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 (42 reviews)

type: herbal

origin: usa

caffeine: no-caffeine

price level: $$$$

Break out the grass skirt and lei because we're going tropical! This sunny herbal tea blends the refreshingly zesty flavors of peach, strawberries, mango pineapple and papaya. The aroma alone will evoke feelings of relaxing on an exotic island getaway, minus the ten hour plane ride. Pour your freshly steeped tea over some ice for a cool treat and you may as well have captured summertime in a cup! All you need is tiny pink umbrella as the finishing touch. Steep at 212°F for 5-10 minutes

Recent reviews

    • 

      This is a nice, light tasting peach tea. I like to mix this with White Peach tea and drink it iced. It's perfect for the summer.

    • 

      Honestly, it is sweet and subtle. Anyone expecting peach juice is going to be disappointed, but people looking forward to a peach flavored loose leaf tea will some to appreciate the subtle yet prevalent taste.

    • KO


      A fairly light and refreshing tea. I'm not sure if this is due to how it was stored or due to shipping, but it was all fused into one solid block that I've had to chip off of to brew tea.

    • 

      The peachy aroma from the packet is mouth watering. I cold brewed overnight night with a low water ratio. This is very flavorful with the right amount of water and the peach and fruit is refreshing cold.

    • BR


      I used to love Peach Belini from Teavana. I tried this one. It is good, but not as good.

    • 

      This was a delicious cup of hot peach, not sure I can call it a tea or an herbal, I guess technically a tisane. The flavor was a bit mellow but nice enough to make me happy

    • 

      It smells nice and has a lot of potential. It was good as a cold brew tea in frog >12 hrs. Not so good as a hot steeped tea because there wasn't enough flavor and reminded me of infused water rather than a tea.

    • 

      Perfect summer tea, when cold it is refreshing and delightfully fruity.

    • SC


      I enjoyed this tea. I let this cool after making it and loved the flavors. This will be a great summer tea!

    • 

      Sweet tea, but is better mixed with black tea. Makes a decent ice tea.

    • 

      This is one of the best cold-brewed iced teas I have ever tasted! It is refreshing and full of fresh peach flavor!

    • 

      Although not a fan of peach flavors this is a refreshing summer tea

    • 

      Makes lovely cold brewed iced tea. I add a bit of caffeine punch to it by cold brewing along with a black tea. Nice peach taste, lovely aroma. Tastes wonderful in hot tea as well. I love throwing a bit of this tea in with my Earl Grey to add a bit of peach flavor.

    • 

      Such a nice, mellow, delicious cup of tea! I was skeptical because of all the apple pieces, but the peach flavor really shone through. I'm a weirdo, but I really like eating the little bits of fruit after it's done steeping, yum!

    • 

      Sweet and delicious! I love this tea. It has a strong peach flavor and it goes nicely with lemonade as well.

    • 

      Divine scent out of the package. When hot the peach flavor was mild, but good.

    • CB


      I liked this one a lot, although I agree with the comments that there is too much apple and not enough peach. Reminds me of peach tranquility Teavana without the chamomile, and with more punch.

    • 

      Peaches are my favorite fruit, but this tea disappointed me. Although there is a strong peach aroma, the tea is quite weak in peach flavor.

    • 

      Hot, lukewarm, or cold, Peach Bellini is sensational! It's a juicy, refreshing blend of crisp fruitiness and zesty tang. The peach really comes through, with pineapple and strawberry blending everything in-between together. It's my go-to, fresh-from-the-fridge tea after a mid-day workout in the Floridian heat when I need something to cool me off. For best results, serve cold with sugar. Grass skirts and beach setting are optional :)

    • 

      I love this full flavor tea. I preferer it iced. Preparing it hot I've blended it with some Adagio caramel and was not disappointed.

    • SD


      I like the smell and taste of this tea, but as a hot fruit tea it doesn't always quite work. I really need to try it iced to see what that is like.

    • 

      Smells amazing. I found brewed warm it didn't have as much taste as I would have liked. Cold brewed a second cup and let it sit longer and it was perfect.

    • 

      The flavor is subtle. If you want a more pronounced peach flavor, try using two teaspoons of tea per eight ounces of water.

    • 

      Smells amazing but I found it a bit lacking in flavor.

    • 

      Nice peach flavor, not as strong as I would like. Tastes a bit like the peach ring gummy candy. Next time I will try cold steeping it overnight.

    • 

      All said and told I think this tisane has a good flavor, but it works better as an accompaniment than by itself (ie. used in a blend).

    • CK


      Tastes just like peach candy! Quite light but you can always compensate with a longer steep time since there's no risk of astringency.

    • 

      Pretty weak flavor. But what little I could taste was pretty good. If only it were stronger, it would have been absolutely incredible.

    • EC


      This is a light tea, but it's very tasty! It has a wonderful sweet taste, and no unpleasant aftertaste. My kids enjoyed this one too. It seems little better cold/iced, but it good either way. I just have to use less water or more tea to make it strong enough.

    • 

      Unfortunately this one didn't hit the mark for me. The fruit flavors were missing except for the peach flavor which tasted very artificial with a chemical odor. Without any base tea, or herb, it was very one note.

    • 

      I always double the amount of tea to water ratio for this blend because I like a more pronounced peach flavor. This one also cold brews quite well.

    • 

      An extremely refreshing tea that's perfect for summer!

    • 

      One of my favorites! Tastes like fresh peaches! I will order again.

    • 

      Love mixing this tea with the peach black to get the ultimate peach tea. It is pretty light on its own.

    • 

      This is not really tea tho, just full of fruit bits. I usually add this to my vanilla tea and voila, I have a real peach tea which smells and tastes good

    • 

      This one just didn't do it for me. When I first opened it, I was suprised by how lovely it smelled, but the goodness stops there. No matter how strong I brewed it, it just tasted bland. Very dissatisfied.

    • 

      This smells amazing in the package but the flavor is very light. It's nice for a very light and refreshing iced tea when it's hot out, but I wish the peach flavor was a bit stronger.

    • 

      This is one of my favorite teas. I loved it as an ice tea. It's got a lot of fruity flavor!

    • 

      This peach tea is very light and brews with a light yellow color, but the flavor is very bright and refreshing, and the peach flavor is delicious. This tea blends very well with peach serenity as well. It's a bit more citrusy than peach serenity though.

    • 

      I love this tea hot or cold, and it's a great enhancer for any other peach teas that are weak on the sweetness.

    • 

      I usually hate fruit teas, but this one really didnt taste overly sweet or perfumed. Its really fresh and good iced.

    • 

      So tasty! very peachy. It was a little light, I ended up using quite a lot of it at once. But it was so so nice.