hot apple spice
(4 reviews)type: black
ingredients: orange peel apple flavor apple pieces black tea cinnamon flavor cinnamon pieces ground cinnamon ground cloves
caffeine: strong
price level: $$$$
A bright, autumnal Blend of strong black tea and delicious the fruity flavors, Hot Apple Spice bursts with the sweetness of apples ripened in the orchard, cinnamon, orange peel and ground cloves for a sweet, warming brew that’s just spicy enough.
Recent reviews
Lauren S.
Too much cinnamon. The apple might as well not even be there. Like drinking a cup full of Red Hots that was near a glass of apple juice.
Greg Bancroft
The cinnamon was almost overbearing and overwhelming at the expense of the other flavors.
Kat I
The cinnamon was a bit overpowering in this one, thought it belittled the apple flavor a bit, but still a great tasting tea. Most will not be disappointed
Sherry O'Brien
This is a delicious naturally sweet cinnamon forward tea. I drink it when I get a sweet tooth. It has a comforting homey feel.