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Gabrielle Guzdek  

User's reviews

  • Passion


    Really yummy as an iced tea option! Big fan. Flavor is good and not overpowering.

  • culinary matcha


    Stick to using this one for culinary needs. Good for baking, meh for drinking.

  • British Brunch (Brahmin Black) No. 18


    A classic breakfast tea. Doesn't try to do too much. Best enjoyed with milk and honey.

  • Lord Bergamot


    A fun shakeup from the usual Earl Grey suspects. The bergamot is strong but not too much.

  • Throat Coat Lemon Echinacea


    Is the flavor good? Not really. Does it work? YES!

  • Green Tea with Peach


    Nothing special but gets the job done. Good hot or iced.

  • Scottish Breakfast


    Bought as a gift for my English Breakfast loving mom, and she approved!

  • Sweet Potato Pie


    Earthy and warming, but I felt like the flavors were a little weak using the recommended tea amount per serving. Enjoyed with milk and honey.

  • Dewy Cherry


    Once you get over the cough syrup smell, the taste is solid.

  • Honeybush Banana Nut


    So so yummy! Warm and comforting. Enjoyed it with milk and honey.