earl grey
by twinings
(21 reviews)"Twinings has been blending my family tea for years. Legend has it that my ancestor, the second Earl Grey, was presented with this exquisite recipe by an envoy on his return from China. He liked it so much he asked Richard Twining to recreate it for him. Generations of my family have enjoyed Earl Grey tea and today, I am proud to continue the tradition with the tea celebrated throughout the world known as Twining Earl Grey."- Steven Twinings At Twinings, we take great care to ensure that the Earl Grey you drink today tastes as extraordinary as the one Richard Twining first created. Fresh, fragrant and flavoured with the distinctive notes of citrus and bergamot.
Recent reviews
Lola Mendeloff
More mellow flavors than most other brands and I never feel any caffeine affects
Julie W
This is an ok basic Earl Grey. Good for a grocery store/tea bag tea. Better options. I drank this at the office and was nice to sip a serviceable Earl Grey at my desk. But, not one I would buy.
Tadeusz J.
I think it could be the official Earl Grey standard stored in Sèvres. The aroma is just right—very citrus-like and floral but the bergamot flavoring doesn't overwhelm the aroma of the tea. No harsh bitterness in the taste, no "shallownes" of the aroma, which is assosiated with low-quality teas. However, I still have to complaint that Twinings uses a blend instead of pure Yun Ming or Ceylon. I would wish there was more of a floral, perfumy aroma (and less of the citrussy one), I prefer a slightly different style of Earl Grey. Anyways, still great and easy to find. The default Earl Grey for me.
Lauren S.
The first Earl I ever had, purchased because I wanted to see if I liked EG. Turns out I do. It's a decent basic Earl, nice to have around when I don't have anything better.
Irishman McWhirter
My mother likes this version better than most. She said the Earl Grey has a very nice flavor to the tea.
Ariana T
It's a standard Earl Grey. The flavor isn't very strong in the actual Bergamot/Earl Grey of the blend, but as a tea it is still quite tasty.
Jeremy Sprouse
So far my favorite blend of Earl Grey. The uniqueness of the blend comes through.
Allanah Bisson
This is the tea that made me love tea when I was younger. I still go back to it for nostalgia purposes. :)
Tom Bailey
A little aggressive on the citrus oil. Itâs fine but there are a lot of better earl grey teas
Emily Parker
Good standard cup of earl gray tea! I prefer mine with milk and vanilla, this one works perfectly for that!
Lydia Getgen
This is a solid standard for Earl Grey tea. Makes a lovely cup of tea and an equally delicious latte
Jay R
Not particularly spectacular. It is what it sets out to be: earl grey. The notes of bergamot come through well when steeped correctly.
Leora Harrell
This is a decent earl grey but not my favorite, it does not really have as much flavor as some other earl grey teas. I usually have it with some lemon.