bohemian raspberry
(3 reviews)type: green
origin: china
ingredients: raspberry pieces natural raspberry flavor sencha
caffeine: no-caffeine
price level: $$$$
Recent reviews
Lauren S.
Fruity flavors go well with green teas. This has a strong, sweet raspberry flavor that would work really well as an iced tea. Not really grassy unless you oversteep it.
Zell Maestro
One of the better raspberry flavored teas I've had. I slightly oversteeped this my first time and it led to quite a bit of astringency, so I recommend steeping in small amounts and going no longer than 3 minutes, probably closer to 2. The taste is mostly like a sencha with a really strong raspberry nose rather than taste. The raspberry adds a slight sweetness to it but zero tartness. This is also really good iced!
Red Wolfe
Pretty solid for a tea I bought because it had a really funny name. The raspberry was nice and strong, but it had kind of a funky aftertaste. I enjoyed it a lot though.