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 (37 reviews)

type: herbal

origin: south africa rooibos

caffeine: no-caffeine

price level: $$$$

Depending on where you're from, you may either say 'car-a-mel' or 'CAR-mel.' Anyway you put it, though, this naturally caffeine-free treat with rich notes of caramel flavoring (that is sugar free!) is sure to have you saying, 'wow! that's good!' Soft and satiny, like a melty caramel. Rounded, sweet and mellow finish. Steep at 212°F for 5 minutes

Recent reviews

    • 

      I'm not a fan of red rooibos, but I like to try them in case one will change my mind. This tea is all red rooibos...woody, earthy, and very medicinal tasting. I couldn't taste any caramel.

    • 

      I do not like rooibos, so keeping that in mind, I will say that the caramel flavor is not particularly pronounced. As it cools, you can taste a little bit more of a buttery, caramelly flavor, but hot, it's almost non-existent and simply rooibos. If you like rooibos, you might enjoy this, if you don't you won't!

    • 

      Pretty basic rooibos tea, not much caramel flavor to it.

    • 

      I have to say I don't really get caramel, sadly. It's quite pure rooibos, actually. But it's not bad. Just not what it aims to be.

    • 

      I thought this was actually kind of gross. Hard to explain why, but the caramel flavor is just sickeningly sweet and artificial. Paired with the woody taste of rooibos, kind of tasted like drinking woodchips with flat diet pop. Lol.

    • 

      I didn't smell any caramel from the packet, just the woodiness of Rooibos. Steeped for 5 min @ 212 and had to double check the packet that it wasn't plain rooibos. There wasn't any caramel aroma after steeping either, nor was there flavor other than the woodiness of rooibos. I like rooibos, so it's fine for me, but not if I'm looking for caramel.

    • 

      A red rooibos with a sweet caramel flavor. I love how the woodsy taste of the rooibos blends so well with the caramel sweetness. I prefer this tea hot with a bit of creamer and stevia added to bring out the sweetness even more. Yum!

    • 

      This is a classic red rooibos tea with a creamy undertone. I added a couple of dashes of milk after the initial taste test. The result was a lovely creamy and earthy latte.

    • 

      No real flavor for me

    • LD


      in the beginning the caramel flavor was not there. But as it cooled, I could taste the caramel more and more.

      Just add a little more Caramel would have made it a 5 star tea.

      A really smooth tea.

    • 

      Very nice tea with caramel flavor that almost masks the red rooibos taste. I steeped at 212 degrees for 5 minutes and added some honey.

    • 

      I love red rooibos so no surprise I love this one. The flavoring is good as a stand alone tea but also mixes well with others as well.

    • KO


      Great for rooibos lovers, as the rooibos flavor is stronger than the caramel.

    • 

      This tea is a mellow one tasting of caramel. The caramel taste is not too overwhelming.

    • 

      Warm, buttery rooibos with a hint of honeyed caramel--YUM! It's a crowd-pleaser, especially on quiet evenings when you're looking for a warm beverage to accompany a good book. The caramel isn't as pronounced as I imagined, mostly lingering in the aroma itself, but a bit of brown sugar helps to coax it out. If you enjoy Honeybush Vanilla, you'll be pleased with this one, just don't expect a strong accent.

    • 

      I just really like this Caffeine-free Caramel Rooibos. I love the smooth, soft, sweet, and candied taste. This is a wonderful hot tea and excellent for blending other tea with the caramel rooibos.

    • CB


      Very sweet without adding sugar-- I would add this to the decaf vanilla black tea for a more full-body flavor

    • 

      One of my absolute favorites! I love this hot, warm or cold. I've blended it with numerous other Adagio flavors and have fantastic results.

    • 

      Pretty mild tea. Good with a small amount of honey for a bedtime treat.

    • 

      There is not a lot going on here besides rooibos. The caramel provided a nice aroma, but not a lot of caramel flavor. This combo works better for me than red rooibos paired with fruity flavors, as this didn't turn medicinal.

    • 

      It could have had a little more of a caramel flavor for me. It tastes too much like regular rooibos to me... which is fine because I love the taste! I was only hoping for a bit more caramelly sweetness.

    • 

      Strong smell of caramel, but very little taste of it. Very woody, very rooibos. Not awful, just not really my style - I'd drink it at your house to be polite but wouldn't seek it out.

    • JL


      One of my favorites of the rooibos teas. You can definitely tase the rooibos, so if you don't like it, it may not be for you.

    • 

      The familiar scent of rooibos - a little medicinal, a little woody. It steeped a beautiful red color. The caramel flavor came through stronger once it cooled a bit - warm and smooth, goes very well with the woody, sweet flavor of rooibos.

      I added sugar and milk.

      Steeped 212F 5min

    • EC


      I got a sample of this through the March CommuniTEA box. I don't like rooibos, and this was about as bad as they come. No redeeming qualities, just the regular rancid rooibos taste. I couldn't even taste any caramel. My kids liked this, so I let them have the rest.

    • 

      I think it tastes like raisins? I don't know if this is from the rooibos or something else. It wasn't gross, but I wouldn't buy it.

    • CK


      This is probably the worst rooibos tea I've ever had. Rooibos already tastes so medicinal but with the added caramel it tastes less like medicinal tea and more like straight up medicine

    • 

      Nice caramel aroma. Not very much flavor though. Probably would come through better if sweetened or creamer added. Smooth and delicious.

    • 

      I was so looking forward to this based on its good reviews, but I hated it. The medicinal flavor of the rooibos still comes through.

    • 

      One of my favorite things about rooibos tea is that it doesn't get bitter from over-steeping. I like my teas plenty steeped to get all the flavor.

    • MJ


      Actually tastes like caramel tea! Can't really complain.... A bit odd, but certainly not bad!

    • 

      Lovely caramel flavour. I highly reccomend for any caramel lovers out there.

    • 

      I thought I would enjoy it since I really like the chocolate and hazelnut rooibos but caramel flavor smells artificial so this is a NAY for me

    • 

      Very smooth and sweet. It definitely has a strong and delicious caramel flavor. It's great on its own or mixed into other blends.

    • 

      I am not a fan of this tea. The Rooibos is great, but the caramel reminds me of a frappachino.

    • 

      The earthiness of the rooibos pairs beautifully with the caramel for a pleasing cup of tea

    • 

      Very good evening tea. Although I do love Adagio's Caramel black tea, I think I prefer this one simply because I can drink it anytime and I don't have to worry about the caffeine. They've done a great job of bring out the caramel flavor.