honeybush chocolate
by adagio teas
(44 reviews)
The finest chocolates are from Belgium, and the best chocolate teas are from Adagio. Our Honeybush Chocolate tea is a prime example, combining the smoothness of Honeybush with sinful aroma and taste of dark chocolate. Smooth, rich and luxurious, like a chocolate liquor. Decadent, divine and completely caffeine free. Steep at 212°F for 5 minutes
Recent reviews
Tanya G.
The chocolate flavor in this is light, but it's still good since it's caffeine free. This is good plain or with a little bit of cream.
Kimberly Waggoner
One of my favorite caffeine free treats- I often use it as a base for a DIY bedtime tea with chamomile and valerian mixed in, or as a treat in between coffees during the day. It's good on its own, it's a little dessert with milk and sweetener. It's in the name but it's a more mellow, honeyed drink than regular rooibos
Jen S
Sweet and lightly chocolate aroma from the sample pouch. 5 min @ 212 There is a slight sweetness from the honeybush, but the chocolate is more of an aftertaste. Better as it cools, but not sure it would be my choice for iced tea either. Maybe it needs some chocolate chips instead of cocoa nibs.
Irishman McWhirter
What a fun delicious caffeine free treats of any part of the day. I love this tea because of the woodsy and slight earthy herbal taste. A dash of milk and or sweetener or just adagio BEES chocolate honey.
Julie W
Lovely sweet woodsy taste of honeybush with a light kiss of chocolate. This is just a lovely sweet, relaxing tea without being overpowering or too much. Not too much....just enough.
Nanette Niebojeski
A nice subtle chocolate flavor that tastes really good hot and even after it cools down. I add a little heave cream to make it more like a hot chocolate.
Lauren S.
Good chocolate cent and flavor. It's nice as a dessert tea in the evening, or if you want to add some chocolate flavor to an herbal blend.
Christine Jolly
While the aroma of chocolate is strong the flavor was less intense. Sweetener does help bring out the chocolate though. This works well in a blend
Callie Pyke
Not good but not bad either. It is just very meh. All I tasted was a little nuttiness
Janet Ross
This is a wonderful dessert tea that you can drink in the evening. Chocolate and honeybush tea go great with one another. I steeped at 212 degrees for 5 minutes and added sweetener and some creamer as well. It tastes great with or without the latter
Katie Erickson
I am a huge fan of chocolate and was really hoping that this would be my favorite tea, but it wasn't very sweet, and is more of a natural chocolate in my opinion.
Lilly Tryon
Lovely chocolate-flavored tea without the caffeine or guilt. Nice tea for blending with other flavors, too.
Cameron Kilchrist
I'm not usually a fan of teas that include cocoa nibs but when I drink them, I find them better when they have more body to them. Honeybush-based teas tend not to have a ton of body to them, which makes the chocolate flavor a little mismatched.
Keri Wisniowski
I love honeybush and this chocolate one was very good. I added cream and sugar to make this a very sweet dessert. It had almost a pink hue to it after I added the cream.
Carolina Kowalczyk
Very nice simple chocolate tea! I usually mix this with the vanilla and hazelnut teas to make a nutella tea. Delicious caffeine free desert tea!
Addison H
A nice caffeine free chocolate option when its late and you want tea! Honeybush is my favorite caffeine free option!
Tom Bailey
Good but not as good as the other honeybush blends. The flavor is nice but the body just isnât standing up.
Krista S
I usually love Adagio’s honeybush teas, but I didn’t like this one, sadly. Not enough chocolate, maybe, or the flavors didn’t punch me like I wanted in general?
Rebecca Johnston
My son loves this one! I get a strong hint of chocolate every time I brew it for him, and I like that it's not caffeinated.
Debbie Sellers
I get a hint of chocolate but not enough for my sweet tooth. a good caffeine free herbal option if you need it.
Kimberly Hnatko
Not bad as far as chocolate teas go, but they just never taste quite right to me in general. With the right creamer, I think this would make a nice dessert.
Han lastname
Really a quite nice chocolate tea. I don't care for cocoa nibs in a standard tea as I feel the cocoa and tea flavors compete too much, but this is nice and delicate, strange for a cocoa tea, but welcome.
Cassandra Guild
This tea has a pleasant chocolate flavor and it had a natural sweetness, so I didn't need to add sugar.
A. Wood
Yummy yummy tea. So delicious. I has everything I need: chocolate, no caf, good for sleep. Perfecto!!!
Valerie Farschman
This is one of the most delicious chocolate teas I have ever drank. It not only has a luscious, dark chocolate flavor, but it is caffeine free! Win- win! It will always have a place in my cupboard!
Caleb Hudson
Naturally sweet and smooth, with a rich flavour. Would definitely recommend giving this one a try.
Renea Harrison
One of my Favorites. I love this tea on days when I don't need a lot of caffeine and love the flavor when combined with a little heavy whipping cream and honey.
This smells exactly like chocolate, but unfortunately the flavor is pretty weak. It tastes mostly like honeybush with a hint of cocoa, but it's okay mixed into other blends to add a bit more depth.
Max Sugerman
I got this as a sample and wasn't expecting much of it. I was very surprised, the chocolate flavor is executed perfectly and it pairs with the honeybush incredibly.
Lydia Getgen
I have yet to meet a honeybush tea or a chocolate tea by Adagio that I do not enjoy!
Annie Katharine
I have yet to meet a chocolate tea that I don't like, this one included. Yum!