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 (26 reviews)

type: green

origin: japan

caffeine: strong

price level: $$$$

Gyokuro, a shade grown steamed green tea, is among the finest of Japanese teas. While the young leaves of the spring season develop, the Gyokuro plants are shaded from sun for several weeks. This slows the growth allowing, tea leaves more time to develop depth and flavor. The sun-deprived leaves are higher in chlorophyll, which explains their vivid green color. They're also higher in amino acids, most notably L-theanine, which accounts for the perfectly smooth, rich and soft flavor. Our fine Gyokuro green tea produces a deeply sweet aroma of freshly buttered greens and seaweed, with no grassiness or harshness. Think of tender new grass just sprouting in the spring. Soft on the palate with a balanced, delicate finish. Energizing and soothing cup of tea. Use lower water temperature and enjoy multiple infusions to get the most from this tea. Product of Japan. Steep at 165°F for 2 minutes

Recent reviews

    • 

      I had this tea coldbrewed. The tea's aroma is almost sweet. And I feel like it has a light sweet taste, too! This is not your usual green tea, it's really light and has no bitterness at all. This is so easy to like that you could probably sell it as a refreshment drink or something.

    • W


      If you are going to try this very expensive green tea just make sure you try honey that is for green tea. I needed a bit of adagio's ' BEES' Honey to get me over the strong green tea taste.

    • 

      I'm a fan of green tea. I actually prefer Japanese green tea iced over hot. This is a very savory tea. 2 min @ 165. Very vegetal with mild astringency. I could resteep this a couple more times.

    • 

      This is a strong vegetal green tea if brewed per directions on the packet. I like to brew this at 150F for a few seconds. I usually swirl the tea leaves in a cup, then strain.

    • 

      This is probably really good steeped very briefly in an iced tea blend in the spring, but very grassy, despite what the description says. I wish it was a more savory vegetal flavor but it's just really grassy.

    • 

      This is a delicious green. It reminds me of fresh cut grass. That said, it does not taste grassy. There are light vegetal notes that border almost creamy. The over all result is very smooth.

    • ET


      An intensely grassy tasting green tea, so it isn't my favorite. However, if you like "green" tasting tea, you can't do better. No aftertaste. Intense flavor.

      Got it as part of a free week of communitea giveaway.

    • 

      I love the smell of this tea, but I don't like it brewed by itself. I brew this one mixed with hojicha and it's a better flavor for me. Alone, this tea is way to grassy/vegetal for me.

    • KB


      Delicious! Hearty and full of flavor. One of my favorites in winter

    • 

      A very smooth gyokuro, and a good intro to this style of tea!

    • 

      A very high quality Green Tea that is soothing to drink, mild taste without any after taste. It's probably the healthest of all Green Teas providng the best health benefits

    • 

      A mild green tea with no grassiness or bitterness and a flavor profile that changes with every infusion. (I usually do at least 3). A favorite!

    • 

      A nice green tea with a smooth mouthfeel. It's a bit more on the savory side with primarily grassy notes. But a bit of sugar helps bring out it's buttery side.

    • 

      Delicious green tea with a smooth mouthfeel. Tastes of cooked greens and doesn't have any bitterness.

    • 

      I like this one. It is very (vegetal? green leafy? I am still very new at describing teas) green and healthy tasting, like spinach water. It's too expensive for me, but I really enjoy trying this a as past of the green tea sampler box.

    • 

      A fairly tasty gyokuro! I do admittedly have other go-to varieties, but this one is delicious without breaking the bank.

    • 

      I just wish I could love green tea. Despite this one being higher quality I couldn’t get past the veggie taste.

    • 

      Grassy but good. Not my favorite green option, but not my least either.

    • AF


      This is the perfect green tea, and I'm in love with it. Vegetal and grassy, but not bitter. Just keep in mind that high quality greens like this should not be made with boiling hot water and should not be oversteeped!

    • 

      This one was just ok to me but it may be because I had it right after a green tea I really loved.

    • 

      Pretty awesome savory Japanese green. I love it. Second infusion doesn't hold up though.

    • AW


      This tea was definitely not my thing--it was somehow both sweeter and more bitter than I wanted.

    • 

      Excellent as a cold brew! I’ll definitely have to try this as a hot tea sometime, as well. 😊

    • 

      I love this Japanese green tea, I always feel healthier after drinking it!

    • 

      Fresh and vegetal, almost like spinach. This is a perfect Japanese green tea. Easy to oversteep, so be careful

    • 

      Very smooth and flavorful, and I always love teas with more L-theanine for brain health. A little too grassy for me to drink often but still good.