decaf chai
by adagio teas
(9 reviews)
Our Decaf Chai tea blend combines premium Ceylon black tea with cinnamon, cardamom and ginger. Our interpretation brings a decaf option to the typical Masala Chai with a warm and inviting fragrance, zesty flavor and invigorating, aromatic finish. We suggest two heaping teaspoons per 8 oz cup. Sugar or milk if desired. Steep at 212°F for 3 minutes
Recent reviews
Tanya G.
This is a true chai flavor and I love that I can drink this anytime. It's good hot and iced.
John McKenna
A very solid chai, love the fact it's a decaf so I can drink it at night, I got a lot of spice in my cup, a very pleasant sip
Julie W
Yum! I love chai, and it's wonderful to have a decaf version of Adagio's chai! I can sip this tea any time without worrying about caffeine. Love it!
Jen S
Unfortunately, this was not meant for me. I'm not a fan of overwhelming cloves. The cloves overpowered any other smell or flavor.
Janet Ross
This is a very strong but delicious chai tea. It is a bit more peppery in flavor but I really enjoy it when I want a chai tea later in the evening.
Dr Laura A
my spouse prefers decaf teas so this was a hit - otherwise he's limited to herbals. ty adagio