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 (23 reviews)

Satisfy your savory sensibilities with a touch of gold. Our Golden Turmeric Chai features earthy turmeric with the warming spiciness of ginger, and is softly sweetened by a blend of cinnamon, clove, and a hint of fennel. It finishes off with a slight fiery kick of black peppercorn. The suggested serving is one teaspoon per cup of water or milk of preference for a golden milk latte!

Recent reviews

    • ET


      Interesting earthy flavor. I wouldn't use a lot of milk with this one. It's more about spices and richness.

    • GJ


      Although it wasn't my favorite flavor wise, it is undeniable that this tea feels really nice to drink in terms of how it is in the body. Helped suppress the feeling of being sick a tinge and that relief is irreplaceable.

    • 

      Chai is my go to tea when I want a warm comforting drink. This tea has an interesting twist with the addition of turmeric. I find the flavors nicely balanced, not too spicy or peppery. It won't replace my regular chai varieties, but it makes a nice occasional change.

    • 

      All I tasted was turmeric. Which was nice, but there was no "chai." I also always forget that basically all of adagio's "chai teas" are herbal - I prefer black teas

    • CK


      Ehh, it didn't really speak to me. It made an interesting-looking cup but other than that, it was kind of muddy in flavor. The chai was quite lost out on the turmeric, which tasted too earthy to really gel with the vibe the tea seemed to be trying to set up.

    • 

      This is a turmeric/ginger forward chai that I enjoyed very much with a good amount of rock sugar, as I prefer my chais. I highly recommend this tea!

    • W


      I just love this fabulous Golden Turmeric Chai, because it's a perfect amount of spices-chai. I just tried this special blend naked (no milk) well, half-naked, with some Splenda.

    • 

      I love the warmth and spiciness of this tea! Great brewed by itself (I sweeten with just a touch of stevia) or as a latte. Excellent to settle an upset stomach or just to relax. So good!

    • 

      Very delicious! I would add slightly more than the suggested serving so that the tea has a richer flavor

    • 

      I love chai and I love turmeric, so this blend is a win-win! With that said, I'm more likely to choose Adagio's Turmeric Bliss any given day--the turmeric flavoring comes through stronger and with spicier, gingerier accents for a full, sizzling mouthful. Still, if you love turmeric, it's a great blend that leaves you feeling stronger, healthier, and more invigorated. It lends itself well to custom food-and-beverage creations!

    • 

      No way you can miss the strong smell of Turmeric when you open this package. Per the recommendation of CommuniTea, I steeped this tea in a saucepan of milk. Very unique flavor and pleasing presentation in the milk that makes this a standout tea. Be sure to pay attention to the recommended serving size - originally I added more than the recommendation, and it was too strong.

    • 

      Earthy and rich. Sweet and spicy. The turmeric grounds this lovely blend. Ginger and peppercorns add some spice that lingers and cinnamon adds it smooth sweetness. A wonderful blend.

    • 

      This tea is amazing. Even my pickiest family members enjoyed this one. It's spicy but not overwhelmingly so.

    • 

      I'm a fan of strong herbal mixtures, and man does this one kick. Peppery and spicy and STRONG, but still enjoyable. If you're into that kind of thing, anyways :)

    • 

      Meh. Not a fan of chais in general and it was much too spicy for me. I got a lot of heat in the back of my throat. This is not something I would buy.

    • 

      This tea surprised me, because I am not a fan of either turmeric or chai. Together, they worked! The clove buds and peppercorns can be picked out, if you want a little less spice. I steeped in ½ of the recommended amount of water, then filled the cup with warmed almond milk and added a little honey. The tea was warm and comforting.

      212°F x 8 minutes.

    • 

      Definitely makes a golden milk, if I needed turmeric in my diet this would be a pleasant way of getting it. Not quite a cup i enjoy by itself, though.

    • 

      Oh man, tea should not taste gritty. I couldn't even get more than two sips down. Fair point though, I really don't like turmeric, but the only taste here is turmeric and nothing else.

    • 

      Preface my review with the idea that I absolutely hate the taste of tumeric. Review: Gross. This is a solid nope from me.

    • 

      More like turmeric milk, this was extremely pale butter yellow when made into a golden milk latte, and the spice wasn't nearly as strong as I would have liked.

    • CK


      Don't really get a chai flavor initially, just in the aftertaste. Even in the bag, smells more like turmeric than anything else. Very strong turmeric flavor once brewed. I like turmeric, BUT I would recommend the turmeric bliss from Adagio over this one, it's lighter in flavor and the flavors int hat one mesh better, nothing overpowers the others.

    • EC


      I don't really like chai, but I do like turmeric tea, and this isn't bad at all! The chai spices are a mellow complement, so neither is overpowering. The cinnamon and spices don't smack you in the face like with some chais, and the turmeric is just right. Lovely color, lovely smell. I wouldn't choose this every day, but this is a nice tea.. It makes me feel very healthy to drink it :).

    • 

      Brewed 4 min @ 212°F with a little bit of rock sugar added

      Not bad, but not great either. This is a chai tea that I would drink if someone gave it to me, but I wouldn't go out of my way to purchase it. The spices tasted subtle, yet made my gums tingle at the same time.

      It also didn't settle well, but I'm not sure if that was because I was going through a bought of food poisoning or if it was actually from the tea.