jump start
by adagio teas
(35 reviews)
We all have those days when we are dragging more than usual in the morning. Get that boost of energy you're looking for with Jump Start! An invigorating blend of toasted mate and black tea, Jump Start will give you a kick of caffeine minus those pesky jitters. Steep at 212°F for 5-10 minutes
Recent reviews
Julee Kasserman
The tea didn't live up to its name. There was nothing jump starting about it. There was a hint of cinnamon but that was the only warmth to the cup.
John McKenna
just a boring, unflavorful pack in todays pick. It wasn't necessarily bad, just lacked any flavor.
Jen S
I hoped the cinnamon would come through not just in aroma, but to cover the taste of the mate. 2 min @ 165. While there is a hint of cinnamon, the taste of the mate is overpowering for me. Just not a fan of mate. But I keep trying them!
Betty Russell
A great kick start your morning tea. The name says it all. It is highly caffeinated, but not excessively so. If I know it is going to be a tough day, I made a big pot of this tea to get me though it.
Julie W
I tried this tea and loved it -- wonderful taste and aroma, plus really wakes you up! But then I discovered over time that my body really doesn't love mate....so I can't have this one anymore. Wish I could! It's awesome!
Celeste Stoddard
Like another poster here, I didn't love this at first sip but it really grew on me. It's high caffeine and can replace morning coffee but has a sweet and spicy finish that works very well. I'll be reordering more of this soon.
Lawrence Devore
at first I did not like this one at all. tried it a second time with truvia, it was markedly better. Cinnamon and the cocoa nibs does it justice.
it also helped that I found the mate should be a quick rinse. I found it bitter the first time. 212 @ 7 minutes
Janet Ross
I found the flavor of this tea to be muddled and vague, to the point where I really didn’t enjoy it. There were no bad flavors, it just didn’t make an impression.
Nikki Pittman
Great coffee substitute - the flavor keeps getting more complex as it cools too!
Sharon McConnell
This is a very earthy tasting tea. The aroma of cinnamon was dominant in the packet but mellowed when brewed. This is a unique tea.
Max Sugerman
I like yerba mate, I like black tea but I don't like this. Its kinda spicy and just too bitter
Ashley Hanft
Cinnamon with a hint of cocoa and natural sweetness, this blend is a hit! I steeped double strength then poured over ice and there is plenty of natural sweetness to make this easy sipping without any additives and a great way to get my work shift started. The slight smokiness from that mate goes great with the black tea.
Meredith Buckley
Promises a coffee-like boost of energy, provides a coffee-like bitter taste. Blech, no thanks.
Keri Wisniowski
I enjoyed this tea other than the mate headache I seem to get. The flavor was nice and I have really been into cinnamon flavors lately. I added raw sugar to this one to help bring out some of the flavor profiles.
Lilly Tryon
Smells of sweet cinnamon when opening the packet. I steeped at 190°F x 3 minutes, and enjoyed a mild cinnamon chocolate tea that was more pronounced when sweetener was added. The flavor seemed to intensify as the tea cooled. I didn't detect any smoky or tobacco flavor from the mate. The second steep was untimed (I forgot about it), but still a pleasant cup.
Siobhan Dunlop
This tea is designed to be like coffee, and I think it does that despite not tasting like coffee. I enjoy its distinctive, spicy flavour and the use of mate to make it more caffeinated.
Emily K
As others have noted, this tea has a distinct, woody flavor. The cinnamon and chocolate mask it a bit. I don't dislike it, but I also don't find myself reaching for it very often.
Violet Evergarden
I love this tea and have made new fans! It's complex, spicy flavors rival coffee and chai. It's not for the faint of heart. I love Mediterranean food and these flavors reminded me of that for some reason. I introduced it to one of my dads that can no longer drink coffee and he was amazed. The complex flavors require no sort of sweetener to enjoy, but a bit of crystal sugar and cream make it a real treat,
I didn’t like this at all. I added some sugar to it and shared it with my husband. He’s a coffee drinker and liked it.
Kaitlyn Elvin
This is one of the most bizarre teas I've ever tasted. It's like Coca Cola but with cinnamon and chocolate and it's also hot and not bubbly? Very odd.
Tracy Jones
This has a nice smooth, woody flavor with subtle hints of cinnamon and sweetness. It comes across as a super smooth, malty black tea. It has zero traces of bitterness or astringency, and does give you a jitter-free boost in the morning.
Beth Hays
This isn’t bad, but it does get bitter fast. And I don’t feel like there’s enough flavor to overpower the mate (which I’m not a fan of plain).
Rebekah Strickland
The best way I can describe this taste is "woody." The cinnamon is front and center, but the mate taste is very strong. Not bad, but not likely to be a regular for me.
Cameron Kilchrist
This tea honestly tasted like gingerbread-flavored cardboard. I find that toasted mate often has the aforementioned cardboard taste and this felt like the tea was putting a new coat of paint on the same old flavors.
Sleepy Greyhound
What an unusual blend! It has a pleasantly soft smoky aroma. The tea and mate blend well and make a cup without a hint of bitterness that is rich and complex and malty.
Kimberly Hnatko
This one is earthy and woody but with notes of chocolate. My kids claim they could smell the cinnamon from the other room, but I didn't think it was quite that strong. I could see this one joining the morning rotation. A good, strong tea that is appropriately named.
Red Wolfe
Not bad, but I've had much better mates. It tasted like burnt chocolate, but not in a bad way . It was just kind of underwhelming.
Rachel Emmel
Although this has a strong cinnamon scent it wasn't as overwhelming as I expected once steeped. I had plenty of cocoa nibs in my serving but I didn't really get much of a chocolate flavor. If I had to say I'd say the flavor was more like praline. Sweet and nutty.
Steeped (1) 195F 10min, (2) 195F 15min
Shannon Webb
Brewed at 212F for 8 minutes with rock sugar added
Let me preface this by saying that I have zero experience with mate; this is my first.
The smell of this tea is light cinnamon mixed with something that I just can't describe.
The tea is rather nice to me. The cinnamon is light enough to not overshadow. There is a light chocolateness at the back of throat. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar enough with mate and kola nuts to say what flavors are even happening with them.
As of about 2-3 years ago, I cut back considerably on caffeine since it is an anxiety trigger for me. I was hoping this tea wouldn't affect me too much as I'm definitely not used to anything much stronger than plain black tea now. I definitely starting to feel like I'm going to explode if I don't get up and rearrange the entire house, but more so out of a 'let's get things done' feeling rather than 'fight or flight'.
Overall, this tea is interesting enough to make me want to try again. Although, perhaps on a day with a lot of errands rather than a day reserved for relaxing.
Dorothy Summey
To me, this tea tastes like twigs and wood to me and is really not doing anything for me. May try second steep with rock sugar to see if it tastes better.
G. Montero
It will wake you up! A tasty black tea with strong mate flavor and subtle cinnamon and chocolate complementing it. A new favorite of mine due to its high caffeine content and tastiness. I also tried it with milk, and it was good as well. I've found a new favorite.
Yu-Hsin Liu
Flavor wise this tea is just okay, the cocoa, kola nut, and cinnamon don't really come through you mostly taste earthy mate, this is definitely a very energizing tea though!