Kai Dranchak
User's reviews
Thai Tea
There are some elements I liked about this tea. It smells great. The cardamom and black tea are a good combo. I think it's the vanilla I dislike about it. The tea has a bit of an "artificial" flavor. Maybe if I steeped it less, I often oversteep, it would be a bit more palatable.
Forest Berries
Nice! It's a little light on flavor. I saw others calling it a bit artificial, but I personally didn't have a problem (and I think I tend to be quite sensitive to it). Nothing exceedingly special, but a solid black tea.
Earl Grey Bella Luna
Not a huge earl grey fan, but this the best earl grey I've had. Smelled SO good. Pretty good in a london fog.
Kentucky Bourbon
Pretty artificial. It's like tea and watered down liquor. The caramel apple and vanilla was there. It's TERRIBLE when room temp. I gagged.
Spiced Green
Strong cloves, kinda soapy. Don't oversteep, it's not good bitter. Tasted the better the more I drank. It's kind of sweet, but pleasantly so.
Arabica Mocha
Definitely taste the coffee. It's a bit bitter, kinda watery. Bad when it's room temp.
Rooibos Pecan Turtle
Best rooibos I've had! Flavorful, strong aftertaste. Reminds me a bit of brown sugar boba.
Cocomint Green
Good flavors! I'd prefer black for this tea, would go better with the flavors. Good balance of choco and peppermint. Nice aftertaste. Steeped it for longer than recommended, but still wish it was stronger.
Honeybush Banana Nut
Really good! It tastes just like banana bread. It has a bit of a splenda aftertaste, which I don't hate, but it's my only complaint.
It's good. It's a bit bland. I'd imagine it'd be really good in a blend, as it'd make a nice base. I added some honey and that helped with with the blandness.
Spring Darjeeling
It's light and a bit bitter, in a pleasant way. It reminded me a bit of jasmine.
To me, it tastes kind of like Udon broth with a hint of chocolate. Not awful, but strange for a tea.
Jasmine Yin Hao
Like most Adagio teas with Jasmine, I think it's a bit soupy. I'm usually a fan of jasmine, just not feeling Adagio's.
Jasmine Phoenix Pearls
The leaves of this are great. But the jasmine flakes are kind of soupy and too strong in flavor.
Cream Tea
I found this undrinkable on its own. It definitely tastes like cream. But it has an unpleasant aftertaste. I could imagine it'd go well with another tea, maybe a black chocolate tea, but on it's own it's pretty gross.
Tiger Eye
Found this border-line undrinkable. It tastes like how a confectionary shop smells. The taste of it sticks to the roof of my mouth in an unpleasant way.
Tastes great! It tastes like a lot of other Chinese green teas. It gets really bitter when oversteeped. Good when steeped for the right amount.
Earl Grey Bravo
It's a nice earl grey. It has strong flavors. But, it's a tad bit perfume-y.
Golden Monkey
It's very savory. Has a bit of a plum/fruity after taste. It's got some nice cinnamon spiciness to it. Has a bit of a honey flavor.
It tastes a bit like mango candy. It leaves a bit of a sour tongue, not in a bad way. It's a pretty average tea. A bit bland overall. It goes well with honey.
Chocolate Truffle
Nice chocolate flavor- strong, but not overwhelming. It's light for a chocolate tea, a bit floral. It has unique undertones, which I'd imagine is the truffle. I don't love cholate teas, but this ones pretty good.
Pu-erh Dante
This is my first Pu-Erh tea. Not a big fan. It's kind of grassy, in between a matcha and an oolong. Kind of sweet, which I found unpleasant. Kind of had a floral aftertaste.
Raja Oolong Chai
Nice warm flavor. The cinnamon is rich, but not overpowering. I found it a bit weak with the suggested steeping, but with a little more time, it's great. I like to mix this with the Samurai Matte. If you're looking to get this as a replacement for the Teavanna Raja Oolong, it's very similar.
Summer Rose
With the suggested steeping time it's too mild in flavor. It tastes like rosebuds on their own, which you could buy cheaper elsewhere. But, when I doubled the steeping time (6 minutes) it was quite good. It's light and summery with a little bit of pleasant bitterness from the black tea leaves. The leaves re-steep really well.