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 (33 reviews)

type: black

origin: sri lanka flavors

caffeine: strong

price level: $$$$

While the greatest Chocolates may come from Europe, the best Chocolate tea undoubtedly comes from Adagio. Our Chocolate Black tea starts with the bright, full qualities of Ceylon black tea, infused with the flavor of rich dark Chocolate. Very smooth, clean and liquid texture, much like a Chocolate liquor, rather than cocoa powder. Decadent and divine.

Our natural Chocolate flavor is vegan-friendly and doesn't contain any dairy ingredients. Steep at 212°F for 3 minutes

Recent reviews

    • 

      While on the one hand, the chocolate flavor was nice..not artificial at all! It was a little too bitter for my taste. I brewed at 196 for about 4 min. I would be willing to try it again but would need to try to make it less astringent. I might brew it for less next time, or use less in my cup, but it seemed to be a bit temperamental.

    • 

      It's a good chocolate flavored tea. If brewed at a lower temperature, it's not bitter and adding a little bit of cream makes you think you're drinking hot chocolate.

    • 

      My coworker gave up sweets for Lent. I gifted her this tea as she's tried some of my other Adagio chocolatey teas and loved them. She gives it five stars and is using it when she's craving something sweet because it doesn't need any sweetener.

    • 

      This tea is really good hot. It's not my favorite cold but that's mostly because I prefer chocolate note teas hot. The chocolate taste is light and doesn't overpower the tea. I love this one blended with a fruity tea like strawberry or blueberry.

    • 

      I like the chocolate chip better which had more of a tea flavor with less astringency.

    • 

      This is a nice chocolate flavored black tea that is good with some sweetener.

    • 

      It was just ok. Found it a little bitter with no smoothness or chocolate flavors at all.

    • LJ


      Very chocolatey good! It has mostly replaced hot chocolate in my household; it scratches the "hot chocolate" craving, but it's much less heavy. I recommend brewing for 4-5 minutes, and then adding a splash of vanilla to the pot when it's done to round out the flavor. Drink with milk; sweeten a bit for the best chocolate experience. (Note: Though I almost always have it hot with milk, it makes a surprisingly smooth iced tea as well.)

    • 

      One of the better chocolate teas I've come across. No, it's not going to taste like a piece of chocolate, but it's still a good tea. A little sugar will help enhance the chocolate flavor.

    • 

      Didn't give me the chocolate flavor I was expecting, although the chocolate notes intensified as the tea cooled. Somewhat bitter, despite steeping at lower temps. I added sugar, and am wondering if cream would have smoothed out the flavor. Might be a good blender tea.

    • 

      I got a sample of this to mix with other black tea. It’s delicious on it’s on or added to others

    • 

      I'm not usually a fan of chocolate-flavored things that aren't chocolate, but this was surprisingly nice. I can see it working well blended with other flavors.

    • MM


      Not as good as chocolate chip or chocolate truffle, but I still enjoy it. It's got a nice --if slightly fakey-- chocolate flavor to it, and it's pretty good in blends with other teas.

    • 

      Good, sort of a boozy flavor though. Not as rich of a chocolate.

    • 

      Great chocolate taste with a bit of an aftertaste, not unpleasant just a bit odd

    • 

      This tea has a strong chocolate smell when you open the package. I steeped this tea at 212F for 5 minutes as I prefer stronger tea than I get after 3 minutes of steeping. I added a spoonful of sugar and some milk and it was a creamy chocolate treat.

    • 

      This has a nice, rich chocolate flavor with a strange, almost alcohol aftertaste. I think this would have been much more enjoyable with added sweetness from rooibos. I wanted to enjoy this but just couldn't get into it.

      Steeped at 212F for 4min

    • CK


      It's got a great, rich cocoa flavor but I've never liked chocolate so I didn't happen to like it. The chocolate flavor runs deep in this blend. I can't fault the tea for my general dislike of chocolate teas so five stars it is!

    • SS


      First time I actually enjoyed a chocolate flavored tea. A mellow black tea with a fabulous chocolate aroma. The chocolate flavor was light but it was there.

    • 

      Has a rich chocolate taste, but isn't strongly flavored. The base tea is quite astringent. I would probably like it better blended with other teas.

    • 

      I’m iffy about chocolate teas. Many times they have an artificial taste or it’s too sweet. This one reminds me of a tea that’s trying to be hot chocolate. If I want hot chocolate I’ll make hot chocolate. It might pair better with a certain buttery pastry but just on its own it fails.

    • KB


      Not bad, but also not my favorite. It's a plain chocolate tea that tastes of cocoa powder, and pairs well with plain, sweet pastries.

    • 

      Chocolate truffle is a better tea, but this is still pretty good. It's a tasty tea for mixing, and with a bit of coco powder, it's a dang good tea.

    • EC


      This is a staple in my tea cabinet. It's really good on its own, but it shines in blends too! I love it mixed with lots of different things. The flavor is reasonably subtle but wonderful. It's not like drinking hot chocolate or anything, it just gives the tea a hint of chocolatey goodness. I have been very pleased with it! My husband and kids didn't like it, and I could see how people might think it tastes a bit artificial, but I really genuinely love it and will buy more once I run out!

    • 

      Good, chocolate-y, nice and dark. Little black dress of chocolate teas. It goes really well with other teas as part of a blend, or by itself with sugar and cream.

    • 

      Love it!!! If you're a fan of chocolate then this is your tea.

    • 

      Very pleasant chocolate tea. Great substitute for real chocolate. Good dessert tea

    • 

      I did not care for this tea because I did not get much chocolate flavor from it. It mostly seemed like a strong black tea.

    • BD


      This is a good tea to add to other flavors. I add it to earl grey.

    • 

      Good chocolate flavor. Nice to drink hot on its own or in your own custom blend. I like to add a bit of sugar in the raw and cream to make a tasty dessert tea.

    • 

      Nice flavor. I like to add it to other teas to bump up the flavor.

    • 

      A mildly chocolaty and pleasant standard black tea. Perfect with a little milk and sugar

    • JF


      This is a mild chocolatey black tea. If you want more chocolate flavor, try their Chocolate Chip tea.