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pomegranate raspberrygreen tea


 (5 reviews)

Blends thirst-quenching pomegranate with the zing of natural raspberry flavor and green tea. With Matcha.

Recent reviews

    • 

      I tried this at work. Didn't like it. The tea is weak, and the fruit flavors taste odd. Artificial and a strange aftertaste. not one I will drink again or buy.

    • 

      This tea doesn't do it for me, but it is fine as an iced tea.

    • 

      One of my all time faves. I bought a big box because I drink so much of this one! I make it iced by the pitcher, with agave and a little lime juice. Take care to not steep this too long, 2 min max.

      Also great as a half tea/half lemonade!

    • 

      I found this a bit too acidic for my liking. Had to use quite a bit of sweetener. It’s delicious if you do, but I’m not keen on using that much

    • 

      Now this is a good tea. It's tangy, refreshing, and great hot or iced.