak and grassy tasting. Lots of better choices. Not my cuppa tea.



    Nice simple vanilla flavored tea. Relaxing, lovely aroma. Convenient tea bags to take along when on the go. one of my fav Bigelow teas.

  • Lemon Zinger


    Lovely tea that makes me think of summer. Nice lemon taste. I don't use tea bags much anymore, but this is a nice tea to have on hand for guests who don't want to brew loose leaf tea, or when I want to tuck a couple tea bags in my purse when going out.

  • Cranberry Harvest Herbal Tea


    Nice cranberry tea. Convenient tea bags for when loose tea isn't an option. Lovely aroma and taste. I like having this around at the holidays to offer guests who prefer tea to coffee.

  • Jammin' Lemon Ginger


    This tea always tasted like cough drops to me. I usually like CS teas, but this one is my least favorite. Tastes too medicinal for me.

  • Nutcracker Sweet


    The aroma and taste of this tea always reminds me of holiday baked goods :) I remember sipping this tea when at my parents' house for Christmas or Thanksgiving. So good!

  • Mint Magic


    Lovely mint tea. I don't use teabags much anymore, but this is a fav I keep on hand for when I have company that doesn't wish to brew loose leaf. Lovely aroma and tastes great!

  • Bengal Spice


    Lovely spice tea. I don't use teabags much anymore these days, but this is a very nice spice tea. Great to have on hand to share with people who don't want to brew loose tea.

  • Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride


    Really tasty tea. Love to sip this with friends at the holidays. Festive aroma and taste. One of my fav CS teas!

  • Candy Cane Lane


    Nice tea to have on hand at the holidays for guests who don't want to brew loose tea, or if that isn't an option. I love the colorful, fun package design for the holiday teas -- looks so nice and festive on the table and guests can just grab a mug, pour water, and make tea! Taste is nice....aroma is wonderful. A nice alternative to loose tea/better tea when brewing better isn't an option.

  • Gingerbread Spice


    This is a ginger tea, but didn't taste like gingerbread to me. it was ok....but better options in my tea stash. Not one I would buy.



    Haven't used tea bags in awhile, but I remember this tea is excellent hot or cold brewed. Wonderful blueberry taste and aroma!



    A lovely pumpkin spice option for times when tea bags are a necessary convenience. Smells and tastes great!



    Lovely basic ginger spice tea that reminds me of the holidays. I don't use teabags often anymore, but this is a nice tea to have in the cabinet for friends/company when brewing loose tea isn't an option.

  • Sweet Harvest Pumpkin


    A nice simple pumpkin spice tea. I don't use tea bags much anymore, but I remember this one was good. Good basic spiced tea.

  • Organic English Breakfast


    Lovely black tea taste. Wonderful hot or cold-brewed. Bold but not bitter. Nice base for blends. Great paired with spices or fruit or plain.

  • Cranberry


    I love this tea at the holidays. Lovely taste and easily portable since it's tea bags. Smells great too!



    I don't use tea bags very often, but I was gifted a tin of this tea and loved it. Black tea with lemon and grapefruit flavors. Lovely aroma and flavor! Nice tin as well.



    A lovely black tea. One of my favs from Harney & Sons. And the tin is very attractive. Love this tea! I like to sip it when I watch historical documentaries or dramas on tv! :)

  • Earl Grey Decaf Tea


    A nice on-the-go decaf Earl Grey. I don't use tea bags much these days, but I remember this was a nice Earl Grey choice.



    A lovely basic peppermint tea to take along when on the go. I don't use tea bags much these days, but I remember this tea was good! Lovely aroma too!



    Nice mix of sweet and fruity flavors. A tasty tea, although I really don't care for tea bags. one of my favorite Harney & Sons teas.



    A blast from the past -- I don't use tea bags much these days but I grew up with this tea and love it! I might buy a box just to have tea to take on the go when I need it. :) Smells and tastes nice. Very nostalgic for me!



    The first Earl Grey I ever sipped way back when I was in college. Gateway tea to better teas. Great tea when on the go or away from my tea stash in a hotel. Definitely pulverized tea bag tea, but definitely sippable.

  • Eggnogg'n Tea bags


    This tea actually surprised me. I expected it to be weird or something I wouldn't really like. But, it's actually very good and I buy a box each holiday season. Proof that it's good to try new things without assuming!!

  • Peppermint


    I grew up sipping this tea. Always good. I have moved on to brewing mostly loose teas, but this is still a lovely peppermint tea, easily portable when on the go. CS makes great teas!



    I dont use a lot of teabags these days, or buy grocery store tea....but this is one staple I keep in my tea stash at all times. I've loved this tea since I was a child. So good.....and I've tried loose tea replacements for this tea....just not the same. Always keep it on hand!

  • Bolder Breakfast


    Lovely, strong breakfast tea. Awesome flavor and aroma. Great coffee replacement. Makes a great latte. Excellent choice to kick off my day! I really enjoy this tea :) The first tea I bought from Tea Spot!

  • 111th Birthday!


    Lovely chocolate and cinnamon tea. The scent is wonderful and the taste is even better! Very nice, relaxing and sweet cup of tea. Great blend!

  • Spikefruit Tea


    The white tea is a little light for me, but the fruit flavor is nice. Lovely aroma. I tried this hot, but I think this would be lovely cold-brewed. Nice blend!

  • Matcha Sticks Traditional


    I've tried several different kinds of matcha and it just isn't my thing. Too grassy for me and I really don't care for the mouth feel it has. Just not my cup of tea. Glad others enjoy it though!

  • Aphrodite


    Yum! Tastes like Valentine's Day in a cup.....awesome blend of chocolate and strawberry. Very tasty! I sipped as hot tea, but I think this would be very good cold brewed as well.

  • Milky Way


    Yum! The flavors blend together really well in this blend. Excellent as hot tea. Relaxing and just a lovely cup of tea!

  • Red Peaches and Regalia


    Lovely blend of black tea and fruity goodness. Great hot or cold-brewed! Great blend!

    Tried this tea as part of CT and loved it.

  • Simic


    Lovely light taste. The vanilla really makes the other flavors pop. A little light for me but I love blueberry and vanilla flavors. Yum!

  • Fruit Sangria, 15 Count


    Lovely fruit taste and aroma. I don't usually use tea bags, but these are so convenient and easy to take on the go. I wish this was available as loose tea.

  • Matcha Raspberry


    I wanted to like matcha, but it just isn't a flavor that I enjoy. Even when a bit of fruity flavor or chocolate is added I still don't like it. So.....just not my cup of t ea.

  • Pina Colada Iced Tea


    I love Adagio's Pina Colada herbal hot or cold! I don't usually cold brew this by itself. Generally I brew with a black tea for a brisk cuppa iced tea with fruity flavor. So good!!

  • Snowbud


    I really miss this tea -- Adagio has discontinued it. Great for blending to tame down any bitterness from black tea and to add a sweet, herbal nuance to the blend. I really miss this one!!

  • Mango Iced Tea


    Mango tea is just not my thing. I'm not sure why. I like mangos. I like tea. Just not together. But that's the good thing about tea. There's a taste or flavor for everyone. This one is just not for me.

  • Decaf Mango


    Not my cup of tea. I'm finding I just really don't enjoy mango flavored tea. Glad others enjoy this one. Just not one for me.

  • Matcha Blueberry


    matcha is just not my thing. Even paired with fruit flavoring. It just doesn't work for me. I love the concept, but the taste just isn't for me.

  • Wild Strawberry Iced Tea


    Wild Strawberry is a lovely herbal from Adagio. I cold brew with other teas to get a nice fruity this paired with stronger black teas like assam melody. Also nice brewed hot with other teas. Lovely aroma and taste!

  • guava creme green tea


    Not my cup of tea. Tastes ok, but not an iced tea that I would buy again. Too light. Maybe brewed with a black tea as a flavor accent I would like it better.

  • Melonberry Green Iced Tea


    Too light a taste for me and I don't really like cold brewed green tea. Not my cup of tea. The melon flavoring tastes a bit fake.

  • Yerba Mate


    Quality tea and has a wonderful aroma. But, unfortunately, I react badly to mate so can't sip this one. Lovely woodsy scent though! Wish I could drink it!

  • E.g. Moonlight Iced Tea


    Although I prefer my Earl as hot tea, this also cold brews very nicely. Even better with just a bit of fruity herbal added with it to amp things up a bit. Yum!

  • Matcha


    Matcha is just too grassy tasting for me. Since I don't like grassy teas at's just not a cuppa for me. Glad that others really like it though!

  • Ceylon Sonata Iced Tea


    I prefer this tea hot, but it does make a nice cup of iced tea as well. Nice brisk black tea flavor! Great with a bit of lemon!

  • Matcha Mocha


    Matcha just isn't my thing. And flavors don't seem to make it better for me. A no from me....but glad to see others really like it!

  • Darjeeling Sungma Summer Iced Tea


    Although I like this tea best as hot tea, it also cold brews quite nicely. Nice brewed by itself or with a favorite herbal thrown in. A lovely tea hot or cold.

  • Blood Orange Iced Tea


    I love this herbal tea from Adagio! Although I prefer it brewed hot, it does make a lovely cold brewed iced tea when brewed with a black or nice oolong. I don't cold brew this by itself because I like my tea to have at least a bit of caffeine. Lovely orange aroma and taste! Yum!

  • Cha Cha


    This tea smells lovely and I remember that it had a lovely herbal taste, but I found I was allergic to chamomile so no more cha cha for me. Bummer.

  • Gemini


    Too light for me. I prefer stronger teas, but nice fruity flavor. Lovely aroma as well. Nice cuppa despite being a bit light for my tastes.

  • White Ayurvedic Chai


    I'm not generally a big fan of white teas as they are just too light for me, but I enjoy this one. I prefer this hot rather than cold-brewed. it is lovely brewed by itself, or adds a nice spicy flavor to black or oolong teas when blended..

  • Yunnan Pu Erh White


    Not really a tea I drink by itself, but I love blending this into black or oolong teas to give the flavor a little different complexity. :)

  • Earl Grey Iced Tea


    I love Earl Grey, but I really don't like it iced. When I cold brew EG, I usually toss in some fruity herbal. Love Adagio's Earl! :) Prefer it hot though. :)

  • Mandarin Green


    I don't really care for this tea by itself, but it's lovely brewed with a black or oolong tea to mellow out the cup or paired with a fruity herbal.

  • Mango Green Iced Tea


    Not really one for me. I don't care for most green teas or mango teas. I do like this one hot when blended with a black or oolong tea.

  • Chamomile Iced Tea


    Nope from me. Turns out I'm allergic to chamomile, but before I found this out I tried iced and did not like it. For me chamomile tea tasted much better hot.

  • Raspberry Leaves


    A lovely addition when blending teas, but don't overbrew. It can become bitter if brewed too hot or for too long. I like the herbal flavor it imparts to black teas. :)

  • Masala Chai Iced Tea


    I prefer spiced teas hot rather than cold-brewed. But this was drinkable as iced tea. I like it better with a bit of fruity herbal added in the mix if cold brewing.

  • Watermelon Cooler Iced Tea


    This tea isn't my favorite by itself, but I really like this cold brewed with an oolong or black tea. one of the few teas I prefer cold-brewed. Hot watermelon flavor just isn't my thing :) Lovely iced!

  • Berry Creme Compote


    This fruity creamy herbal is so good!! Lovely hot or cold-brewed. I love blending this with black or oolong teas - so yummy!!

  • Purple Papayaberry Iced Tea


    The color is lovely, but I didn't care for this brewed by itself. Blended with a black or oolong it has more flavor. Not really my cuppa tea by itself.

  • Yunnan Noir Iced Tea


    I prefer Yunnan Noir hot, but it does make a very nice iced tea as well. Nice to blend with a fruit herbal or spiced tea when cold brewing as well.

  • Vanilla Iced Tea


    I prefer vanilla black tea hot, rather than cold brewed. But this is lovely brewed with a fruity herbal or another flavored tea.

  • Yunnan Jig Iced Tea


    I prefer this tea hot, but it's also very delicious cold-brewed. I like mixing with a fruity herbal when making iced tea. Yum!

  • Peach Oolong Iced Tea


    I really prefer this tea hot, but it's also good cold-brewed. Lovely oolong flavor with just enough peach taste and aroma to make it delicious. not too much, not too little. Yum!

  • Passionfruit


    Not one of my favorites. I don't mind this tea blended with other teas, but it lacks much fruit flavor. Not one I would buy, but nice blended with other teas when I do have some on hand.

  • Almond


    Lovely earthy nutty aroma and taste. Great hot or cold-brewed. I like to blend this one with other teas, especially chai, cinnamon or chocolate flavor base teas to add another layer of depth. Yum!

  • Apricot Green Iced Tea


    I don't really like green teas cold brewed. I don't mind this one brewed along with a stronger black flavored tea. Just a personal preference. The tea is high quality. Just not my fav by itself.

  • Jade Oolong Iced Tea


    I prefer Jade Oolong as hot tea, but it does cold-brew nicely as well. Such a mellow, relaxing flavor - I love it!

  • Green Rooibos Bonita Iced Tea


    I prefer this tea hot and blended with other teas to add a bit of citrus, but it is also lovely cold brewed, although I mostly combine this with other teas. Helps calm strong black teas and smooth out the taste. :)

  • Peppermint Iced Tea


    This tea is so good cold brewed or hot. Lovely scent and taste! Just a refreshing taste of peppermint. Love how the peppermint blends so well with the black tea....not too much, not too little. Just right.

  • Summer Night


    Lovely mix of flavors. Love how the fruit, spearmint and cream flavors all blend together. Love this hot, but I bet it is really good cold brewed as well

  • Ginger Peach


    Not my favorite flavor combination. I like ginger, and I like peach....just not together. Not my cup of tea.

  • Golden Monkey Iced Tea


    I love Golden Monkey tea -- hot or cold! A lovely plain black tea, and wonderful when brewed with a fruity herbal. Yum!

  • Spiced Mate


    Lovely, spicy and woodsy flavor. I wish I could still drink this tea, but I had to lay off mate. This one was one of my favs though! The spice blends so well with the flavor of mate.

  • Lemongrass Ginger


    Not really a favorite of mine. I love ginger and lemongrass, just not brewed together as a tea without something else in the mix. This blend is lovely when combined with a black or oolong to bring out new flavors...just not something I would sip by itself.

  • Citron Green Iced Tea


    I'm just not fond of iced green tea. I do like this brewed along with a black or oolong to give it a bit of citrus taste and to calm any bitterness. Works for cold-brew or hot.

  • Mango Mate


    For whatever reason, I just don't like mango flavored tea. I have yet to try one that I've liked. Also had to stop drinking mate as I found I'm really sensitive to it. So, not my cup of tea, but I'm sure mango tea lovers really like it!

  • Cupid’s Cup


    I love fruity herbals and hibiscus, so I really enjoy this tea!! I enjoy this brewed hot by itself, or mixed with a black, oolong or pu-erh. Adds a nice fruity taste to any tea!

  • White Peach Iced Tea


    A bit too light for me, but I love this tea blended with black or oolong teas to add a touch of fruity taste. Good cold brewed or hot.

  • Decaf Tropics


    This tea has a light sweetness and is great cold brewed or hot. I like blending this with vanilla oolong or a silver needle tea to smooth it out. yum!

  • Chocolate


    This tea is really good hot. It's not my favorite cold but that's mostly because I prefer chocolate note teas hot. The chocolate taste is light and doesn't overpower the tea. I love this one blended with a fruity tea like strawberry or blueberry.

  • Rooibos Vanilla Chai Iced Tea


    I don't really like rooibos cold brewed by itself, but this is lovely hot or cold-brewed blended with another tea like an Earl, a black vanilla or cinnamon, etc.

  • White Blueberry Iced Tea


    I prefer this tea blended with other teas to add a touch of blueberry flavor. Too light a taste by itself for me. Yummy cold-brewed or hot.

  • Citrus Mint Green Iced Tea


    Mint iced tea is wonderful, and I love this version that also has just a touch of citrus. Lovely cold brewed, and also very nice hot, too. Great blend of flavors.

  • Toasted Mate


    This mate has a nice roasty-toasty flavor. I liked it blended with other teas to add that flavor into the mix, especially spicy black teas. But, I found I have a sensitivity to mate, so don't sip this tea anymore.

  • Honeybush


    Excellent tea to blend with as it gives a nice earthy sweetness to whatever it's mixed with. I prefer hot, but it does also cold-brew well.

  • Spiced Apple Chai Iced Tea


    I prefer this tea hot, but it is very nice cold-brewed as well. Lovely mix of sweet fruit taste and spice. Smells wonderful too!

  • Lapsang Souchong Iced Tea


    I love Adagio's Lapsang, but I only drink it hot, not iced. Lovely smoky flavor...bit of pure stevia added...perfect! I like this blended with other teas as well especially sweet flavored black teas.

  • Hibiscus Black


    I enjoy hibiscus and just love teas with a bit of boldness to them. Very nice cold-brewed or hot. Wonderful to blend with. I love this cold brewed with a nice lovely fruit herbal like key lime or fruit medley. So good!! Lovely aroma and taste!

  • Rooibos Iced Tea


    Not a tea for me. I definitely prefer my rooibos hot. This isn't bad cold brewed when mixed with other teas. But I don't care for it just by itself.

  • Vanilla Honeybush


    Lovely blending of the sweetness of honeybush and vanilla flavor. This is a wonderful tea by itself or blended with other teas. Yum!

  • Rooibos Vanilla Iced Tea


    I'm not really fond of rooibos iced tea. Mixed with other teas I don't mind it. But cold brewed by itself...I just don't really care for it.

  • Pu Erh Hazelberry Iced Tea


    I prefer this pu'erh hot, but it's also very nice cold-brewed. Lovely pu'erh earthy flavor enhanced by fruity nuances. Wonderful tea!

  • Irish Breakfast Iced Tea


    Adagio's Irish Breakfast tea is lovely cold-brewed and hot. Always a nice bold black tea flavor. Nice brewed with a fruit herbal, or plain. one of my favorites!

  • Libra


    Not overly floral. Nice blend of strawberry, chocolate with a bit of rose. The flavors blend nicely and the aroma is so nice! Lovely tea!

  • Blue Mango Iced Tea


    I loved the color of this iced tea, but I really didn't like the flavor. It came out too weak for my taste. I think it would be nice brewed with another tea, like maybe a fruity black or an oolong.

  • Cream Iced Tea


    I like this cold-brewed blended with other teas like a fruity herbal or a plain black or oolong. Not really a tea I sip by itself. Nice hot as well.

  • Peach Bellini Iced Tea


    I love cold brewing this mixed with a fruity black tea like strawberry or blueberry just to add another level of flavor. The peach is light, not overpowering. Great hot too! Lovely Tea!

  • Pomegranate Grove


    Yum! I love the spicy fruitiness of this tea. I prefer it hot, but I'm sure it's wonderful cold-brewed as well. Great tea to blend with -- love mixing with black teas or oolongs.

  • Leo


    This tea smells divine, but unfortunately I can only enjoy the aroma. I can't drink teas with chamomile due to allergies.

  • Coconut Iced Tea


    I really prefer coconut flavored tea brewed hot rather than iced, but this was very good. The coconut flavor is light and blends nicely with the black tea.

  • Lavender Flower


    I love including this in adds such a lovely fragrance and taste to tea! it also makes the loose tea very pretty, and I think that adds nicely to the experience.

  • 40 Winks


    This tea tastes wonderful, but I can't drink it anymore. Discovered I have an allergy to chamomile so have to avoid this one now. But I will say it is a very relaxing blend.

  • Hunan Gold


    A light tea with a touch of sweetness. Not the usual bolder tastes I usually go for, but this was a very enjoyable cup of tea! Smooth, light and relaxing!

  • Peach Iced Tea


    Adagio's peach tea is wonderful iced and hot as well! it's just an all around wonderful flavored black tea! A staple in my tea stash!

  • Honeybush Orange


    The orange flavor is light and not overbearing. Blends so nicely with the sweetness of the honeybush. I prefer this hot, but I'm sure it's lovely cold-brewed as well. Yum!

  • Pu erh dante


    Lovely dark, earthy pu'erh tea. A staple in my tea stash. So rich and mellow....I prefer it hot, but I bet it would be delicious cold-brewed as well!

  • Pisces


    Quality tea and the loose tea smells amazing! I love the scent of lemongrass! But this contains chamomile and I'm allergic to this is not a tea i can sip.

  • Assam Melody Iced Tea


    I love assam melody as a hot tea or cold-brewed -- delicious black tea! one of my favorites. Always a staple in my tea stash!

  • English Breakfast Iced Tea


    I love this tea iced and hot. Just a lovely, all around awesome black tea. Great for blending, or just sipping plain when you just want tea and nothing else added. Vibrant, bold taste. One of my favorites!

  • Sagittarius


    A nice earl grey blend with a bit of berry sweetness added. I sipped mine hot, but I bet this would be delicious cold brewed as well! yum!

  • Decaf Raspberry


    So good! This is such a good tea with a nice blending of bold black tea and fruity taste. Nice hot or cold brewed. makes a nice latte as well. yum!

  • Darjeeling Sungma Summer


    Lovely black tea -- smooth flavor with just a hint of sweetness. Lovely hot, and I imagine it would make quite a nice iced tea as well! So good!

  • Fujian Jasmine Pearl


    I love teas that unfurl! And I love the scent and flavor of jasmine teas. This tea has both those things, so I really enjoy it!! Lovely flavor, and you can get multiple steeps. Lovely Tea!

  • Bonfire


    I love love love love this spicy, sweet, smoky tea blend!! The flavors all blend together so well and just make a lovely cuppa tea! I like bolder teas, so this one is right up my alley! Perfect!

  • Lemongrass


    I love the taste of lemongrass in cooking and in tea. I like adding this to black teas to add a lemony zing to it. Great hot or cold brewed.

  • Year of the Rabbit


    not a tea for me. Allergic to chamomile and just not a fan of green teas. Does appear to be a nicely balanced blend. Just not my cup of tea.

  • Hsinchu Oriental Beauty


    I love mineral, earthy oolongs, and this one is one of the best I have ever tasted!! So smooth and good -- just a completely lovely tea!! yum!!

  • Capricorn


    Love the coconut and vanilla vibes of this tea, but I could do without the rose petals. I usually pick out as many of them as I can before brewing. Nice cup of tea!

  • Thai Chai Iced Tea


    I prefer this tea hot, but got adventurous and tried it cold-brewed. It is delicious! Highly recommend! The spices blend together so well. Yum!

  • Berry Blast Iced Tea


    Berry Blast is SO good! I enjoy this tea cold-brewed, and also hot. Also nice for blending to add a nice fruity taste to other teas. Yum!

  • Taurus


    This tea smells amazing!! It tastes good too, but a little too light for my taste. I enjoyed my cup....lovely light tea with fruity notes. Yum!

  • Black cherry


    I would like this tea better without the rose petals, but a tasty cherry flavored black tea. I usually blend with vanilla. Tasty tea!

  • Mocha Nut Mate


    This tea has such a lovely aroma and sweet nutty/chocolatey taste. Nice caffeine punch to it too. But, alas, I discovered an allergy to mate and can't sip this one anymore. It's great though!!

  • Fujian Ti Kuan Yin


    I'm not normally a big fan of green teas, but this one surprised me! I love it when I find a green tea that I like! No grassy taste, just lightly herbal. Relaxing and lovely cup of tea!

  • Passionfruit Tango Iced Tea


    A bit too sweet for me cold-brewed by itself, but I love to cold brew this with some black tea thrown in with it. Yum!

  • Darjeeling Spring Tip


    I'm normally more of a classic black or oolong tea fan, but this tea is wonderful! Lighter flavor than my usual go-to teas, but I really enjoy this one!

  • Jin Kong Que


    Very smooth roasty and toasty flavor. Relaxing and just very enjoyable cup of tea. I prefer this one hot, but the taste would be suitable for cold-brewing I'm sure. Lovely Tea!

  • Formosa Red Oolong


    This tea is sooo good! Lovely mix of malt, raisin, mineral flavors. I prefer this tea hot, but I imagine it would be tasty cold brewed as well. Awesome tea!

  • Matcha Cinnamon Apple


    I'm finding that I really don't like matcha. Giving it my best shot as I received several kinds from a friend, but not my fav. For me the cinnamon apple flavor didn't pair well with the matcha flavor.

  • Pouchong


    Definitely a greener side of oolong due to the light oxidation. Makes a light, sweet, herbal cup of tea. A bit too light for me, but nice to blend with other teas.

  • Chamomile


    Wonderful herbal to help with relaxation, sleep, and calmness. Wonderful taste. Just enjoyable. But, discovered I have an allergy so can't sip this one anymore. I miss it!

  • Scorpio


    The flavors of rooibos, chocolate and fruit blend nicely in this tea. I prefer rooibos as hot tea, but I imagine this blend would taste nice cold brewed as well. Nicely done, and the tin art is great!

  • Cancer


    This blend is so good. But, I have discovered I have an allergy to chamomile and can't sip this tea anymore. But, I did enjoy it before I knew -- nice blend of flavors, pleasant aroma. Great blend!

  • Mango Melange


    I'm not usually a big fan of mango in tea. I'm not sure why. It might be because it's just too sweet and I prefer more tart flavors? This herbal is ok. The flavor seems more generic fruity rather than mango flavored. I think the mango is overpowered by the hibiscus in this one. Great cold-brewed.

  • Matcha Peach


    Lovely aroma when I opened the container. The peach flavor is very nice -- smells wonderful and the taste was light not over powering. But I'm learning that matcha just isn't my thing. Not something I would buy for myself.

  • Dreamberry


    I love this mix of earthy rooibos, tangy and sweet flavors! I like this hot, but I imagine it tastes great cold-brewed as well. Excellent when brewed with other teas. I love a bit of Dreamberry brewed with my fav black breakfast tea to add a new complex flavor.

  • Cat Scratch


    This a lovely sweet and slightly spicy Halloween blend. Love this one hot, but I imagine it is really lovely cold-brewed as well. Love it!

  • Pumpkin Potion


    This tea has been reformulated for 2023. Lovely blend of spices, cocoa nibs, honeybush and rooibos. Very tasty!! Great tea for a cool fall evening, or anytime!

  • Candy Apple Concoction


    I love the Halloween blends from Adagio! The fall season wouldn't be the same without them! This tea is just the right mix of apple and sweet flavors -- very yummy brewed hot on a cold October night or anytime!

  • Bat Brew


    The Wicked Teas collection has been reformulated, and I bought a tin of the new version of Bat Brew this year. So good! The flavors -- spice, chocolate, black tea and chicory -- blend together so well! Makes a wonderful latte! Yum!!

  • Ghoul Gulp


    This tea has been reformulated with decaf vanilla and mint now. Very tasty. Definitely a relaxing and enjoyable treat that can be enjoyed anytime since it's without caffeine!

  • White Chocolate Peppermint


    Delicious mix of the woodsy flavor of rooibos and honeybush, white chocolate sweetness and mint. I love this one hot. So good!

  • Peach Serenity


    This tea smells so good and is wonderfully relaxing. Great hot or cold brewed. However, I can no longer enjoy this one due to the chamomile. Highly recommend it to those who do enjoy chamomile however. makes a nice cup of tea and blends well with other teas.

  • Strawberry Tea


    This is one of my favorite fruity black teas. The strawberry flavor blends so well with the black tea....and it's not too much or too little. Just the right amount of strawberry flavor. Great hot or cold-brewed.

  • Samurai Mate


    This tea is a lovely blend of sweetness and spice. Great quality ingredients. Unfortunately I developed a sensitivity to mate, so I can't sip this tea any longer. But those who love mate -- this tea is excellent!!!

  • Matcha Chocolate


    I was gifted this tea by a family member as they know I love to try new teas. I'm still learning how to prepare matcha properly, but this blend of matcha and chocolate keeps the herbal qualities of matcha intact while adding just a bit of chocolate taste. I enjoyed it!

  • Great Expectations


    This is a wonderful herbal/minty tea that is great for relaxation. I can't testify to its easing of pregnancy symptoms, but I can attest to its being a wonderful tea to sip after a stressful day. Very enjoyable!

  • Mamma Mia


    Lovely blend of herbs and makes a delicious cuppa wellness tea. Not one I would sip on a daily basis, but looking at the ingredients I'm sure it serves its purpose to help nursing mamas. I can no longer sip this tea as I discovered I have an allergy to chamomile, but I definitely turn to other Adagio wellness teas when I need an herbal soother. Great quality ingredients and blended with care!

  • Moringa


    I like the sweet, herbal flavor moringa adds to tea. It pairs well with just about any tea. I brew a lot of plain black teas and love them, but I enjoy the complex flavor it adds to add moringa....tones down the black tea a bit and adds a nice herbal nuance. And I swear by moringa as a anti-inflammatory. When my hip and back start flaring up, I know to add this herb to my tea! :)

  • Red Tent


    I tried this tea for inflammation, not its main intended use. Nice taste and it seemed to help. But then I discovered I'm allergic to chamomile so I can't drink this tea anymore. But I do highly recommend it for easing inflammation symptoms/issues.

  • Jump Start


    I tried this tea and loved it -- wonderful taste and aroma, plus really wakes you up! But then I discovered over time that my body really doesn't love I can't have this one anymore. Wish I could! It's awesome!

  • Daydream


    I love the fact there is a relaxation tea that doesn't contain chamomile -- I'm allergic. I like brewing this tea hot by itself....or brewing half and half with a decaf black tea. Very enjoyable! Very relaxing!

  • Tea-tox


    I keep a tin of this tea in my stash at all times. It's wonderful for stomach upsets, digestive issues, or days when I'm just tired.....or when I just want to relax with a herbal/minty cup of rejuvenating tea. If I need a bit of a caffeine kick or want more basic tea flavor I throw in a bit of black tea with a sweet nuance like chestnut, caramel or butterscotch to sweeten the cup. It's lovely!

  • Green Dragon Pearls


    I love to watch this tea brew! It unfurls beautifully. The taste is sweet with a slightly nut-like flavor, a bit woodsy with a green slant to it. Very nice. A bit lighter than I prefer, but a very nice cup of tea.

  • Dragonwell


    I don't normally really like green teas, but this is one I do like. Light, sweet taste with a grain-like nuance. Really good!!

  • White Darjeeling


    A lovely tea, but just a bit too light for me. I like blending this tea with other teas (like black teas) to lighten the taste a bit and add a more complex taste.

  • Fujian Silver Needle


    I'm not really that big of a white tea fan because the flavors are just so light. But, I love this tea blended with other teas -- especially mint teas -- to add a big of lightness/brightness to the taste. Nice blended with black teas as well to cut down any bitterness. :)

  • White Peony


    Very smooth, light taste. Brews up a pretty golden color. Too light to be my cup of tea, but I'm sure white tea lovers really enjoy this one!

  • White Symphony


    White teas are really too light for me, but I love adding this one to black or oolong teas to add a bit of sweetness and complexity to the taste. Gets rid of any bitterness from black teas. Lovely to blend with!!

  • Throat Therapy


    This tea is just perfect when I have a cold/sore throate. Very soothing and relaxing. I always keep it on hand!! I prefer it hot, but I imagine it would taste good cold as well.

  • Coconut


    I enjoy coconut, so this tea is wonderfully enjoyable and relaxing for me. It's great by itself with just a bit of stevia or as a base for a blend or latte. I love this one hot and blended with a chai -- yum!

  • Black Forest Cake


    yum! This tea is definitely chocolate forward, but the cherry comes through in the background. The sweet flavors blend nicely with the black tea. Nice mix of flavors! Makes an excellent latte!

  • Decaf Chai


    Yum! I love chai, and it's wonderful to have a decaf version of Adagio's chai! I can sip this tea any time without worrying about caffeine. Love it!

  • Rooibos Vanilla


    Lovely blend of vanilla flavor and the woodsy taste of rooibos. I love this as a latte with just a bit of oat milk, cinnamon and stevia. yum! Makes a nice base for tea blends as well.

  • Almond Cardamom Cake


    It is so lovely to have a wonderfully aromatic and tasty spiced tea that is also caffeine free! The woodsy warm taste of rooibos blends perfectly with the caradmom and other spices in this blend. I love this tea hot! Yum!!

  • Vanilla


    This tea is excellent brewed by itself, or a great base tea for a blend. The vanilla flavor doesn't overpower the black tea, but blends with it. I really like this tea brewed with the Cream black tea from Adagio -- so good!!

  • Decaf Chocolate Truffle


    Lovely decaf version of this chocolately tea. The chocolate flavor is definitely there, adding a sweet touch to this tea....but it doesn't over power the black tea flavors. Blends together nicely! And I love that it is now available in decaf!! I can sip whenever I want!

  • Rooibos Nutcracker


    I love this seasonal tea! The blending of earthy rooibos with caramel and chocolate flavors is just really wonderful! I prefer this blend hot, with just a touch of cream and stevia added. Yum!!

  • Rooibos Cocomint


    Yum! This tea is so good! I love it as hot tea -- just the right blend of woodsy rooibos with choco-mint flavor! Soothing, relaxing and just tasty!

  • Rooibos Peach


    Not my favorite flavored rooibos when brewed by itself, but blends well with other teas. I like this one blended and brewed with black tea. It gives that rooibos woodsy taste plus a touch of peach flavor to any tea it's brewed with.

  • Rooibos Almond


    The taste and aroma of almonds blends perfectly with the woodsy flavor of rooibos. I prefer this tea hot, and it's heavenly as a latte or blended with other teas, like a black vanilla or cinnamon based flavored tea. Yum!

  • Rooibos Lemon Cloud


    Lovely light lemon taste. The lemon flavors blend so well with the rooibos. I prefer this tea hot with just a splash of creamer and stevia - so good! Blends well with earl grey teas to add a bit different flavor. Yum!

  • Rooibos Caramel


    A red rooibos with a sweet caramel flavor. I love how the woodsy taste of the rooibos blends so well with the caramel sweetness. I prefer this tea hot with a bit of creamer and stevia added to bring out the sweetness even more. Yum!

  • Rooibos Cinnamon Apple


    Some flavors combine really well with rooibos and some don't for me....but cinnamon definitely works! This tea is just lovely -- I prefer it hot with just a touch of stevia. The aroma is wonderful the the taste is incredibly relaxing. Love it!

  • Skinny Tea


    Great tea for when my gut needs a little bit of assistance to work correctly. The taste is sort of like maple and raisin mixed with oolong's a bit medicinal but not overly so. I tend to blend this tea with something else as I have to use only a small amount. Great tea for when I'm not feeling well.

  • Ali Shan Special


    This tea is so smooth....sipping it is so relaxing and just enjoyable. The taste is herbal and sweet....not grassy....just green tasting if that makes sense. :) I like this one brewed as hot tea. Just a lovely cup of tea!

  • mindful mint chai


    I wasn't sure at first how I would like chai spice with mint, but turns out I love it! The mint is definitely the stronger flavor component, but the combination is lovely! Great aroma -- relaxing and sweet. And the taste is sublime!

  • Rooibos Vanilla Chai


    I love vanilla and cloves -- so I really like this tea. It is glorious as a latte! I add in a bit of stevia and a bit of Nutpods creamer -- lovely! This tea is also wonderful hot and cold-brewed. I like it blended with other teas such a plain black, oolong or Pu'erh. It's wonderful with just a bit of vanilla or almond oolong mixed in to give it that added smoothness. Yum!

  • Spiced Apple Chai


    This tea was mostly cinnamon forward for me, but I could taste the apple more as it cooled. A lighter chai -- very tasty! Excellent cold-brewed, but very nice hot as well! Smells divine!

  • Honeybush Vanilla


    Lovely, sweet, relaxing tea. Great to blend with other teas as well. I like this one hot or cold-brewed. Very mellow and comforting!

  • Anhui Keemun


    This is one of my all time favorite black teas. So smooth and flavorful. I like this tea hot or cold-brewed. It's great plain, or with just a bit of sweetner (I use stevia) added. Lovely Tea!

  • Spring Darjeeling


    I love sipping this one hot and plain. A bit herbal, a bit mineral, just a note of hay or grassiness. It's smooth and just lovely. Doesn't need a thing added. makes a great cuppa tea.

  • Darjeeling Puttabong Summer


    I love the earthy sweetness of this tea! Smooth and just lovely! I like this tea hot or cold-brewed. Great plain with nothing added or with a bit of stevia. Blends well with herbals or other tea.

  • Mambo


    I love x 10 this tea!! Wonderful combo of the malty sweet flavor of Yunnan with the mineral/earthy goodness of Wuyi. One of my absolutely favorite teas!! Wonderful hot or cold, and blends nicely with other teas. Multiple steeps as well. Love it!!!!

  • Cream


    When this tea first came out, I really didn't like it. But now that I'm better at brewing black teas correctly, I enjoy the subtle sweetness of this tea, and I love blending it with other teas to add just that touch of creamy sweetness. Nice hot or cold brewed. :)

  • Hibiscus


    I love this tea! The hibiscus and black tea flavors blend together so nicely! I like this hot and cold-brewed. I also like blending with it -- adding a fruity herbal or even a chocolate based black tea. Yum!!

  • Conga


    Lovely tropical flavored black tea. The aroma is wonderful and the taste is great! The fruity flavors blend well with the black tea, neither overpowering the other. Just the right amount of fruity/coconut flavor -- not too much, not too little. Yum!

  • Forest Berries


    Lovely blend of black tea and the tangy taste of berries. I love the aroma of this tea, and the taste is equally as nice! Great hot or cold-brewed. I like throwing in a bit of fruit medley herbal to up the fruity taste when cold-brewing. The flavors blend together nicely. Yum!

  • Passionfruit Tango


    Nice fruity flavor, but a bit on the sweet side for me. Nice for blending, but I really don't sip this tea by itself. Lovely brewed with a nice black tea or oolong to add some fruity goodness. :)

  • Oriental Spice


    I love the aroma and taste of this spiced tea. Warm spices with a hint of orange -- lovely! I enjoy this tea hot or cold-brewed. The black tea and spice flavors blend together so nicely. Lovely tea!

  • Valentines


    Lovely mix of chocolate, strawberry and black tea flavors. The aroma is wonderful and tastes great hot or cold brewed. The flavors blend together so nicely!

  • Mango


    I don't really care too much for mango flavored teas. For me most of the time they are just too sweet. This one, however, is better than most. Love it with just a bit of lemon added to cut down the sweet taste. Nice hot or cold brewed.

  • Lemon Soleil


    I love the light lemony taste of this tea! The flavor compliments the black tea base perfectly. I usually add in some lemon verbena or a slice of fresh lemon to really make it pop, but it's awesome plain as well. Nice hot or cold. With a bit of stevia, or with nothing added. Just a nice all around tea!

  • Thai Tea


    I love coconut, so this tea is one of my favorites. Lovely black tea base with a splash of cpice, fruit and coconut. I like this hot or cold brewed. :) Yum!!

  • Fujian Orchid


    light and lovely oolong. I enjoy mixing this tea with a bit of fruity herbal. A bit sweet with just a touch of earthy spring like herbal taste. Very enjoyable!

  • Grapefruit Oolong


    I remember being surprised when I tried this tea for the first time that I liked it so much! Grapefruit tea sounded a bit weird -- but it's delightful!!! I love this tea! Awesome cold or hot.

  • Dancong Aria


    I love this tea! The flavor for me is a mix of mineral and malt with a sweetness like almond and caramel. And it gets more complex and sweeter with resteeps. Awesome tea!

  • Ti Kuan Yin


    Brewed tea definitely has a light floral scent with a light vegetal quality. Not grassy just lightly herbal. Unfurls beautifully while brewing. Taste is floral with just a hint of sweetness. Really good!!

  • Ali Shan


    I knew i would love this tea before I ever brewed it. Love brewing teas that unfurl! Excellent aroma and taste. Love this tea! A bit lighter than the usual teas I drink...but I really like this one.

  • White Pear


    Not a bad tea -- lightly sweet, although I did not really get a pear taste from this. I'm not really a white tea fan as I prefer bolder teas, but this was very good.

  • White Grapefruit


    I love grapefruit oolong and black grapefruit from Adagio, and this one is also good. But, it's a bit too light a taste for me. I prefer my tea a bit bolder, so don't gravitate to white teas very much.

  • White Tangerine


    White teas are just too light for me. This tea has a wonderful aroma, but I prefer to brew this in a blend with a black or oolong tea. Gives it that fruity kick and smooths out the cup.

  • White Fuzzy Navel


    A bit too light for my taste, but still has a very nice aroma and tasty light peach flavor. I enjoy this cold-brewed and hot. Blends well with other teas to add a light peach nuance.

  • White Peach


    A bit too light for me, as I prefer bolder black, oolongs and pu'erh teas. But, this white tea smells wonderful and tastes even better. Nice cold brewed and hot.

  • Silver Needle


    Normally white teas are just too light for me, but I enjoy this one. Just a nice, light, sweet cup of tea. I also like blending silver needle with black teas or oolongs to calm / sweeten them a bit. :)

  • Cocomint Green


    I'm just not big on green teas. They are too light for me. But I have learned that they are awesome to blend with! I love mixing this tea in with black or oolong teas to soften the brew -- especially yummy when mixed with Adagio's Thai Tea to add a bit of mint/chocolate essense to the fruit/coconut flavors. Yum! :)

  • Calypso Green


    I'm not a big green tea fan. The taste is just too light for me. But I love tropical/coconut teas, so that evened it out a bit for me. Lovely aroma and a sweet/light coconut taste. I prefer this tea blended with other teas rather than by itself, but a very nice tea

  • Spiced Green


    Too light for me. Smells wonderful but once brewed there just isn't much spice flavor. I'm really just not much of a green tea fan. I prefer stronger black, oolong and pu'erh teas. So this one just isn't my cup of tea. A quality tea, just not my personal taste.

  • Pi Lo Chun


    I'm not usually big on green tea. I prefer stronger black, oolong or pu'erh teas. But, this green tea is very very good. Not grassy, just sweetly herbal with a bit of an earthy nuance. Yum!

  • Wenshan Mist Green


    I normally gravitate to stronger black or oolong teas, but th is is a green tea that I like. It has a smooth fruity/hay/melon flavor. not grassy. Just lightly and naturally sweet. Very good!

  • Ginseng Green


    Not a big fan of green tea or ginseng. It's good quality tea, just not my personal preference. Definitely not my cuppa tea.

  • Raspberry Green


    I'm not much of a green tea fan, and this tea was pretty much a miss for me. The tea is a bit too grassy for me and the raspberry taste is just to light for my tastes. I'm sure green tea lovers really like this one though! just not my cuppa tea.

  • White Monkey


    I'm not usually very fond of teas that have a grassy/vegetal taste, but this one is light enough that I really like it. Nice cuppa tea!

  • Apricot Green


    Smells lovely and it's definitely a pretty tea. But it's really too light a taste for me. I prefer the apricot black. But, I can tell this tea would be one that green tea lovers would enjoy! Just not my cuppa tea.

  • Matcha Genmaicha


    I like the toasty aroma and flavor but matcha is just a bit too grassy tasting for me. I imagine that green tea lovers will absolutely adore this tea....but it's just not a good match for me.

  • Jade Snail


    I'm not a huge green tea fan, but there are a few I really like. This tea needs to be brewed carefully...don't over brew and it yields a slightly sweet, earthy, light cup of green tea. Brew at too high a temp or for too long, and the taste just goes south quickly. I like blending this tea half and half with jasmine phoenix pearls. So good!

  • Pomegranate Green


    This tea is ok....too light a taste for me, but a nice blend of fruity flavor and green tea. I prefer pomegranate black tea though. Green tea fans will love this one!

  • Vanilla Green


    I prefer stronger teas, but this vanilla green is very good. Nice light vanilla flavor. A nice base for blends. Good hot and cold.

  • White Tropics


    I'm not really a white tea fan. I like my teas much more strong and bold. However, this tea is lovely hot and cold brewed. It's lighter than my favorites, but still very good. And a lovely fruity aroma!

  • Jasmine Chun Hao


    As I have gotten more skilled at brewing different teas I have come to love jasmine tea. I'm not big on green tea most of the time, but this one is lovely! Light and bright jasmine flavor and aroma. Love it!

  • Sencha Overture


    Not really a tea for me. I'm not really a fan of grassy green teas. Always feel like I'm drinking the water after steaming broccoli. Great tea for those who really enjoy vegetal green teas though!

  • Mango Green


    The light sweet flavor of mango blends nicely with the green tea. I'm not big on green tea, but this was a nice cup of tea.

  • Honeybush Mango


    A lovely sweet honeybush blend with just a touch of mango flavor. Nice hot or cold brewed. I like a bit of this tea mixed in with a plain black or oolong to give it just a touch of mellow sweetness. :)

  • Melonberry Green


    I'm not big on green teas. This one is very good cold brewed. I add in a bit of extra fruit as I like a bolder taste, but a very nice tea. I'm not big on this one hot, but that's only because I'm not really a green tea fan.

  • Happy Belly


    This tea does what it is meant to do....comforts an angry tummy or provides natural relief of constipation or other issues. The taste isn't bad -- I was surprised! I frequently have stomach issues due to previous gut surgery and this tea helps when I have issues from it. Staple in my tea stash!!

  • Decaf Orange


    i love having an orange flavored black tea that is decaf!! Great hot or cold brewed. Love cold brewing this with a fruity herbal. Yum!!

  • Jasmine Silver Needle


    A lighter jasmine tea. Smells wonderful and tastes even better! Wonderful way to add a light jasmine finish to any tea. I even pair with black teas...softens them a bit and makes the flavor more complex. Lovely!!

  • Cream Tea


    Nice blended with other teas, but also good by itself. Great base for lattes. I love this tea blended with a cinnamon tea -- so good! Also wonderful plain when I want a black tea with just a bit of light sweetness.

  • Gyokuro


    I love the smell of this tea, but I don't like it brewed by itself. I brew this one mixed with hojicha and it's a better flavor for me. Alone, this tea is way to grassy/vegetal for me.

  • Sencha Premier


    Not a tea for me. I love the beautiful color and the loose tea smells wonderful, but I'm not a big fan of grassy/herbal tasting green teas. I can tell that for green tea fans this would be a huge favorite!

  • Papaya Pouchong


    Not much papaya flavor from this tea. The pouchong overpowers it, and the herbacious taste to this tea is not really my cup of tea. My taste buds just seem to not gravitate to pouchong.

  • Rooibos Earl Grey


    I love Earl Grey. But mixing EG with red Rooibos is not my favorite flavor blend. I think the woodsy/slightly medicinal and very distinctive taste of red rooibos over powers the EG classic bergamot flavor. I prefer my EG with a black tea base.

  • Rooibos Mango


    I wasn't sure I would enjoy this flavored rooibos as i don't really like mango flavored black teas. But, this sweet flavor of mango really works well with the rooibos. I'm picky about what red rooibos I enjoy....and this one is really good!

  • Honeybush Wild Berry


    Love honebush and berries but too rose forward for me. The taste and aroma of rose overtakes the light berry taste. Not a tea for me as I don't like rose in my tea. Would be a lovely blend for someone who does though!

  • Jade Oolong


    I like the smooth light taste of this oolong. Slightly sweet with just a bit of mineral nuance. Nice smooth cup of tea. I really enjoy this one when I want to relax.

  • Citrus Mint Green


    Not really my type of tea. I like mint and lemongrass, but I'm not really a green tea fan. The aroma is lovely, but just not my cup of tea. I prefer stronger tea. Green is just too light for me.

  • Genmai Cha


    I like the popcorn-ish scent and taste of this tea, but the green tea portion is a bit too vegetal/grassy for me. I usually mix this with just a bit of another tea like an oolong, which makes the end result more enjoyable for me.

  • Vanilla Oolong


    Lovely vanilla aroma and taste. Nice base tea for lattes or blending. Very enjoyable cup of tea. The vanilla complements the oolong tea without overpowering it. yum!

  • Pina Colada


    I love, love, love this herbal tea! It's awesome cold-brewed, but i also like adding it to a plain black or oolong tea to enjoy hot. Lovely blend of fruit and coconut. Yum!!

  • Black Dragon Pearls


    Lovely rich dark tea, plus wonderful to watch the pearls unfurl as they steep. Lovely plain and hot, or as a latte. Just a wonderful, tasty, dark tea. So good! Worth the price!

  • Decaf Ceylon


    I love love love love the fact that there is a decaf version of this tea so I can enjoy the goodness of a cuppa plain black tea anytime I want! This tea is excellent hot or cold brewed. A staple in my tea stash!

  • Kentucky Bourbon


    This tea caught me by surprise the first time I tried it! Lovely blend of flavors! Makes a wonderful latte!! One of my favorite flavored teas!

  • Rooibos Orange


    I generally don't really mind red rooibos but this is not my favorite flavor. For me, this rooibos is best blended with another tea. I add to Thai chai or lemon soliel.

  • Summer Rose


    Just not my cup of tea. I don't care for rose in tea, and this one really packs a lot of rose aroma and taste. Awesome for those who enjoy rose tea, but just not my cup of tea. High quality ingredients....just not my personal taste.

  • Dragon Fruit Dream


    Sweet fruity herbal blend. Love to brew this added to black or oolong tea. Great hot or cold brewed. Lovely tea!

  • Coconut Grove Pouchong


    Love coconut, but I'm not a big fan of green tea. Nice aroma but the taste is a bit too weak for me...bit too grassy. Drinkable, but not a favorite of mine.

  • Berry Blast


    This fruity herbal is so good! I love this hot, cold-brewed, and blended with other teas! Lovely berry aroma and taste! Best pitcher of iced tea when brewed with a black tea in an infuser pitcher, IMHO. :) Yummy!

  • Green Rooibos


    Sweet and lovely addition to fruity teas. I love the aroma and taste of green rooibos. Wonderful in fruity or sweet blends. Definitely a favorite.

  • Citron Green


    I'm not a big fan of green tea. I prefer a bolder, in your face sort of tea most of the time. But, this light citrus-y green tea is very good! Has a nice aroma, light fruity taste. Very nice!

  • Campfire S'Mores


    Love the blend of black tea, lapsang and chocolately sweetness. A bold tea, but delicious. Makes an excellent tea latte, or hot with just a bit of stevia or other sweetner added. Just the right amount of smoky to make this perfect. Love it!

  • Kukicha


    Not a tea for me. Definitely quality tea, but I'm not a big green tea fan especially grassy green teas. Leaving this one for those who love green tea.

  • White Chai


    I'm not usually that fond of white teas because I prefer a stronger taste, but I have found I like white tea chais. The spice makes all the difference! This one is lovely hot or cold. The aroma is wonderful as well!

  • Thai Chai


    I love the addition of coconut and lemongrass to traditional chai spices and black tea! Lovely hot or cold-brewed. The coconut flavors really come out. Lovely chai!!!

  • Masala Chai


    Lovely chai tea! I prefer this one hot, but it is also good cold. Nice blend of cinnamon and ginger flavor. one of my favorite chai teas. The aroma is wonderful!!

  • Rooibos


    Nice earthy notes. I l ike red rooibos, but I prefer it in blends rather than by itself. Really good with chai spices, or fruit flavors.

  • Earl Grey Green


    I'm not really a fan of green tea. Too light. But, this version of earl is good. I dress it up with a splash of oat milk creamer to bring out the flavors a bit. I still prefer black tea based earl, but this is good.

  • Cherry Green


    I would enjoy this tea more if it didn't have rose petals in it. But, it makes a nice cup of iced tea. Don't care for this one hot. Not a favorite, but it's good.

  • Elderberry Wine


    I love fruity herbals. Elderberry Wine is so good! I like it hot and cold-brewed. Fun herbal to blend as well! So tasty!

  • Golden Flower


    I am not a fan of floral or floral-tasting teas. But....this one has light nuances of floral and just a light creamy sweetness. Love it! This tea is a staple in my tea stash.

  • Lychee Rose Green


    I love most Adagio teas, but I don't like lychee or rose in tea. So this one is just not for me. I have seen many rave reviews from those who enjoy rose in tea though!

  • Rooibos Jasmine


    One of the very few Adagio teas I don't like. Very little jasmine taste for me.....and what jasmine flavor there is does not blend well with red rooibos. Not a tea for me.

  • Green Rooibos Citron


    This tea has such a delightful fruity fragrance and taste. Very enjoyable! I drink most of my tea hot year-around and was happy this tea tastes really great hot, but it's also good cold-brewed. Versatile and refreshing green rooibos blend!

  • Green Rooibos Key West


    Lovely fruit green rooibos blend. Great hot or cold-brewed. Nice aroma and taste...refreshingly sweet and fruity!

  • Sleeping Dragon


    I'm not really a green tea fan at all -- but this is one I love! It unfurls so beautifully while brewing, and the taste is toasty, light and wonderful. Not grassy....sweet herbal. Love it!

  • Sour Apple


    This herbal is definitely hibiscus forward, but I love the tartness of hibiscus! Lovely apple taste. I like this one hot, but it's also good cold-brewed. Yummy!

  • English Breakfast


    I love this glorious plain black tea -- wonderful start to the day or at anytime!! Great with a bit of milk/creamer, or without. Definitely a staple in my tea stash!

  • Autumn Mist Green


    The earthy smokiness of gunpowder blends so nicely with the spice and sweetness of this tea! Caramel, creme, cinnamon -- so good!! Lovely aroma and wonderful taste. So nice on a cool, rainy fall day! Or anytime!

  • Watermelon Cooler


    I don't usually enjoy watermelon flavored things...except for actual watermelon :) But....this tea was a pleasant surprise! Very tasty! Cold brews like a dream! Also good hot, which was another surprise for me! Yum!

  • Decaf Vanilla


    Lovely vanilla taste. This is wonderful hot or cold-brewed. Lovely in blends as well to add some vanilla sweetness to any tea!

  • Honeybush Apricot


    Lovely blend of sweet honeybush and apricot. I like this tea hot or cold-brewed with a slice of lemon. Very refreshing and relaxing!

  • Decaf Spice


    Just as tasty as the full caffeine version! I love being able to have a spiced tea anytime I want to without having to worry about caffeine. Lovely hot or cold-brewed.

  • Decaf Peach


    I love Adagio's fruity decaf black teas, including decaf peach. I love being able to drink a nice cuppa peach tea anytime I want without worrying about the caffeine keeping me awake. Lovely, light peach taste. Great hot or cold-brewed.

  • Blueberry


    Such a good fruity black tea! Wonderful hot or cold-brewed. Makes a really great latte as well!! The decaf version from Adagio is wonderful as well!

  • Chocolate Chai Pu Erh


    I love this tea! The earthiness of Pu'erh blends so nicely with spice and chocolate! So relaxing and grounding! Mmmmmmm!!!

  • Fiery Cinnamon Spice


    The only downside to this tea is the mess it makes in my tea pot -- but it's worth it!! This tea smells and tastes great!! Makes my home office smell amazing when I brew a pot of this tea!! Lovely cinnamon taste and aroma. Mmmmm! Lovely hot...or cold-brewed!

  • Brigadoon Breakfast


    I love love love this special edition tea! It's wonderful hot or cold-brewed, or mixed with other teas as a blend. One of my favorites!

  • Ceylon Sonata


    One of my favorite plain black teas. Great hot or cold-brewed. It's a staple in my tea stash. Love it!! Always smooth and very flavorful.

  • Formosa Bai Hao


    This tea is one of my favorites. The mix of flavors is just wonderful....sweet, malty aroma and flavor. A hint of spice underneath. Resteeps wonderfully. Just a lovely tea!!

  • Arabica Mocha


    I found I just don't like arabica teas. I love coffee and I really wanted to love these -- but odd taste and they just don't sit right with my body. So, hard pass.

  • Spearmint


    I love spearmint tea when I just want to relax. Hot or cold-brewed, by itself or added into a blend -- lovely!!!

  • Reindeer Fuel


    I have to be careful with mate, but this is my fav mate blend. I use sparingly and find if I blend with other teas I can enjoy mate. Lovely holiday tea.

  • Green Chai


    Lovely aroma and spicy taste. The tea is a bit light for me though. I prefer the bolder taste of black tea chais. But this one was very nice....just prefer it a bit stronger.

  • Honeybush Hazelnut


    I enjoy this tea by itself, but also blended with other teas as it adds a nice woodsy/sweet/nutty flavoring. Glorious in lattes! I usually sip this tea hot, but I think it would also be a nice addition to a cold brew blend.

  • White Eternal Spring


    I don't normally love white teas, but this one is very very good! Great hot or cold-brewed. Fruity flavor blends nicely with the tea.

  • Fujian Rain


    I love the earthy mineral taste of this tea! One of my favorites. It's great hot or cold-brewed. Definitely a staple in my tea stash!

  • Decaf Cream


    This tea is nice by itself, but really supreme when blended with other flavored black teas. I love adding just that touch of cream to chai or fruity black teas! Yum!

  • Orange


    A nice basic black tea with orange. Refreshing hot or cold brewed. Smells great too! Really nice with a bit of fruity herbal like raspberry or strawberry added. :)

  • Green Rooibos Bonita


    The lovely flavor of rooibos with fruit is so refreshing! I love it hot or cold-brewed. I add a splash of lemon juice to up the fruity taste a notch or two. Love it!

  • Cranberry Nut Muffin Green


    I'm not normally a big fan of green tea. The taste is just usually too light for me. But this is one that I really enjoy. So good! Tastes great hot or cold.

  • Lavender Lemon


    I love the aroma and taste of this herbal. Just the scent reminds me of summertime. Great hot, or cold-brewed. Makes a nice blend when added to fruity black teas or oolongs.

  • Grapefruit


    mmmmmm! I love this tea cold-brewed, but it's also quite lovely as hot tea. Grapefruit aroma and taste. Love it! Very refreshing!

  • Lemon Meringue Green


    I'm usually not big on green teas, but I like this one. Just a hint of creamy lemon taste and aroma. I add in a splash of lemon juice or a slice of fresh to kick it up a notch. Lovely tea!

  • Turmeric Bliss


    I love this mix of turmeric and good! And the added peppercorn adds a bit of kick to the spice! Love this tea with a bit of stevia and a splash of lemon juice added. So good!

  • Hojicha


    I love the hay like aroma and nutty/earthy flavor of this tea! And, it blends so well with other teas especially chocolate or other sweet flavors. one of my favorites!

  • White Toasted Coconut


    I was prepared to not really like this tea, as generally white teas are too light for me. But, I loved this! Lovely bright coconut taste! Yummy!!!

  • White Strawberry Basil


    This tea is so good! I love it hot or cold-brewed. Wonderful mix of fruit and herbal nuances. So refreshing!!

  • Decaf Earl Grey


    I love this decaf earl grey!! Now I can sip one of my favorite teas at any time of day without worrying about it! Great hot or cold.

  • Pu-erh Pearls


    So much fun to watch these brew and unfurl. Love the earthy mineral notes of Pu-erh. I add just a touch of stevia. Pu-erh tea is quickly becoming my coffee replacement. I love how these pearls are enough to brew a 24 oz pot of tea.

  • Pu-erh Hazelberry


    I love the mix of flavors in this tea -- the earthy mineral notes of Pu'erh accented with strawberry and chocolate. mmmmm! So good!

  • Pu-erh Chorange


    I love the earthy mineral taste of pu-erh, and it's especially wonderful with fruity nuances added. This tea is so good! Mellow and refreshing hot or cold. Love it!

  • Decaf Apricot


    Just as awesome as the caffeinated Apricot black tea from Adagio.....but decaf so it can be enjoyed anytime!! I love this tea hot or cold brewed. So good!

  • Minty Comfort


    I love sipping this tea anytime I need to de-stress and relax. Also a wonderful hot tea for when I feel a bit under the weather or need to tame an upset stomach. Lovely mint aroma and flavor. So relaxing!

  • White Blueberry


    Lovely light tea with blueberry nuance. Wonderful for when you want a lighter taste. Wonderful flavor and aroma.

  • Silver Sprout


    I definitely agree with the description of this tea as a lighter gunpowder-like tea. So good....I love the balanced blend of sweet and smoky. Love this tea!

  • Cinnamon


    Lovely black tea with warm, spicy cinnamon flavor. I love this on cold nights when it's snowing outside! :)

  • Ooooh Darjeeling


    I love, love, love this tea!! one of my favorites! It has a lovely oolong flavor with nuances of fruitiness in the background. So smooth. Love it!

  • Chaga chai


    I love the earthy, warm aroma and spicy taste of this tea! Spices and coconut...mmmmm! No mushroom-y taste or smell at all. Love it!

  • Maple Creme Oolong


    This tea is so good! Lightly sweet and a wonderful aroma. one of my favorite teas when I want something sweet.

  • Keemun Rhapsody


    I love black teas with earthy/mineral notes, so this is one of my favorites. Great hot or cold-brewed. Just a lovely plain black tea.

  • Fujian Baroque


    This is such a smooth and relaxing black tea. I love this tea hot or cold-brewed. Nice black tea flavor with a bit of sweet nuance. Love it!

  • Christmas


    I love this spicy black tea! At anytime of the year. It's wonderful hot or cold-brewed. One of my favorites!

  • Keemun Concerto


    This is one of my favorite plain black teas. It brews up flavorful and aromatic hot or cold. Lovely mellow flavor. mmmmm!

  • Honeybush Blueberry Pancake


    I love the light sweetness of this tea. Lovely mix of blueberry and the sweet nuances of honeybush tea. Yummy!

  • Golden Spring


    I love the malty flavor and aroma of this tea. Blends up light -- drinks up smooth. So good! A staple in my tea stash

  • Peppermint


    So aromatic and just lovely in tea -- just about any tea! I love peppermint brewed with tea both hot and cold-brewed. So refreshing, relaxing and calming.

  • Pu-erh Tahiti


    I love this fruity, coconutty pu-erh -- the added flavors pair so well with the earthy mineral flavors of pu-ehr. So good! Sometimes I throw some fruity herbal to add some additional fruit flavor -- yum!

  • Pu-erh Dante


    I love the earthy mineral woodsy flavor of this tea. It has become one of my favorite teas and has pretty well pushed coffee out of my daily routine. Love it!

  • Cherry Marzipan Oolong


    I love the Oolong tea mixed with the sweet/tart nuance of cherry in this tea! Very enjoyable! And it smells really good, too!

  • Currant


    Lovely black tea base with just the right kiss of Currant flavor. I love this one -- light, fruity and relaxing. Good hot or cold-brewed.

  • Blackberry


    A lovely black tea with just the right amount of light fruitiness. I enjoy this tea hot or cold-brewed. Delicious!

  • Wuyi Da Hong Pao


    I love this tea! Sweet, earthy and mineral aroma and taste. So relaxing and comforting. One of my favorite teas!

  • Teaster Marshmallow


    Lovely sweet marshmallow and fruity herbal. I love to sip this tea when I just have a craving for something sweet. :) So good.

  • Fruit Medley


    Lovely blend of bright fruit aroma and taste. I love this cold brewed or hot. Nice blended with a black tea or oolong to add a bit of fruitiness.

  • Golden Monkey


    A staple black tea in my stash. I love the sweet malty/nutty taste of this tea. Very relaxing and enjoyable.

  • Wild Strawberry


    I love this strawberry herbal! I steep it with plain black tea hot or cold brew. It adds such a lovely strawberry taste!! Wonderful brewed by itself too, or brewed with oolong or Pu'erh teas as well. But my fav is as an add in to plain black teas. Wonderful!!

  • Yuletide Toddy


    I love the warm spicy taste of this fruity herbal. It's delicious hot or cold. Reminds me of the orange spice tea my mom would brew on the stove at the holidays when I was a kid. So good!

  • Pu-Erh Poe


    Smooth, rich and earthy. I love this dark brew, and it seems to have replaced coffee in my morning ritual. Lovely mineral smooth taste. A definite favorite!

  • Raspberry Patch


    one of my favorite herbals from Adagio. Great cold brewed, or added to other teas and brewed hot. Nice fruit flavor and aroma.

  • Milk Oolong


    A lovely, light, smooth oolong. I'm not normally a green tea fan, but this tea is an exception. So good! Light vegetal/floral scent and buttery smooth flavor. So good!

  • Tiger Eye


    This sweet blend of chocolate and black tea is one of my favorite teas to sip when I just want to relax and feel indulgent. My favorite tea to sip while I read. :) The chocolate does not overpower the black tea flavor, but blends with it perfectly. So good!

  • Assam Harmony


    One of my favorite black teas! Bold yet smooth flavor. Perfect hot or cold. Distinctive flavor. A staple plain black tea in my tea stash!

  • Honeybush Chocolate


    Lovely sweet woodsy taste of honeybush with a light kiss of chocolate. This is just a lovely sweet, relaxing tea without being overpowering or too much. Not too much....just enough.

  • Golden Turmeric Chai


    I love the warmth and spiciness of this tea! Great brewed by itself (I sweeten with just a touch of stevia) or as a latte. Excellent to settle an upset stomach or just to relax. So good!

  • Kona Pineapple


    One of my favorite herbals. I love this hot or cold, brewed by itself or added to other teas to bring a bit of fruity goodness. Lovely aroma and taste! A personal favorite!

  • Berry Blues


    This is one of my fav fruity herbals from Adagio! A staple in my tea stash! Lovely brewed by itself, or along with a black or oolong tea. Lovely scent & taste Yum!

  • Rohini First Flush


    I love the earthy taste of this tea with its sweet malty and raisin notes. Very smooth and sippable hot or cold. Lovely aroma and taste. So good!!

  • Chili Lime Green


    I love this tea, but it is not for the feint of heart! A green tea with a bit of lime and the kick of chili heat! So good!! The little bit of coconut adds some sweetness. Mmmm!

  • Assam Melody


    This is a staple tea in my tea stash. Bold yet sweet...pretty red color....malty, raisin-y taste. Love it! So good! wonderful hot or cold brewed.

  • Yunnan Noir


    Lovely malty flavor. Reminds me of the tea my mom kept in a tin in her kitchen when I was a child. Love it! A staple in my tea stash. Mellow, relaxing, malty goodness!

  • Formosa Oolong


    Lovely earthy/malty flavor and aroma. I love this tea! It has a natural sweetness to it and just a wonderful woodsy taste! one of my favorites!

  • Raja Oolong Chai


    I love this bold chai tea. It's not overly spicy, but very cinnamon-y in a good way! Smells so good, and tastes even better! Perfect on a winter morning to start the day out with comfort and warmth!

  • Green Rooibos Blueberry


    I love the gentle sweetness and blueberry goodness of this tea. The fruit flavor pairs so nicely with the green rooibos. A favorite of mine!

  • Gunpowder


    I love the smokiness of this tea and it's just so relaxing to watch it unfurl as it brews. Just lovely paired with mint for Moroccan Mint tea. One of my favorites!

  • Jasmine Yin Hao


    I absolutely love this jasmine tea. Light and bright jasmine flavor -- not too much, not too little. just perfect. Makes for a comforting and relaxing cup of tea.

  • Chocolate Truffle


    Lovely spicy chocolate tea. I love how the chocolate and spice flavors pair so well with the black tea. Not one to overbrew....I brew 200F, 3 minutes. Mmmmm. One of my favorites!!

  • Blood Orange


    This is one of my favorite of the fruity herbals from Adagio. I like this hot or coldbrewed, and it's amazing to add just a big of orange flavor to a plain black or oolong. Lovely scent and great taste!

  • Always Nuts


    Lovely blend of flavors - almond, cinnamon and creme. I love to cook my morning oatmeal in this tea. Gives it a lovely flavor! Great herbal!

  • Peach Tea


    I love this peach flavored black tea hot and also cold brewed. The fruit flavor isn't over powering....not too much, not too little. Lovely black tea! one of my favorites!

  • Honeybush Banana Nut


    I love this tea! The taste is just like banana nut bread -- made up as a latte it's divine! one of my favorite dessert teas from Adagio! Like a warm hug in a cup!

  • Apricot


    Lovely black tea with just the right amount of apricot flavor. Great hot or cold brewed. Love it! Really good with a bit of cinnamon and vanilla added. Also makes a great tea latte.

  • Double Ginger


    I love the boldness of this tea. A great tea for when I feel like having a taste that's turned up a notch or two, or to blend with another favorite tea to kick things up a bit. Love it! Lots of ginger flavor!

  • Chocolate Chai


    Lovely aroma and sweet chocolate taste. Nice dessert tea. Smooth, relaxing and enjoyable! One of my favorite chocolate flavored teas.

  • Gingerbread


    Lovely tea! has the sweet aroma and taste of gingerbread. One of my favorite teas to drink during the holiday season!

  • Yunnan Jig


    Malty and flavorful! This is one of my favorite teas from Adagio. Great aroma and flavor! Very enjoyable cup of tea!

  • Yunnan Golden Curls


    Just a lovely black tea. Smooth. Wonderful aroma and flavor. Definitely a favorite in my tea stash!

  • Rooibos Pecan Turtle


    I love this tea. Smells so good and tastes wonderful! Nice woodsy taste with sweet banana nut/cinnamon goodness! One of my favorites!

  • Jasmine Phoenix Pearls


    I love this tea! Not only does it unfurl beautifully while brewing, but the jasmine scent and taste is amazing! not too strong, not too light. Just perfect!

  • Earl Grey Bravo


    Lovely Earl Grey blend. I love them all, but this one is a favorite! Nice blend of flavors. Great go-to when a cuppa black tea is needed with just the right kiss of bergamot!

  • Decaf Strawberry


    I love this decaf version of Strawberry black tea from Adagio. All the lovely strawberry tea taste and I can drink it anytime I want! Great hot or cold.

  • Decaf Blueberry


    This decaf tea is so good!! Nice blend of black tea flavor with light blueberry highlights. One of my favorites for those times when I don't want caffeine!

  • Dewy Cherry


    I love this herbal hot and cold brewed. Nice tart cherry taste. Beautiful blended with other teas as well. Definitely a staple in my tea stash!

  • Strawberry Banana Split


    This is such a lovely dessert tea. Just sweet enough....not too much, not too little. Aroma is wonderful. Taste is bright, cheery and comforting. Great hot and cold!

  • Decaf Hazelnut Cinnamon Creme


    One of my favorite decaf blends from Adagio! Wonderful, relaxing and comforting! Great taste...and smells wonderful!!



    This is an awesome basic fruity black tea. Great hot or iced. One of my favorites! I love this as hot tea with just a thin slice of lemon added. So good!

  • Jolly Roger


    This is one of my favorite dessert-type tea blends from Adagio. Lovely aroma and awesome flavor!!! One of my favorites!

  • White Strawberry


    Lovely aroma and nice light fruity taste. White teas are typically lighter, so I enjoy sipping this tea when I want just a light hint of fruit taste. Tasty tea!

  • Blackberry Sage Oolong


    I love the mix of flavors in this tea! So relaxing, great taste and wonderful aroma! This is the first tea I have tried with sage, and I found I really like it!

  • Scottish Breakfast


    This is one of my favorite teas from Adagio. Lovely flavor and a perfect black tea to start the day or to sip anytime! I love English and Irish breakfast tea too....but Scottish is my favorite!

  • Irish Breakfast


    I absolutely love this tea! It is one of my favorite black teas from Adagio. Sometimes I just need a plain black tea -- and this one has excellent flavor! It is a staple in my tea stash!

  • Pumpkin Spice


    This is by far my favorite pumpkin spice tea blend. The black tea is accented with just enough spicy goodness to make this a lovely cup of tea -- not too much, not too little. Very comforting and relaxing! love it!

  • Cranberry


    I love this tea! Nice black tea with a tart cranberry nuance. So good as hot tea. I'm sure it's great cold too.

  • Yunnan Gold


    One of my favorite teas from Adagio. Nice complex blend of flavors and multiple steeps. Sweet and earthy with a background spicy note. Love it!

  • Lapsang Souchong


    I love Adagio's lapsang, but it has to be brewed carefully as does any smoky tea. I love to add this in with a sweet black tea blend or a malty plain black, half and half.190F, 2 minutes. Lovely!

  • Bella Luna Blue


    I love the color, fragrance and taste of this tea! Very relaxing and enjoyable. I always feel like I'm getting a special treat when i brew this one -- such a pretty tea!

  • Almond Oolong


    I love this oolong as a base for a tea latte, but it's also very good on its own. This is a staple in my tea stash! Nice flavor, lovely oolong.

  • Caramel


    One of my favorite flavored black teas from Adagio. The caramel flavor is light and just right. Not too much, not too little. Lovely, relaxing cup of tea!

  • Raspberry


    Lovely blend of black tea and raspberry. The fruit taste is a nice accent to the tea -- not too much, not too little. Just right. Mmmmmm

  • Peach Oolong


    Lovely oolong with just a hint of peach flavor....not too much, not too little...just right. Wonderful hot or cold brewed.

  • Chocolate Chip


    Lovely, sweet and warming cup of tea! The black tea blends so nicely with the chocolate flavors. Delicious!

  • Honeybush Pumpkin Chai


    Lovely mix of sweet earthy honeybush mixed with spice. mmmmm! Perfect tea for a crisp autumn night! one of my favorite chai teas. Not too strong and just enough pumpkin spice to make it a celebration of fall -- or anytime!

  • Hazelnut


    Lovely blend of black tea and hazelnut warm sweetness. One of my favorite Adagio teas. Very relaxing cuppa!



    This tea has an amazing aroma and taste! I like it hot, but it's also good coldbrewed. Nice aromatic and flavorful cinnamon.

  • Key Lime Herbal


    One of my favorite Adagio herbals. So good coldbrewed, but also love it hot. Blends really well with black teas.

  • Earl Grey Lavender


    This is one of my favorite Adagio teas. Wonderful aroma and taste. Good hot or cold.

  • Candy Cane


    Lovely black tea with sweet peppermint nuances. Awesome all year around not just at the holidays. One of my favorites! Makes a nice dessert tea or just a slightly sweet treat. Also makes a great stomach settler!

  • Butterscotch


    One of my favorite Adagio teas. Sweet nuances blend well with the crisp black tea notes. Very relaxing. Great after dinner tea!

  • Earl Grey Moonlight


    A lovely Earl Grey blend....typical Earl with added nuances of creme and vanilla. one of my favorite Adagio teas!

  • Pu-erh Spice


    Lovely spice aroma and taste mixed with the earthy mineral flavor of pu-erh. Lovely tea!

  • Earl Grey Bella Luna


    One of my very favorite teas from Adagio. Earl Grey with creme and coconut nuances. Lovely aroma and taste. So good!! 200F, 3 minutes.

  • Candy Apple


    Lovely fall/holiday tea. I love sipping this tea when it's chilly outside....sweet, caramel apple taste and aroma. Very warming and comforting cup of tea!

  • Chestnut


    This is my favorite black tea from Adagio. Lovely aroma and flavor! Good hot or iced. I brew 200F, 3 minutes.

  • Traditional Ti Kuan Yin


    This tea combines greener herbal sweet notes with roasted mineral earthy tones. There's a touch of malty roasty-toasty nuances in the background as well. A lovely tea!

  • Wuyi Ensemble


    One of my favorite teas! Mineral/earthy notes meld with sweet caramel and malty vibes. A staple in my tea stash! 200F, 3 minutes. Lovely tea!

  • Peach Bellini


    Makes lovely cold brewed iced tea. I add a bit of caffeine punch to it by cold brewing along with a black tea. Nice peach taste, lovely aroma. Tastes wonderful in hot tea as well. I love throwing a bit of this tea in with my Earl Grey to add a bit of peach flavor.