mamma mia
by adagio teas
(6 reviews)
For new moms currently or planning on breastfeeding, our herbal Mamma Mia tisane contains ingredients that may help with both physical discomfort and milk production for nursing mothers. Steep at 212°F for 5-10 minutes
Recent reviews
Sofia Teasley
A bit too much anise for me. Tastes like anise and chamomile. Not my favorite. Would drink it if I needed to, but not by choice.
Julie W
Lovely blend of herbs and makes a delicious cuppa wellness tea. Not one I would sip on a daily basis, but looking at the ingredients I'm sure it serves its purpose to help nursing mamas. I can no longer sip this tea as I discovered I have an allergy to chamomile, but I definitely turn to other Adagio wellness teas when I need an herbal soother. Great quality ingredients and blended with care!
Janet Ross
I enjoyed this caffeine free herbal with chamomile and aniseed flavors predominant. It has a bit of a medicinal taste but I don’t mind that in a bedtime tea. I steeped for 5 minutes at 212 degrees and added agave nectar.
Jeanine B.
This is a nice tea with slightly lemony and minty flavors. Everything is balanced out by the chamomile. It’s great before bedtime!
Tanya G.
Mamma mia is an interesting blend of herbs. This is a surprisingly good and relaxing tea. Chamomile and aniseed were forward with a hint of peppermint.
Ashley Hanft
Not gonna lie, I was hesitant when I opened the packet and was hit with the licorice scent and again when the water hit the blend and it became stronger but once again CommuniTEA has shown me to not judge a tea by its ingredients! The flavor is definitely there, but it didn't smack me in the face like I thought it would. The chamomile smooths out the bite of the fennel and anise and the lingering mint is just strong enough to be noticed but not overwhelming. Not a mother so I can't attest to its medicinal properties, but from what I've heard other lactation teas taste like this seems like it'd be a winner.