by adagio teas
(51 reviews)
A native of the Mediterranean, Peppermint leaves were often used to crown luminaries in ancient Greece and Rome. It continues to be revered for its cooling, crisp aroma, deeply refreshing flavor and smooth finish. If you have yet to try gourmet Peppermint tea, made from just pure Peppermint (no added oils or sweeteners), you'll be pleasantly surprised by its superior flavor. Steep at 212°F for 5-10 minutes
Recent reviews
Julee Kasserman
Very nice example of peppermint tea. I like blending this tea with other loose leaf blends to add a little bit of mint.
Tanya G.
This is a good solid peppermint herb. It's delicious plain and mixed with other teas.
Jen S
I love peppermint, gum, candy canes, ice cream, York patties. But peppermint tea always gave me heartburn. But no heartburn with Adagio peppermint! I love it in rooibos Cocomint, and I like to mix a little with my chamomile. Delicious!
Zell Maestro
Solid. It's just peppermint and is exactly as minty and cooling as natural peppermint should be, without any additives or anything. There's not really much to say about it since it's not an actual tea. It's just the ingredient it promised.
Amir Kleyman
Made at 90c for 7 minutes.
Basic peppermint tea, tried it without any sweeteners and it was okay. Sugar changes the flavor a little, but its still good.
Lawrence Devore
I truly liked this tea very much. Just the right amount of peppermint.
Be great in front of a fireplace with the snow coming down. Perfect seasonal tea.
Julie W
So aromatic and just lovely in tea -- just about any tea! I love peppermint brewed with tea both hot and cold-brewed. So refreshing, relaxing and calming.
Janet Ross
This is a terrific minty blast of deliciousness when steeped with a little rock sugar. The best peppermint tea I have ever had.
Irishman McWhirter
One of the best Icey cool winter peppermint tea, I have ever tasted. This peppermint tea is perfect for an upset stomach. This tea is great for blending, especially for adagios Fandom blends.
Zannah L
This one is STRONG. Let it go for longer than three minutes and you end up with a mintyness approaching toothpaste, so watch your infuser with care. I like strong mint and it gets overwhelming for me!
Sleepy Greyhound
Very fresh, aromatic leaves. Brews up into a very minty cup with all the freshness of spring.
Cindi Drinks Tea
Delicious strong, flavorful, high-quality peppermint. Delicious by itself or blending with a chamomile or chocolate tea. Refreshing nighttime cup, and great for an upset tummy (or not).
Thoroughly enjoyable tea. Simple perfection. If you enjoy peppermint you will like this tea. It is one of the better peppermint teas out there.
Keri Wisniowski
This was a very good tea on one of my favorites to add to other teas for a blend.
Strong scent and lots of oils. Typically add this to other teas and have found it to be quite good.
If you love peppermint you will love this. It really opens up your sinuses! I prefer my peppermint with chocolate but that’s just me. It’s really good when you have a bad cold.
A. M. Baskerville
Clean, pure, peppermint. Hard to find something as simple as this. Can't beat it, mintwise.
Marion Black
Perfect peppermint tea. If you love peppermint you can’t go wrong. Love this tea
Cameron Kilchrist
So strong and bright! A very good example of peppermint tea. Spearmint still reigns king in my house but this peppermint is a close contender.
Han lastname
Nice peppermint flavor, great in blends. Very straightforward, you get the point here. It's nice.
Red Wolfe
Peppermint, plain, simple, and delicious. It tastes like gum in all the best ways, and is a great way to wind down at the end of the day.
Kimberly Hnatko
This is a wonderful cup of tea. Minty, smooth, and sweet- I could drink this every day. No frills, just right.
caroline melsa
I absolutely love this tea. It's a great pick me up during the afternoon or in the morning.
Rebekah Strickland
Usually when I have mint tea I make it with my home grown organic mint, picked fresh from the garden when I can or dried in the winter. This is a good substitute for when that's not available.
Dorothy Summey
If you love peppermint, you will love this tea. The mintiness lingers in your mouth like you’ve just eaten an Altoid mint. Very refreshing with a bit of added rock sugar.
Rachel Emmel
If it looks like peppermint, smells like peppermint, and tastes like peppermint, then it must be peppermint.
I've never tried peppermint tea by itself, so I did take a few sips of it straight before combining it with my blend (which I steeped in a separate cup just for this reason)...
It tasted like peppermint. Left a tingling on the tongue and a freshness on the breath.
Would I opt to drink peppermint on its own again? I wouldn't turn it away, but I do prefer it in blends.
Cristian Bravo Plancarte
really good i dont think that its too strong like others might and ive also had the spearmint which i think is something most people would prefer
Rebecca Haley
This is exactly what it says- peppermint. it was a nice clean taste. I mixed it with Gunpowder to make my own mock "Moroccan Tea"
Liam Pavone
Very flavorful and good. Mixed in small amounts with teas like jasmine it is just a bit overpowering but good.
Caleb Hudson
A great, smooth peppermint tea for an affordable price. If you want a simple tea without breaking the bank then go for this one.
Michael Jacobson
This was the best mint tea I've ever had. It was amazingly sweet and powerful while maintaining a delicacy hard to reach with such strong menthol notes. One of my favorite teas, if not my favorite.
Katie DiBenedetto
My favorite herbal, so nice when you need to cleanse your palate or ease your tummy. Beautiful bright and intense flavor.
Lydia May
High-quality peppermint. Great for relaxing and winding down, especially if you're congested or have an upset stomach.
Shana-Lee Nguyen
I got this for my mom because she's been having stomach aches recently and this really helps her.
Max Sugerman
I got a sample of this and was blown away. Its hard to find a really high quality, straightforward peppermint tea. This is super strong and really refreshing
Katherine Fowee
This is the strongest peppermint tea I have ever had. Don't steep it too long if you don't like a strong peppermint flavor. Also you definitely need a fine sieve filter for this tea since some of the peppermint bits are quite small.
Samantha Ball
I was not in love with this tea but I could see it being nice in a blend with something chocolate.
Timothy Keller
Adagio's peppermint is easily my favorite peppermint tea, so much so that I'm still working through a huge bag I bought. Note: huge because that's how much I like it and how quickly I go through it, especially in colder months, when cold/flu seem to occur more often. It's also great when I want something without caffeine and blends well with other teas for pleasant variations.
jenny womack
I love Adagio's peppermint tea...I often mix a bit of it in with my other tea, especially my iced teas (hibiscus, berry blast, etc.). And it drinks well alone (I use it hot to soothe an upset tummy) too. Great choice for mint lovers who may want to add a hint of mint to another tea.