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 (10 reviews)

No, it's not witch-ful thinking... our Cat Scratch blend is wickedly delightful! Indulgent and robust, this tea blends black cat shaped sprinkles with cinnamon and our customer favorite... Tiger Eye. WARNING: Don't steep this tea too late, or you may start to think you're hearing things going bump in the night!

Recent reviews

    • 

      With plant milk: You clearly taste the spices, but they're not too much - they rather feel quite comforting. The chocolate is there too, making this a warm fall tea.

    • 

      This a lovely sweet and slightly spicy Halloween blend. Love this one hot, but I imagine it is really lovely cold-brewed as well. Love it!

    • 

      The old blend is a tasty mix of chocolate, caramel and cinnamon. I prefer this blend more than the new blend of the addition of Double Ginger.

    • CH


      This tea is like getting a chocolate cinnamon candy. It's sweet but not to overwhelming with cinnamon like some teas can be.

    • 

      A nice, tasty, seasonal, and fun tea to drink with some sweetener. I recommend it!

    • 

      This is a fun sweet tea, the cinnamon and chocolate parts of it making it a good combo of autumnal and candy flavors. Great for Halloween.

    • 

      Cinnamon? Yes. Caramel? More please! It's a nice twist on the classic tiger eye, and the cinnamon adds a good pop to it. Milk and sugar are recommended.

    • 

      This one is a solid "meh," in my opinion. I was hoping for more (it looks and sounds very cool). I didn't get much--if any--of the caramel, and there could be more chocolate. (Everything could use more chocolate!) My caveat is that I'm not much of a fan of chai, and also, I've found that I love Adagio's straight, unflavored teas a lot more than the flavored ones. So it's quite possibly just personal preference. :)

    • 

      As a lover of Adagio’s tiger eye tea, I knew I’d like this blend too. I was right! This is a fantastic cinnamon-y twist on tiger eye. The cinnamon is mild so the chocolate and caramel flavors still come through. The sprinkles are a fun touch!

    • 

      I liked the cute tin and theme of this tea a lot! Unfortunately I found the taste was a rather middle-of-the-road black tea. The fun additional accents didn't seem to add much flavoring to the tea.