chocolate chai
by adagio teas
(44 reviews)
We've taken one of the world's favorite indulgences - chocolate - and combined it with the exotic flavors and spices of Masala Chai to create the ultimate treat. Chocolate flavored Ceylon black tea is blended with cinnamon, ginger, and cocoa nibs. Soothing spicy cocoa notes, zesty, warming quality and soft liquid chocolate texture. Very seamless combination. Make it extra rich by preparing with freshly-warmed milk. Steep at 212°F for 3 minutes
Recent reviews
Tanya G.
This chai is more cinnamon and ginger prominent with just a hint of chocolate flavor. Adding a sweetener brings out the chocolate more.
Elise Easterling
Would have liked the chocolate to come through more, the spices took over a bit too much for me.
Zell Maestro
This is one of my favorites I've had from Adagio. I rarely like dessert teas but this one has actual cocoa flavoring from the cocoa nibs and doesn't taste like that weird artificial chocolate that a lot of teas have. Blends really nicely with the spices.
Jen S
There's definite aromas of chocolate and spice coming from the packet. The flavor plain was more of spice with a hint of chocolate. After adding milk and sugar, the chocolate came forward more, but the spice is stronger. Without any cloves, yay, I find this to be a tasty chai. As my preference is away from caffeine and black teas, I like Honeybush Pumpkin Chai better.
Julie W
Lovely aroma and sweet chocolate taste. Nice dessert tea. Smooth, relaxing and enjoyable! One of my favorite chocolate flavored teas.
Janet Ross
This is a very pleasant chocolate chai which has a calming flavor with cinnamon, chocolate, and ginger notes. It is very good with sugar and cream. I steeped at 200 degrees for 4 minutes.
Sharon McConnell
This is a delicious chai with an earthy flavor. Wonderful on a cold winter morning!
Rose B
This one improves a lot adding it to blends or drinking it with milk or cream. I like it but I feel like the chocolate flavor could be stronger.
Lauren S.
It's an okay tea, but there's just something lacking about it. Maybe it's more spices or a different flavor, since it seems to work better in blends than on its own.
Christine Jolly
This is not as chocolatey as I had hoped. The flavoring is just a bit off. Sometimes it pairs well but not always. Definitely needs to be steeped at a lower temp for a shorter time. I use 195 F x 2 min 30 sec.
Mina Morrow
My sister said it smelled like booze, and she's kinda right. Weird boozy smell aside, it tastes nice with milk and sugar.
Cindi Drinks Tea
New favorite! A warm, complex, not over-the-top-spicy tea with mild chocolatiness. Delicious!
Lilly Tryon
A lovely pairing of mild chai and chocolate. I steeped at 190°F for 3 minutes and sweetened with a raw sugar cube. Delightful! A second steep is a bit weak, however.
Kat I
Tastes more like a traditional chai, had a hard time pulling the chocolate notes from it
Holly Akins
I like chocolate, and I like chai, but I didn't really like them combined in this tea. It definitely smells like chocolate when I open the bag, but once brewed, I can't really taste anything other than chai.
Cassandra Guild
Yum! This tea had all the flavors of chai plus chocolate! I used my big cup, so I let the tea steep longer (about 7 minutes) to ensure that it was flavorful enough. I think some people found this tea weak in flavor, so I would recommend steeping it longer. I drank this with milk and sugar.
Rachel Emmel
A light chair with a good kick of ginger. The chocolate is overpowered at the start, develops a bit more as it cools, but is never really the star of the show.
Steeped 2x, 200F 5min
Emily Cargile
I got a sample packet of this through the CommuniTEA. I don't like chai, so my rating for this would never have been too high. It's about the same as most other chai teas. They all end up tasting the same - just that overpowering spicy flavor. I got a very subtle hint of chocolate, but it's not pleasant mixed with the spices. I'd definitely not choose this again. Chai lovers might enjoy this I suppose.
Cameron Kilchrist
The blend of chocolate and spice is much more harmonious than I expected it to be. The slight sweetness contrasts and rounds out the boldness of the spices to create one comfy and cozy cup.
Sleepy Greyhound
Makes a nice ginger and cinnamon chai. I don't taste the chocolate, but it probably is lending some smoothness and richness to the cup. No bitterness at all here. Brewed at 200° for a little longer than recommended to try to draw out some chocolate flavor, 7 minutes.
Kaitlyn Elvin
I didn't like this as much as I thought I would have. I think the chocolate and spice combination was weird to my palette.
Elizabeth Frantz
The aroma was weird and slightly off-putting, and the taste just didn't jive with me, unfortunately.
Stacey Ramos
Had a cup of this in store and LOVED every sip of it. To me, this is the perfect blend of chocolate and chai- definitely a smoother, dessert-y chai as opposed to a spicy, full-bodied one.
Red Wolfe
A pretty ok chai, but I wish the chocolate was a little stronger. The spices aren't bad at all, just feels more like a plain chai than anything special.
Dr Laura A
recently really adoring a chai tea... i tend to make a super large cup of strong tea, and drink it regardless of temp - chais hold up well esp adagio blends
I used to adore this tea--a perfect blend of chai spices and cocoa flavor. But for the past year or so, the cinnamon flavor has changed to a "fake" taste, which unfortunately spoils the profile of the whole cup.
Alexis Wolf
Both the chocolate and chai spices come through when cold-brewed--would recommend!!
Liam Pavone
delicious convenient chocolate chai. the chocolate complements without overwhelming
Mocha Cocoa
Yummy, great combination. I'm a great fan of both chai and chocolate so this tea is perfect for me!!!!
Brittany Falchek
I shared this tea with a self-confessed chocoholic friend and we both agreed that it was a good chai... but not the chocolate flavor wasn't as strong as we would have liked.
Anjali Mittu
This is a good chai. Not the best chai I've had though, and there isn't much of a chocolate taste.
Ashley Lam
Pretty good. Not a favorite, but something interesting to try every now and then.
Megan de Araujo
Yummy! The more I drink this, the more I like it. It is great with just a little milk. Perfectly spicy without losing the chocolate flavor. Really good mixed with the mocha but maté as well.
Jessica Greenfield
this is the best chocolate chai i have tasted. it reminds me of Mexican hot chocolate, but a little bit lighter so you don't feel weighed down after enjoying a cup
Liz Paff
I tried this tea twice, and both times I did not like it, and ended up giving away the rest of my bag to my sister, who loves it.
To me at least, the chocolate taste seemed very artificial. That might just be my strange taste buds though.
I wasn't a fan of chocolate chai before I tried this blend! It is delicious! I honestly can't taste the chocolate, but the tea itself is great.