skinny tea
by adagio teas
(16 reviews)
Sometimes we all need a little help managing our indulgences. Traditional remedies include oolong, green, and yerba mate teas for energy and metabolism boost, along with senna leaf and dandelion root to keep your digestive tract moving smoothly. (Go easy though, or it may end up moving a little too smoothly.)
*Skinny Tea is recommended to be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise. For best results consume with an additional glass of water.
Please talk to a healthcare professional if you have any medical conditions or are taking any medication before drinking Skinny Tea. Herbal supplements should not replace a balanced diet. If symptoms persist consult your doctor/health care professional. This product may produce a laxative effect and consumption should not exceed once a day for more than two weeks at a time. If you are under the age of 18 please obtain parental consent prior to use. Steep at 212°F for 3-5 minutes
Recent reviews
Chris Smith
Delicious! Many have said it was vegetal, but I tasted maple syrup. I didn't have digestive issues, but perhaps that was a result of complex factors involving what I'd eaten (a Subway tuna sub) and timing. If it weren't for the cautions against drinking it too much, the flavor would encourage me to make this tea a regular choice.
[Teforia official recipe]
Tor-Elias Johnson
Exceedingly smooth and lightly sweet with unique rich flavor. Personally I didn't find it to be more effective as a system cleanse than most other teas, but I'd still recommend it just for the taste.
Julie W
Great tea for when my gut needs a little bit of assistance to work correctly. The taste is sort of like maple and raisin mixed with oolong's a bit medicinal but not overly so. I tend to blend this tea with something else as I have to use only a small amount. Great tea for when I'm not feeling well.
Tanya G.
A delicious tea that tastes sweet like maple. It's an earthy, cinnamon oolong tea. I love drinking this cold brewed in the summer.
Ashley Hanft
The tea itself smells wonderfully sweet almost like pancakes, but the flavor is really vegetal from the dandelion root. Light and clean flavor but I don't taste the cinnamon that some report. I like it better after adding a small amount of sweetener, but not my cup of tea overall.
Janet Ross
I enjoyed this tea very much, and found that true to the name, I need to add no sweetener to this at all. The flavors are a little unusual, but it tastes really good as the tea starts to cool down. Keep in mind that it has senna, a mild laxative in it so don't overdo or drink it when your GI system is already pretty active.
Sleepy Greyhound
This is a delicious blend of good for you ingredients. It's sweet and creamy and very smooth. Has just a little zip from the cinnamon. A great tea to have any day!
Jeanine B.
This tea has an unexpected crème brûlée flavor that makes it really unique for a wellness tea. Combined with diet and exercise, this would be a great path to weight loss.
Keri Wisniowski
This was a very enjoyable blend that can be used for many purposes. I even enjoyed it without sugar. A nice way to start a day esp after a big meal the night before.
The smell is a little strange at first but it definitely is tasty! I am going to try to have a cup every morning and see what it does for me. I was looking for a 'healthier' tea since I do not enjoy the teatox flavor.
Rebecca Johnston
Another great one by Adagio! This is a good one to curb sweet tooth cravings, as well as boost digestion. It does have a "maple syrup" smell to it, which I really like.
Tracie Anderson
This is a good tea to clean your system out. I only drink it when I feel like I need to. I wouldn't drink this tea everyday.
Katherine Moore
The tea is tasty, but make sure you drink it on a day when you don't have to go anywhere. It may or may not make things move more smoothly than is convenient.
Ca U
Pretty flavorful. I doubt it helps with your weight but this is a good tea for detox your body
Max Sugerman
I guess its my fault for not realizing senna in this but this was an unpleasant experience all around
India Lowery
Not really sure if this tea necessarily makes you skinny, but it is still pretty tasty. I will make some at night and stick it in the fridge then take it to work with me.