watermelon cooler iced tea
by adagio teas
(15 reviews)
caffeine: no-caffeine
price level: $$$$
Sweet, juicy and refreshing - these are the thoughts that come to mind when thinking of watermelon. Sips of our Watermelon Cooler will invoke the same delightful sensations. The sweetness of watermelon and the lively notes of cranberries and hibiscus when iced make this a perfect poolside treat. Add a pinch of mint or a twist of lime to create a tasty watermelon mocktail. Makes 32 ounces. Steep at 212°F for 3-5 minutes
Recent reviews
Julie W
This tea isn't my favorite by itself, but I really like this cold brewed with an oolong or black tea. one of the few teas I prefer cold-brewed. Hot watermelon flavor just isn't my thing :) Lovely iced!
Michael Jacobson
Very very bad. Just not my taste at all! I I'm just not very into the whole fruity tea thing.
Carolina Kowalczyk
This is one of my favorite adagio teas!!! I drink it all summer long! More of a light apple flavor than watermelon, but still very refreshing and juicy! Great iced tea for the summer.
Kathleen Krantz
I adored this one. Love the light watermelon flavor. Not too sweet or overpowering. I will definitely be reordering.
Beth Hays
Delicious!!! The watermelon taste is best iced with a little sugar. It’s fruity and light.
Mocha Cocoa
This is my least favourite tea every. It does not taste or smell like watetmelon at all and the peppermint is overwhelming
Krista S
Yum! One of my new favorite iced teas! I was honestly not expecting to like this, but it is sweet and watermelon-y. 🍉🤤
Ashley Lam
My kids like it a lot. With sugar added it's pretty good. Nice for the summer.
Ryan Jason
A perfect summer tea. I always make a ton of this just in time for National Watermelon Day in early August. The watermelon flavor is refreshing and the other fruit flavors are subtle but compliment the watermelon as well. Very light overall but delicious!