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 (12 reviews)

type: green

origin: china

caffeine: medium

price level: $$$$

Wenshan Mist is a mao feng leaf tea grown in the natural beauty of the mountainous Yunnan province in China. The large dark leaves offer a sweet cup with fruity notes of plum, complex white grape, and hints of springtime flowers. This is a new and rare green from an area known traditionally for its black teas. Steep at 180°F for 2-3 minutes

Recent reviews

    • 

      I really enjoyed this Yunnan green tea! It's light tasting green tea that's not bitter or grassy. I usually drink this gongfu style to savor the tea and to get more steeps.

    • 

      I cold steeped this overnight for refreshing iced green tea and it was delicious. No additions.

    • ET


      It's not the one for me. Nice enough, and very green-tasting, but I was hoping for less astringency and more complexity. Will plan to spice it up with some lemon and mint.

    • 

      This is a solid, refreshing green tea, just nothing to write home about. If you need a crisp, regular green tea to blend with other things, this is a good option. Felt good on my throat when I was sick.

    • 

      I normally gravitate to stronger black or oolong teas, but th is is a green tea that I like. It has a smooth fruity/hay/melon flavor. not grassy. Just lightly and naturally sweet. Very good!

    • 

      Very subtle flavor. Tried this one several times, even gong-fu brewed it to try to bring out more of the flavor, but this one is very underwhelming to me. Adagio has some freaking wonderful green teas, this just doesn't happen to be one of them, IMO.

    • CK


      Definitely an enjoyable cup! Very much enjoyed this addition to the CommuniTEA spread.

    • 

      I love this green tea! It's mild, grassy and delicious. A perfect cup for any time of day.

    • 

      This is a nice mild tasting green tea. Give it a try when you want something light.

    • 

      A very slight floral and fruity taste with next to grassy tones making for a light refreshing cup of green tea.

    • 

      A mellow, not too grassy green tea. The fruity notes are very light, like the rest of the tea.

    • 

      There is definitely a fruitiness to this tea, but not overbearing.