decaf ceylon
by adagio teas
(19 reviews)
Classic black tea from the island of Sri Lanka. Clean, tangy aroma, medium body, with sweet citrus notes like mandarin, and refreshing astringency. A gentle, natural decaffeination process retains the delicate shape and flavor of the tea leaves. Steep at 212°F for 3-5 minutes
Recent reviews
John McKenna
Perfect cup of decaf from Adagio, how is it possible a decaf tastes just as good as a caffeinated version, I love that I can have a cup anytime of day
Jen S
90 sec @ 160. Smooth and soft mouthful. No bitterness or astringency. I would like this over ice as a classic unsweetened iced tea.
Julie W
I love love love love the fact that there is a decaf version of this tea so I can enjoy the goodness of a cuppa plain black tea anytime I want! This tea is excellent hot or cold brewed. A staple in my tea stash!
Morgan Sohl
Much better than I expected a decaf tea to be. Just a simple, elegant cup of black tea!
Lilly Tryon
A straight-forward black tea that can be enjoyed any time since it contains no caffeine. Smooth, rich, and malty, with no bitterness. (190°F x 2 min)
Silver Steele
Bought as a gift for my mother who has a caffeine sensitivity. She enjoyed the flavor of it without any issues!
Superglad I like this because I accidentally ordered 2 sample packs :) I don't have enough decaf tea in my arsenal so this will do nicely! Nice dark tea to finish out my day makes me happy. I also like to drink A LOT of tea while I'm fasting so I am looking forward to this tea most days
Holly Akins
It's not fancy or overwhelming, but it is a solid decaf tea. I've tried it hot and iced, and it's pleasing either way. I've yet to try it with cream or sugar, but I'm sure that would be a nice treat. This is a good choice for when I'm trying to avoid caffeine.
This does not taste like a decaf black at all. It has less of the astringency of regular ceylon. Still good to have with milk and sugar.
Rebecca Jacobs
My favorite decaf tea. Complex flavors and no bitterness. Tastes even better than it smells.
Cameron Kilchrist
This is the best decaf I've ever had! I don't really like full Caff Ceylon due to its tang but this iteration dulls the tang and leaves you with a bracing cup without caffeine.
Michelle Levan
Decaf!!!! I need to drink only decaf teas, this is perfect when I want a good, plain old tea (not flavored)!
Faith Pippenger
Unexpectedly delicious. Black tea is a personal favorite, so it's nice to have the option of something decaffeinated in the evenings.
James Cowart
Hands down the best decaf black tea I've ever tasted. It's dark, but not overly bitter. It's excellent plain or with milk/cream. It even won my wife (a true coffee connoisseur) over for a nightly cup of tea as well!
Ellen Beckerman
Smooth and deep, this is my go to tea in the morning. Really delicious,