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Leslie Fuller  

User's reviews

  • Capricorn


    One of my favorites for years. It has just the right balance of tea flavor that has a wonderful taste of coconut.



    Really a wonderful tea for those nights you are craving flavor and trying to be calorie good.

    The coconut and cocoa mix is just right and I think it’s very well balanced.

  • White Blueberry


    I love this blueberry white tea. The steeping aroma is heavenly and the flavor is more subtle that expected, meaning I can drink a lot of this and not get tired of it.

  • Rooibos Peach


    Juicy peach anyone? If you don’t think of sunny, summer days when you inhale the fragrance of Rooibos Peach, the flavor will take you there!

  • Rooibos Orange


    Rooibos Orange has a flavor profile that is as nice to smell as it is to drink. It has a sweet finish without being false and it’s very drinkable all day long.

  • Foxtrot


    I love how smooth and slightly sweet Foxtrot is. This is so enjoyable in the late afternoon or early evening. The smell is heavenly too!