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rooibos superfruit


 (6 reviews)

Thrill your taste buds with this full-bodied blend of earthy Rooibos and tangy fruit. Grown in South Africa's Cederberg Mountains, Rooibos has long been prized for its restorative qualities. Paired with fruit, this jewel-toned red tea is slightly sweet, full of flavor and sure to refresh any time of day. (caffeine free)

Recent reviews

    • ET


      I love the touch of orange. A lot of teas have lemon or bergamot so finding something with a touch of sweetness as well as citrus is great.

    • 

      The tangy flavor from the fruit is overwhelming and ruins the Rooibos taste

    • 

      Very good rooibos tea. Great fruity flavor. Really enjoy it

    • 

      Very high quality rooibos, not sure it's worth the price tag. But very quality tea

    • 

      I really enjoy this tea. I think the flavors compliment each other well.

    • 

      a little pricey, but its worth the money...great rooibus flavor