lapsang souchong iced tea
by adagio teas
(6 reviews)
Smoky black tea in cold-brew pouches. Simply place overnight in a pitcher of water. Awake to find a tea rich in flavor and aroma, at a price that's a fraction of the supermarket-bought teas. For quicker preparation, steep in hot water for five minutes and add ice. Contains Lapsang Souchong, a black tea from the Fujian province of China, famous for its smoky aroma and flavor. Makes 32 ounces. Steep at 212°F for 3-5 minutes
Recent reviews
Julie W
I love Adagio's Lapsang, but I only drink it hot, not iced. Lovely smoky flavor...bit of pure stevia added...perfect! I like this blended with other teas as well especially sweet flavored black teas.
Lauren S.
I tried this once years ago, and no. Not good iced. It tasted like cold Liquid Smoke.
Beth Hays
So very smoky I couldn’t handle it. Even iced with sugar. If you don’t love smoky teas, this one isn’t for you.