heirloom bartlett pear
(3 reviews)type: white
ingredients: apple pieces cinnamon natural flavor nutmeg peach flavor peach pieces pear flavor pear pieces white cornflowers white tea
caffeine: light
price level: $$$$
Heirloom Bartlett Pear tea is a fruit-filled lovesong to the light, sweet leaves of Mutan white tea and crisp flavors of Bartlett pears. The silvery white and green Mutan leaves mingle with delicately succulent pieces of pear, apple, and peach. Spice notes of nutmeg and two kinds of cinnamon add a touch of zing. The result is a multifaceted, beautifully layered infusion that's light and warming in every cup.
Recent reviews
Lauren S.
I'm not really partial to white tea, but this is really good. The pear flavor actually comes across as pear, maybe due to the actual pear pieces in the mix. My only complaint is that the ground cinnamon goes right through my filter and sinks to the bottom of my cup.
Mina Morrow
This is so cozy and comforting on a dreary day. It's a very light tea, but has a noticeable spiced pear flavor.