by adagio teas
(18 reviews)
Lemons and black tea make such a natural pair, so why not try Oranges? Our Orange Black tea combines fresh and brisk Ceylon black tea with the flavor of juicy, ripe Florida Oranges, playfully accented with Orange peel. Zesty Orange rind dryness, with hints of soft, sweet Orange juice (makes a great balance). Crisp and refreshing cup. Orange and tea, you make quite the pair! Steep at 212°F for 3 minutes
Recent reviews
Irishman McWhirter
I love and adore orange, black tea cold brew and served very hot with some dessert of some kind. I use sweetener or honey and milk to bring out the mild orange citrus flavor.
Tanya G.
I like this cold brewed to tone down the bitterness of Ceylon and it brings out the orange flavor. It's also good mixed in blends.
Jennifer R
Sadly, this tea is - even with oat milk - a lot of black tea and almost no orange. I would've preferred it to actually taste like orange. :(
Jen S
I gifted this to my coworker with the chocolate tea. She likes it by iself, but really enjoys it more mixed with the chocolate, like the candy orange ball without the sugar.
Julie W
A nice basic black tea with orange. Refreshing hot or cold brewed. Smells great too! Really nice with a bit of fruity herbal like raspberry or strawberry added. :)
Janet Ross
I’m not a fan of this tea but I will say that it improves when it cools down so it could be great iced. I steeped at 190 degrees to help the fruit flavors shine, but it didn’t work as well with this tea as it has with others.
Sharon McConnell
Plain and simple, this is an orange flavored tea. The orange adds a slightly acidic flavor.
Lauren S.
It's an orange-flavored tea, just as advertised. The orange flavor reminds me more of fresh orange than orange candy which is nice. It's not really something I'd want to try more than once, however.
Cassandra Guild
I steeped this tea for 3 minutes at 212F. It had a very fresh orange flavor. It had a natural orange flavor, not a artificial flavor, which was nice. However, this tea is a little bitter.
Sleepy Greyhound
The Ceylon tea is very bitter and lingeringly astringent. Brewed at 190°, it still was bitter. The orange flavoring isn't too strong, but tastes a bit off. Just not to my taste I guess.
Red Wolfe
This has an odd nostalgia for me. The tangy taste of orange reminds me of the time I mixed Sunny D and tea to make an orange Arnold palmer.
Debbie Sellers
I like this both as hot tea or iced tea. a lovely orange flavor, a very nice breakfast tea to start your day, not too sour or bitter the orange flavor is just right. I did sweeten a bit with honey.
Krista S
A refreshing, citrusy black tea! If you need a caffeine boost, this one is a tasty cuppa. 😊😋
Max Sugerman
Not that great. Its similiar to earl grey or even constant comment, but misses the mark
Faith Pippenger
To me, it tasted like a poor imitation of earl grey. The flavor just wasn't pronounced enough to distinguish it from other blends.
Ryan Jason
The tea itself smells exactly like fresh oranges, but when brewed the black tea taste takes over and sort of overpowers the orange flavor, but it still tastes nice. I blend it with the blood orange and it's perfect!
Aw yeah that's the good stuff. Not too dry; this tea helped me realize I enjoy orange black tea.