green chai
by adagio teas
(25 reviews)
Our smooth China green tea with a chakra warming spice combination. Cardamom, clove and ginger aromas, clean and refreshing flavor, soothing finish with a balanced astringency. The natural sweetness and fiery kick will bring you back to center, no matter how polarized you've become. OMMmmmmm... We suggest two heaping teaspoons per 8 oz cup. Sugar, cream or soy if desired. Steep at 180°F for 3 minutes
Recent reviews
Jen S
I'm not fond of chai spiced teas, but I like green tea. I removed the cloves. 2 min@ 165 This wasn't bad, just not one I'd choose because the chai flavor.
Joseph No
I tried it cold and hot brewed and the cold brew doesn't get a deep enough flavor but brewed hot it's great.
Julie W
Lovely aroma and spicy taste. The tea is a bit light for me though. I prefer the bolder taste of black tea chais. But this one was very nice....just prefer it a bit stronger.
Janet Ross
This is a really good chai with a green tea base. I prefer Spiced Green and Turmeric Green but this is quite good as well.
Lauren S.
It's got a pleasant flavor, but I don't think green teas really work all that well as a chai. It really needs something heartier, like a black tea.
Sharon Dawson
Dried tea smelled like cloves and cinnamon as expected from a chai tea. I found the chai taste not as strong as one with a black tea base, but still delicious chai flavor. A great one if you want a lighter chai or want to introduce someone new to this tea style.
Tanya G.
This is not the normal chai that most people are used to. This one is a light green tea with a light chai spice taste. No need to add sweetener or milk, it will drown the flavors of green tea and spices. When cold brewed, the flavor of spices come out more.
Keri Wisniowski
Very different flavor than any black chai or herbal chai I've had. This gives a nice green tea flavor that is light and not grassy. I added 1 tsp of raw sugar to bring out some more of the chai flavor. For me the chai is very light.
Jeanine B.
This is a really nice chai. The spices are mild and softened by the green tea. It tastes very delicate.
Max Sugerman
Kind of a strange combination but it more or less works, the chai spices slightly overpower the green tee
Casey Covel
The smooth earthiness of green tea blended with the gentle sizzle of chai--DEE-li-cious! Perfect for when I need a little pick-me-up in the evening but don't want the overpowering caffeine kick infused in a traditional black tea. I drizzled in spoon-tip of acaia honey to infuse the final sip with a lightly sweet, vanilla essence.
Heavenly scents of cinnamon, ginger, and clove, but sadly not much follow through after steeping. A light tea to be certain.
Jess Caron
I love this tea, It's kind of like a Christmas time gingerbread taste. I steeped for 80 degrees celsius at 4 minutes. Delicious!
Cassandra Guild
I steeped this tea for the full time in order to help the chai flavors develop, but it made the tea taste oversteeped. Adding sugar made cut the bitterness and brought out the chai flavors more.
Cameron Kilchrist
I've never been a fan of adding dairy to my teas and I've managed to phase out the use of sugar over the years as well. This chai, I'm glad to say, needs neither. I steep my chais at half strength (1 teaspoon instead of two) and this one really shone through regardless.
Red Wolfe
With a green tea base, the spices are mellowed from the lower temperature and shorter steep. So it's a really good tea for when you don't have the time or energy for a full milk and sugar chai.
It was an interesting take on green tea. Milder than a black chai, however I enjoyed the white Ayurvedic chai much more.
Rebecca Haley
This was a nice twist on chai tea. I have not had a green chai before, but I thought it was nice and light and refreshing.
Faith Pippenger
I don't have much experience with green chai but found it to be much lighter than "traditional chai." Especially good in the evenings.
cris amato
Lovely mild green chai tea with a wonderful spice combo. Its great mixed with the spiced mate and some almond milk