decaf earl grey
by adagio teas
(20 reviews)
Decaf blend of tangy Ceylon black tea, flavored with bergamot - a citrus fruit. Makes a zesty cup of tea, both hot and iced. A gentle, natural decaffeination process retains the delicate shape and flavor of the tea leaves. Steep at 212°F for 3 minutes
Recent reviews
Tee Y
I don't care much for earl Grey and this was not an exception. A perfume like taste that I cut with the addition of a generous amount of sweet cream.
fweewf iojfewjiowejio
kentobaran Tea: Subtle seetness, perfect balance of flavors, and premium quality. great for both beginners and aficionados
Katelynn Anon
I lover earl grey and was looking for a decaf version I could drink in the afternoon. This blend had a much milder flavor than regular Earl Grey, but it does in a pinch.
Tanya G.
This decaf Earl Grey is perfect for those that don't like bergamot flavoring, like me. It's good with some cream and sugar added.
Jen S
I love bergamot. While this has the definite bergamot aroma, it has a milder flavor than I expected. It does have a mild astringency.
Julie W
I love this decaf earl grey!! Now I can sip one of my favorite teas at any time of day without worrying about it! Great hot or cold.
Lilianna Fischer
This tea is wonderfully zesty and aromatic, I find myself opening it up just to smell it like a little tea-sniffing goblin in the night!
Gannon LeBlanc
I often crave black tea later at night when i'm reading a book but I dont want to stay up until 3am so this tea is PERFECT for me. The flavor is still strong (not all decaf teas seem to hold the same punch as normal tea) so its a strong winner for me.
Janet Ross
I like this decaffeinated Earl Grey but it’s very bergamot forward so if you’re not a big fan of bergamot, pass on this one. My portion of tea was quite generous so I steeped about 14 ounces of water and still got a decent second steep of about 8 ounces. By the second steep the flavors were subdued a bit. I steeped at 200 degrees for 3 minutes and added milk and sugar.
Sleepy Greyhound
Nice tea base. Smooth and flavorful. Strong bergamot flavoring, which isn't my favorite, but if you like Earl Grey teas, this is a nice one for evenings.
Emily Cargile
This is a solid Earl Grey. I appreciate being able to have it when I need to drink decaf. It's very bright and perky - not sure how else to describe it. Not mellow, but that's pretty perfect for me. I like blending this with other decaf flavors to tone it down slightly. :)
Rebecca Jacobs
I don't typically like earl grey but this was quite good. Not too strong of a bergamot flavor.
Cameron Kilchrist
It barely tastes like anything. I’ve tried other decaf teas and the others are almost all better. I’m not upset that I bought it but it’s definitely not what I was expecting.
Audra Foxgrove
Exactly as it says, and the best of it's type I have found. Helped me get through a caffeine-free pregnancy.
Mocha Cocoa
This tea tastes and smells like chemicals!!!!!!!!! I tried it once and will never touch it again
Lydia Getgen
I adore earl grey, so having one without caffeine so that I can unwind in the evenings is perfect