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spice dragon red chai herbal tea


 (5 reviews)

type: herbal

origin: africa south africa

variety: rooibos

ingredients: cinnamon clove ginger rooibos

caffeine: no-caffeine

price level: $$$$

Rooibos, a South African herb also known as red tea, combines with clove, ginger root and sweet cinnamon to create a unique, caffeine-free sweet and spicy chai.

Recent reviews

    • 

      I tried this tea at work. Just not my cup of tea. Smelled nice, but the taste was just off...sort of fake tasting. Just didn't like it.

    • 

      When making it i realized how even though the flavor is a little wack it works great as a base tea for another tea recipe i follow. I hope maybe somewhere down the line the profile of herbs gets sorted out.

    • HM


      This is extremely cinnamon forward. I had to reduce the brewing time to try to get any of the other flavors in a decent ratio, and even at 3 minutes, it was mostly cinnamon. My best cup of this tea is using a second bag of any other tea to "chai" it and attempt to drown out some of the cinnamon. I'm rather disappointed since I generally enjoy rooibos, but this tea does not do it for me without help. Adding sweetener and milk does not help the cinnamon level either.

    • 

      A good chai, and the lack of caffeine makes it easy to enjoy at any time.

    • 

      This is a great tea for those going caffine free. I wish it were less cinnamony and a little spicier.