peppermint peak
(15 reviews)type: black
ingredients: blackberry leaves vanilla bean black tea chicory cinnamon milk thistle natural flavors natural peppermint flavor peppermint roasted carob
caffeine: strong
price level: $$$$
Reach new and delicious heights with this blend of cool peppermint and rich black tea. We've added creamy milk thistle, carob and vanilla bean for a smooth finish. Let this uplifting black tea take you to the top of Peppermint Peak.
Recent reviews
Julie W
I love peppermint tea. When I was a kid at Christmas we used to stir cups of tea with candy canes and let the candy dissolve into the tea. The flavor of this tea reminds me of that! Lovely peppermint aroma and flavor with a nice black tea base. Yummy!
Tara Orfani
this is pretty good. i like the different ingredients. celestial seasonings has interesting takes on different kinds of tea. a bit expensive in my region though.
Marion Black
I really loved this tea. It was like a candy cane. I thought it was the perfect Christmas time tea.
Galatea D
This tea is OK for a peppermint. Although I am not a big peppermint fan in general.
Lissa A
Great tea - the mint flavor is nicely balanced with a hint of sweetness in the tea.
Jay R
A more delicious version of DT's crummy Santa's Secret tea. Minty, sweet, and creamy, it takes milk well and has a very round flavor. Almost like drinking a pillow mint.