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 (9 reviews)

origin: usa iced

caffeine: strong

price level: $$$$

Full-leaf black tea in cold-brew pouches. Simply place overnight in a pitcher of water. Awake to find a tea rich in flavor and aroma, at a price that's a fraction of the supermarket-bought teas. For quicker preparation, steep in hot water for five minutes and add ice. Combines black tea from Sri Lanka with spices, sweet coconut and floral lemongrass. Makes 32 ounces. Steep at 212°F for 3-5 minutes

Recent reviews

    • 

      Really good! I make it overnight, pour it into a plastic tumbler with ice, a little creamer, and a little coconut syrup and it is a delicious take along for when I run errands!

    • 

      I prefer this tea hot, but got adventurous and tried it cold-brewed. It is delicious! Highly recommend! The spices blend together so well. Yum!

    • 

      One of my favorite iced teas. It's got such a delicious blend of the chai spice and the coconut, so much so that I make this iced to drink indoors even when it's cold outside!

    • 

      I like this a lot better cold than I do hot. It actually makes a really nice cup of iced tea, letting the coconut and spices shine.

    • 

      This is a really good alternative to the chais you can get premade.

    • 

      This tea comes pre-packaged in netting so that you can add it to 32 ounces of water and cold brew it overnight. The coconut-infused chai tastes great iced as well!

    • 

      A delicious chai tea with a mostly balanced flavor profile. The coconut is a nice addition.

    • 

      I love this iced tea. It has a creamy coconut flavor. I love the addition of the lemon grass.

    • 

      Yummy tea. Great combination. Great coconut smell!!!