rooibos earl grey
by adagio teas
(34 reviews)
A classic blend with a twist, using South African Rooibos. Zesty fresh citrus aroma, slightly dry, with a rounded and balanced orange rind flavor. Pleasantly smooth texture from the Rooibos (not as dry and brisk as traditional Earl Grey made from black tea). Lingering citrus sweetness. Naturally caffeine free. Steep at 212°F for 5 minutes
Recent reviews
Lauren S.
I'm beginning to realize nothing can make me like rooibos. The bergamot's nice enough, but that woody, pencil-shavings rooibos base is just off-putting to me.
Julia Rathmann-Bloch
This is a pleasant tea if you like rooibos. The Earl Grey flavor is fragrant and lovely. The rooibos is a little overpowering though.
Zell Maestro
I'm not usually big on classic earl grey with black tea, as I find it too perfume-like, but this was better and I could actually enjoy this. The bergamot is strong on the nose but more subdued by the woody flavor of the rooibos, which I think works so much better with bergamot. An interesting take.
Jen S
Strong bergamot smell. Dark, almost brown liquid. It's smooth and resteeps well. I really enjoy this hot. For bergamot lovers and caffeine free.
Julie W
I love Earl Grey. But mixing EG with red Rooibos is not my favorite flavor blend. I think the woodsy/slightly medicinal and very distinctive taste of red rooibos over powers the EG classic bergamot flavor. I prefer my EG with a black tea base.
Katie Erickson
I really enjoyed this tea. It's a smoother version of earl grey in my opinion. I will definitely order more.
Janet Ross
Rooibos makes a very mild and pleasant Earl Grey tea. I enjoyed this with a little sweetener. (5 minutes at 190 degrees.)
Ashley Hanft
Bergamot is front and center when you open the packet, but the rooibos makes a smoother base for those who find a traditional black tea Earl Grey too sharp on the palate. The orange flavor comes through at the end with the floral notes from the cornflowers making a lovely cup as is. Adding some monk fruit cuts the bitterness of the bergamot and brings out more of the complex citrus flavors. This is easily one of my favorite Earl Grey blends and great for a nighttime cup as rooibos is caffeine free.
Tanya G.
The bergamot is very forward and once it cools, you can taste the woody/medicinal flavor of rooibos.
Jeanine B.
This is a nice twist on a classic! The rooibos gives it an earthy feel and the bergamot comes out strong, but not overwhelmingly so. This is a great way to make earl grey a nighttime drink.
I keep trying to like Earl grey since it’s so classic but in this case the red rooibos didn’t help because I don’t like that either. All I could taste was a strong orange rind flavor. Perhaps if I had added creamer to it it would have tasted smoother.
Courtney Boell
A nice twist on a classic. This is a slightly sweeter version of a traditional Earl Grey. I quite enjoyed the sweetness and might replace regular Earl Grey with this.
Steeped at 212F for 5min
Red Wolfe
Love earl grey, and vastly prefer rooibos to decaf black tea. As a caffeine free alternative to a classic earl grey, this is top notch.
Emily Cargile
I really strongly dislike rooibos, so that put this tea at a disadvantage right away. On the other hand, Earl Grey is one of my favorite types of tea. The rooibos and bergamot flavors actually seemed pretty balanced - I was able to pick up both without either being overpowering. But I definitely prefer the black version of Earl Grey and would not choose this again. My kids liked it though!
Cameron Kilchrist
This tea just didn't do it for me. It tasted almost entirely of medicine and not much else. I ordinarily love earl grey (and have enjoyed most I've come across) this one was absolutely terrible.
Kimberly Hnatko
I'm a big earl grey fan and I do enjoy a good rooibos, but this wasn't really what I expected. It tastes like a citrusy rooibos, but not the bergamot earl grey flavor I was hoping for. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I wasn't expecting earl grey.
Shannon Webb
Brewed at 212F for 5 minutes.
The scent upon opening the pack was delightful. However, I began getting notes of "wet dog" once I started to actually steep the tea. The flavor isn't terrible. The bergamot flavor is rather strong and drowns out the rooibos. I much prefer the classic black tea earl grey to this.
Rebekah Strickland
This is earl grey lite. The milder rooibos flavor allows the bergamot and orange to come through nicely. A mellow tea I'd enjoy in the evening.
Sleepy Greyhound
A very pretty blend with the rusty red rooibos and the blue cornflowers. Lighter than usual bergamot flavor and a little orange flavor. Good if you're looking for a decaf Earl Grey, but not a favorite of mine.
Rachel Emmel
Ah the family scent of Rooibos. I do enjoy rooibos, and earl grey flavors have become a recent favorite. My CommuniTea packet was missing orange peel, so I added a few pieces from my own stash. There's not much more to say about this tea other than it's a Rooibos flavored with Bergamot. A good combination, I always through citrus worked well with Rooibos. I added some [almond] milk and a tiny bit of sugar. I twas a very enjoyable cup.
Dorothy Summey
Not a fan of red rooibos but I think the earl grey and red rooibos met in the middle to create a balanced blend.
Jennifer M
Rooibos teas are very good, this one was also very good, not one I would keep in my rotation though
Cassandra Cain
i love drinking this before bed, i was pleased to not have an overly powerful orange flavor
Michael Jacobson
Medicinal in taste and smell, this is a complete warping of earl grey and simply does not work! It's both bitter and sickly sweet at the same time...
A. Wood
This is just a bad blend. Artificial flavor. The rooibos alone is fine but the added flavor is bad
Lydia Getgen
I love rooibos and I love earl grey. The two together is a unique experience
Brittany Falchek
I love rooibos. I love earl grey. Unfortunately, I guess I just don't love them together.
Hannah Loder
This tea was alright. I personally did not enjoy the combination very much, but some people might.
Kathrine Zelonka
Good quality ingredients, but this combo didn't quite work for me. I found the sweet warmth of the rooibos at odds with the floral notes of earl grey.