fireside vanilla spice
(11 reviews)type: herbal
ingredients: cardamom cinnamon ginger licorice root natural vanilla flavor
caffeine: no-caffeine
price level: $$$$
The warmth this tea brings comes from the perfect balance of cinnamon and natural vanilla flavor plus a kick of ginger and cardamom. The sweet spiciness evokes an aroma and taste of pure coziness.
Recent reviews
Julie W
Great spice tea when you need something simple/fast to prepare or that you can easily take with you. I don't use teabags very often, but this tea is great to have on hand when I have company or times where loose tea is not an option.
Jessica Morgan
Tastes warm, vaguely smoky, and sweet. The first time I drank it I really did feel like I was curled up next to a fireplace on a cold winter's night, wrapped up in a blanket and sipping a cup of tea to the pleasant backdrop of crackles and pops from the fire as the snow falls outside.
John McKenna
This is a winner from CS, the vanilla, cardamom, and ginger highlight this awesome blend, not too sweet.
Marion Black
I enjoyed this tea, I thought the spices were perfect. I love cardamom and the vanilla made this even better for me.
Lauren S.
After a while, all CS's spiced teas start to taste the same. All of them are almost too sweet and full of cinnamon. The vanilla helps differentiate this enough to make it worth buying again.
Morgan Sohl
I liked this one a lot, but I do like vanilla. I don't often drink Celestial Seasonings anymore, but this is one I would regularly drink!
Stephanie C
This tea kind of has a delayed reaction with the vanilla flavor. It's a bit odd.
Courtney Royal
I'm not entirely sure what to make of this tea. While it isn't bad, I don't think I am a huge fan of the additional vanilla. It might be just a tad to much.
Karie B.
I'm on the fence about finishing this box. It's not a favorites. Might give it a tray iced.
I wanted to like this tea more, but it has a bit of an off flavor to it. Like it wants to be smoky, vanilla and spicy, but just didn't quite seal the deal.