mocha nut mate
by adagio teas
(55 reviews)
The mellow chicory-like character of our Brazilian toasted mate is a perfect platform for a favorite indulgence: chocolate! Add a bit of hazelnut and you have the perfect treat. Great straight up or enhanced with cream and sugar. If you're a fan of chocolate mate teas, we invite you to give this formula a try. Please note that all Mate varieties contains caffeine; we would not suggest it as a nightcap. Steep at 150°F for 3-5 minutes
Recent reviews
Lawrence Devore
I thought that the chocolate taste was on the weak side. Hazelnut flavor was weak as well. Have to avoid this tea in the future. Aromas from the packet were good.
Chris Smith
I don't usually like hazelnut, but this nutty tea was really good. The mate is nicely in the background, with none of the dryness of straight mate. The aroma is very nutty and the taste is good. I tried sweetening it a bit, as others have suggested, but that did not bring out any chocolate flavor for me.
[Teforia official recipe]
Mr. Chester G.
I received a sample of this in the Herbal Portions Sample box. I don't like coffee generally and this was was not my cup of tea at all. I could not finish the cup I made.
I really could not taste the cacao or mate.
Jen S
While this has a nice chocolate and nut like sweet aroma from the dry leaves, I don't like the taste of mate. I prefer much less caffeine too.
Julie W
This tea has such a lovely aroma and sweet nutty/chocolatey taste. Nice caffeine punch to it too. But, alas, I discovered an allergy to mate and can't sip this one anymore. It's great though!!
Zell Maestro
This was pleasantly surprising as someone who doesn't usually love hazelnut. It's chocolately with strong nutty notes, but isn't overly sweet or bitter, and has a creamy, sily mouth feel. I only had a sample, but I would probably buy this one.
Elise Easterling
Great chocolate undertones to this tea! It reminds me of Teavana's my morning mate!
Shannon Webb
I got this as a portion in the July CommuniTEA box. Both the flavor and scent are on the nutty side. It tastes really nice with a couple splashes of milk.
Irishman McWhirter
I just love adagio's mocha nut mate caffeine herbal tea.I love this tea as a hot or iced Latte with milk and Splenda sweetener. This tea is also great for blending Fandom blends.
Callie Pyke
Day 13 of 2022 Advent calendar
Will have to try again as not sure how I feel about it
Rose B
The caffeine on this is definitely strong and it does smell and taste quite a bit like coffee. It's great in tea blends to give it a more coffee-esque taste.
Janet Ross
This is a good tea that I enjoyed over several steeps. I steeped as close to 150 degrees as I could manage for 3 or 4 minutes with sweetener.
Rebecca Hart
I was really impressed with this and I don't usually like chocolate in tea at all. really felt like a mild cup of coffee.
Christine Jolly
I loved the delicious aroma of chocolate and hazelnut with the caffeine I need.
Ashley Rondeau
Currently my favourite tea on Adagio and go to tea in the morning. It's a great replacement for coffee both in the delicious bold flavour and amount of caffeine.
Megan Horst-Burger
This is enjoyable with prominent hazelnut and chocolate flavors. I think the mate has a bit too much caffeine for anytime but the morning
Bethannie Parks
This is my go to morning tea. If you are a coffee drinker, you will appreciate this tea, both for the high caffeine and the warm, rich flavors.
David Steinman
This ia an Adagio favorite. It has a coffee and chocolate flavor, which is enhanced with some sweetener. I enjoy it with milk and sweetener, and have also experimented mixing it with some black tea for a stronger flavor. This is the only mate I like.
Lilly Tryon
A complex tea with notes of chocolate, hazelnut, and ... tobacco? The toasted mate hides behind the chocolate and hazlenut for the first steep (150°F x 3 min), adding a rich depth of flavor. When sweetener is added, the chocolate flavor is enhanced, and the mate takes a step further back. But in the second steep, the mate makes a bold move forward, and a smoky hint of tobacco is noted.
Cindi Drinks Tea
First time drinking mate, I was surprised how coffeelike this was! I liked this way better than the toasted mate.
Alicia D
A great cup of coff....tea. It tastes like a lighter version of a good mocha latte
Tammy Nottingham
Wonderful nutty blend! This is a favorite morning brew. I enjoy it as a latte, with a generous addition of cream and sugar.
Yatri Desai
If you're trying to quit or cut coffee, this might be a great alternative. Teas usually feel lighter and the caffeine buzz is more spaced out so you don't feel like you'll crash.
Very good! Tastes like just like my ferrero roach chocolates! Would highly recommend!
Dorothy Summey
Yum! The smell of this tea is downright phenomenal! All the goodness of chocolate and hazelnut. The taste is there to boot. I added cream and sugar and it tasted like a weak coffee.
Emily Cargile
This isn't bad - it's reminiscent of coffee as intended. It is sort of chocolaty, though I don't really pick up the nutty notes as much. It has sort of a burnt taste to it, but I feel like I could acquire the taste for it if I needed to - like if I needed to give up coffee. It's not bad, but I probably won't order more.
Rachel Emmel
I'm starting to think that mate is just not for me.
My mate sample seemed very heavy on the tobacco flavor when hot. I almost dumped it. I let it sit and cool a bit more, and when I tried it again the flavor had shifted to more coffee-like. I prefer the coffee flavor over the tobacco, but it still wasn't for me.
My sample also didn't have any chocolate in it. I added my own sweetened cocoa nibs, but I couldn't detect any chocolate or hazelnut flavor in the first steep.
I braved a second steep, which gave me better results. Again I let it cool a bit from it's steeping temp, and when I sipped it I was able to pick up on the chocolate and hazelnut flavors. I'm glad I finally reach this tea's potential, but it's a bit too nuanced for me. I don't think I'll purposefully go looking for it again.
Gave it a cold bath then Steep 2x, (1) 150F 5min, (2) 3min
Bridgette Frank
Warm, cozy, toasty. Perfect for a pick me up in the morning to get your day going!
Sleepy Greyhound
Didn't taste any chocolate but it has a nice nutty flavor and hazelnut aroma. Smooth but the mate overwhelms the flavors with an earthy almost musty flavor.
Michelle Levan
Rich, full of nutty and chocolatey notes, and delicious with creamer, a favorite!
Beth Hays
My favorite mate tea anywhere! It’s balanced and strong but not bitter or overpowering. Very nutty which I like.
My favorite thing about this tea is how well-balanced the chocolate notes are with a slight savory flavor component and the warm sensation of a mug in my palms. It is undeniably chocolatey without seeming sweet! Absolutely one of my favorites. And I am not someone who enjoys "chocolate flavored" candies, but I love a good, solid bar.
Rebecca Haley
One of my favorites from Adagio. Makes for a good replacement for a cup of coffee and the mate gives enough of a caffeine kick. Mild chocolate and nut flavor.
Cassandra Guild
I thought the flavors went together, but I didn't actually like the flavors. I like coffee, so the watery coffee flavor made me feel like I was drinking bad coffee from a fast food restaurant.
Karie B.
This seemed sort of weak to me even though I brewed the full 5 minutes. Flavor was just ok.
Kimberly Hnatko
Nutty flavor, very good for a morning cup, especially if you are a coffee drinker. This was perfect just lightly sweetened.
Sky Kutil
I really enjoyed the flavor of this one. Plain the nuttiness was the main flavor, but with a bit of sugar the chocolate came forth to make a lovely nutty chocolate tea.
Galatea D
This was very nicely chocolate. Perfect with a little vanilla unsweetened almond milk and stevia
Michele Pace
I like the nuttiness of this mate and prefer to drink it with a little cream
Cameron Kilchrist
This mate blend was okay, but only okay in my opinion. I picked up this tea in the mate sampler, and it was definitely my least favorite. I was excited to try it based solely on its appearance in the Parks and Rec Phraseology fandom blend, but that blend was much better than the sum of its parts. Not a bad mate, but not my favorite.
Chelsea Windmoeller-Schmit
This reminds me of hazelnut coffee without all the bitterness. I love it! I’m usually a purist and never put sugar or cream in my tea but this one I tried it. It’s amazing. Coffee makes my stomach hurt, this gives me that fix without all the pain.
I couldn't really taste any mocha flavor in this; it just has a slightly nutty taste on top of the vegetal/bitter toasted mate flavor. Not a favorite of mine, but if you enjoy mate it may be worth trying out.
Michael Jacobson
Tastes way too artificial for me. The strong hazelnut taste takes away from the tea and replaces it with what might as well be some run-of-the-mill junk. Way too chemically for me.
Eun Sol Lee
a good tea but the smell was mate while the taste was nut so a little confusing for me
Max Sugerman
This isn't bad, but its just a little too nutty for my taste. It takes away from the earthiness of the mate
Ashley Lam
Very nutty. I like it. Very different than what I normally drink, but it's pretty good.
Megan de Araujo
A new favorite! A great replacement for coffee and great as a treat. Just enough caffeine for me. I also really love it mixed with a bit of chocolate chai. A very warm and inviting tea. I am definitely buying the big bag next time!
Yu-Hsin Liu
The hazelnut works well with the naturally earthy flavor of the mate, the chocolate is kind of lost to me but the other flavors work so well together I don't really mind, love starting my morning with this one!