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Courtney Royal  

User's reviews

  • Gingerbread Spice


    The ginger flavor is a tad subtle, compared to other ginger teas I have tried, but it isn't just like drinking warm water.

  • Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride


    this was perfect for the holidays when I bought it, and I still drink it when I need a little dash of Christmas magic.

  • Fireside Vanilla Spice


    I'm not entirely sure what to make of this tea. While it isn't bad, I don't think I am a huge fan of the additional vanilla. It might be just a tad to much.

  • Green Tea with Peach


    I recently started getting into green teas, and this was a nice little introductory tea to start me off, though it wasn't all that strong when brewed. Could just be my adapting palate.

  • Tension Tamer


    Not my favorite tea. The combination of flavors seemed of balanced for me. Not entirely sure why.

  • Cinnamon Apple Spice


    Perfect fall tea. Reminds me of evenings by the fire. Almost like drinking apple cider, but with a higher concentration of cinnamon

  • Glazed Lemon Loaf


    Perfect tea to pair with a light lunch, or with lemon loaf itself. The scent alone as the tea brews is magic. It completely fills a room. The sweetness perfectly complements the lemon. Spot on representation of Lemon Loaf if I do say so myself.

  • Bengal Spice


    Absolutely amazing tea. Extremely flavorful. Great for winding down in the evening.