decaf apricot
by adagio teas
(19 reviews)
Our Decaf Apricot Black tea combines the sweet flavor of ripe summer apricots with the tangy bright taste of decaf Ceylon black tea. Soft, mellow mouthfeel, succulent flavor and balanced astringency. A gentle, natural decaffeination process retains the delicate shape and flavor of the tea leaves. Steep at 212°F for 3 minutes
Recent reviews
Sofia Teasley
I have a really great apricot tea from Harney & Sons that I I was excited to try this one from adagio. However, I was disappointed. The apricot flavor was just a vaguely fruity flavor that didn't smell or taste like apricot at all. The two couldn't even really be compared. The H&S smelled and tasted like juicy dried apricots, whereas adagios was almost bland. It was ok, just not the sweet juicy punch of apricot I hoped for. Sorry adagio!
A very aromatic and flavorful tea. The apricot flavor is spot on and not artificial tasting. And I love that it's decaf, I'll be able to enjoy this anytime.
Dari Cranford
Love Adagio teas and appreciate the quality of their flavored teas above all others. No fake apricot taste here. Love to add this to the second brew of my morning tea. also appreciate the decaf option.
Jen S
Fragrant peachy/apricot sweetness. Pleasant fruit flavor, again peachy/apricot. Smooth and enjoyable, but not something I'd drink regularly.
Julee Kasserman
Very pretty tea with bits of apricot., Fresh aroma upon opening the package. Distinguishable apricot flavor. Drank it as a warm tea but it would be good iced or chilled as well.
Julie W
Just as awesome as the caffeinated Apricot black tea from Adagio.....but decaf so it can be enjoyed anytime!! I love this tea hot or cold brewed. So good!
Cameron Kilchrist
I find it's easier to avoid the occasional bitterness here than that comes about on the fully caffeinated apricot blend. It's smoother and lets the apricot steal the show a little more graciously as well
Ashley Hanft
Bright and fresh apricot greets your nose with this blend both dry and after steeped. I tried the caffeinated version with a sample of February's CommuniTEA offerings and wasn't really a fan, but the decaffeinated Ceylon provides a much smoother base to the apricot flavor and I really enjoyed it both plain and sweetened to rock sugar. This would be excellent cold brewed in the summer.
Janet Ross
This tea is delicious, and I am anxiously waiting to get a larger bag of it delivered next month so that I can enjoy it more often. The apricot flavor blends really nicely with the black tea, and all this flavor is caffeine-free!
Tanya G.
This has a strong apricot scent, but it's light in flavor. This probable tastes great cold brewed.
Red Wolfe
While the smell was irresistible, the taste was kind of flat. It's not as good as the full caffeine version, but it's still got that lovely apricot taste.
Jeanine B.
This tea has a fresh apricot smell and a refreshing taste. I like it cold brewed overnight with a little sugar.
Michelle Levan
I LOVE this tea! It will be a staple in my cupboard. Who would have known, sweet, decaf, and awesome, excellent with or without creamer :)
Mocha Cocoa
Decent tea but not very special. I would rather drink decaf peach which has much stronger flavor