User's reviews
Lipton peach iced tea
Used to really like this as a kid but tasting it now? Completely repulsive. There isn't any real tea flavor and there's a taste that almost leaves a tacky feeling in the back of your throat.
Sleepytime Sinus Soother
When I don't go for something from Adagio, this is a good keep-around tea for those nasty colds.
Green Tea Chai tea bags
Very strange, not a combo I would go for again but I saw it on the shelf and gave it a try. Wouldn't do so again
Berry Creme Compote
I prefer this a lot to the Cupid's Cup blend. I think it was the vanilla creme flavor as opposed to this one. Very nice, berries and cream vibe!
Jasmine Yin Hao
Strong floral aroma and flavors here, a really solid jasmine for those that like the flavor!
Maple Creme Oolong
Very delicious, perfect for a nice breakfast and easy to forego any sugar with this one. Excellent with maple syrup as a sweetener though.
111th Birthday!
Very heavy on chocolate that drowns out the flavors of the other teas, but it does make a tasty latte.
Very light and unassuming tea, perfect for anyone who wants a light sip without so much caffeine.
Almond Oolong
A nice nutty tea that's inoffensive and lends itself greatly to Adagio's many blends or your own frankenbrews at home.
Ah hojicha, the green tea that's more like an oolong than anything else. A really great flavor, lends really nice to any blends you might add it to or very soothing plain.
Reindeer Fuel
Love the mellowed chocolate flavor paired with peppermint. Ginger isn't really detectable. Makes a really good latte, but plain it's not as endearing.
Iced Passion
Nice refreshing tart and a little spiced. Really nice to keep around for days when steeping tea just isn't on the agenda.
Chai Classic Latte
A decent concentrate, but I find myself gravitating more towards brewing my own nowadays. This was my first taste years ago and I still think it's not half bad!
An okay alternative to more premium ( often cheaper in bulk ) teas. Easily accessible at most groceries but honestly not anything to write home about.
Mango Ginger Tea
I wanted to enjoy this and maybe I brewed too strongly, but the ginger was so intensely spicy in the back of my throat it made drinking uncomfortable. I wouldn't advise the use of 2 teabags unless you are looking for that feeling.