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User's reviews

  • Lipton peach iced tea


    Used to really like this as a kid but tasting it now? Completely repulsive. There isn't any real tea flavor and there's a taste that almost leaves a tacky feeling in the back of your throat.

  • Sleepytime Sinus Soother


    When I don't go for something from Adagio, this is a good keep-around tea for those nasty colds.

  • Green Tea Chai tea bags


    Very strange, not a combo I would go for again but I saw it on the shelf and gave it a try. Wouldn't do so again

  • Berry Creme Compote


    I prefer this a lot to the Cupid's Cup blend. I think it was the vanilla creme flavor as opposed to this one. Very nice, berries and cream vibe!

  • Jasmine Yin Hao


    Strong floral aroma and flavors here, a really solid jasmine for those that like the flavor!

  • Maple Creme Oolong


    Very delicious, perfect for a nice breakfast and easy to forego any sugar with this one. Excellent with maple syrup as a sweetener though.

  • 111th Birthday!


    Very heavy on chocolate that drowns out the flavors of the other teas, but it does make a tasty latte.

  • Virgo


    Very light and unassuming tea, perfect for anyone who wants a light sip without so much caffeine.

  • Almond Oolong


    A nice nutty tea that's inoffensive and lends itself greatly to Adagio's many blends or your own frankenbrews at home.

  • Hojicha


    Ah hojicha, the green tea that's more like an oolong than anything else. A really great flavor, lends really nice to any blends you might add it to or very soothing plain.

  • Reindeer Fuel


    Love the mellowed chocolate flavor paired with peppermint. Ginger isn't really detectable. Makes a really good latte, but plain it's not as endearing.

  • Iced Passion


    Nice refreshing tart and a little spiced. Really nice to keep around for days when steeping tea just isn't on the agenda.

  • Chai Classic Latte


    A decent concentrate, but I find myself gravitating more towards brewing my own nowadays. This was my first taste years ago and I still think it's not half bad!

  • Wild Berry Zinger


    Really tasty that can be found most anywhere. Perfect iced.

  • Chai


    An okay alternative to more premium ( often cheaper in bulk ) teas. Easily accessible at most groceries but honestly not anything to write home about.

  • Mango Ginger Tea


    I wanted to enjoy this and maybe I brewed too strongly, but the ginger was so intensely spicy in the back of my throat it made drinking uncomfortable. I wouldn't advise the use of 2 teabags unless you are looking for that feeling.

  • Coconut


    Must try for any coconut lovers, very smooth and delicious when iced.