honeybush apricot
by adagio teas
(17 reviews)
Imagine being whisked away to an fragrant, fresh apricot orchard... That's the sensation you'll get with each sip of our delectable Honeybush Apricot herbal tea. It combines the soft flavor of ripe apricots with the smooth, roasted flavor of sweet Honeybush tea. Soft, mellow mouthfeel and balanced crispness. Completely caffeine free.
Steep at 212°F for 5 minutes
Recent reviews
Jen S
The apricot aroma is so strong and fragrant. Even after brewing. This tea has a mild sweetness and delightful apricot flavor that got better as it cooled. I'm going to try this as an iced tea as I suspect it will be delicious.
Julie W
Lovely blend of sweet honeybush and apricot. I like this tea hot or cold-brewed with a slice of lemon. Very refreshing and relaxing!
Rosebud Melissa
The apricot flavor is very artificial and clashes with the honeybush flavor. Not my favorite flavored honeybush.
Lilly Tryon
The rich taste and undertones of honey in the honeybush base balances well with the tangy sweet flavor of dried apricots. No sweetener needed.
Cindi Drinks Tea
I wanted to like this one, but it had a weird chemically smell to me when brewed, that was really off-putting.
Karie B.
Yummy, the apricot flavor really came through and worked well with the honeybush. I'd like to try this one iced as well.
Cameron Kilchrist
This is definitely the best honeybush tea I've ever tried. I thought I liked Honeybush Vanilla, but this tea blows it out of the water! It's sweet enough to forgo additional sweetener and smooth enough to forgo cream. Absolutely delicious!
Melissa H
First honeybush I've tried. I normally dislike rooibos, but either honeybush is different enough, or the apricot makes it work.
Rachel Emmel
A good basic tea. I do enjoy honeybush and rooibos teas. Barely needs sugar. I've tried it iced, for which it's a nice iced tea but the flavor doesn't come across as strong as it would hot.
Galatea D
So delicious. Do happy to find a flavorful naturally decaffeinated apricot option!
Red Wolfe
I really like how simple and satisfying this tea was. Nothing too complicated, just smooth, sweet apricot taste.
Mocha Cocoa
Good fruit tea in general. I love rooibos very much bc it's so healthy. And yes it's kinda similar to peach tea. The apricot and peach flavors smell pretty much the same in Adagio teas
Alyson Sheppard
Lightly fruity and not too sweet. Nicely balanced with the honeybush tea. It's really hard for me to tell this tea apart from the rooibos peach - very similar flavor. Really enjoy this tea during the summer.