sleepytime vanilla
(31 reviews)type: herbal
ingredients: blackberry leaves chamomile hawthorn lemongrass natural french vanilla flavor orange blossoms rosebuds spearmint tilia flowers
caffeine: no-caffeine
price level: $$$$
We added the creamy flavor of rich vanilla to our original Sleepytime® blend of floral chamomile, cool spearmint and lively lemongrass. Wind down your day with Sleepytime.
Recent reviews
Becci Manies
This is the best of the sleepytime varieties - it has a good smooth flavor and is great for bedtime.
Ghost Eliason
It's nice! Mellow (IMO). Celestial rarely misses the mark and this is no exception!
Rachel Stunich
out of all the sleepy time teas this is my Favorite !! Love the touch of Vanilla and for some reason this tea tends to have more flavor that the original. Perfect cup of tea before bed. Cost is just right for someone getting started on a tea journey
Kathryn Jaeger
I enjoy this much more than regular Sleepytime tea. It adds a bit more sweetness so I can drink it plain when I am starting to get ready for bed.
Maria Biagi
One of my favorite comfort teas. The vanilla adds a sweet, creamy note to the Sleepy Time blend that makes it perfect for sipping before bed or whenever you need a moment of relaxation
Lisa Proffitt
I love this tea! Perfect to wind down before bed. A touch of honey and a splash of cream, YUM
Marion Black
This was a pleasant tea. A little sweet so I didn’t have to add any honey. I think it was a perfect night time tea. I love chamomile
Leigh ZumMallen
Too sweet for bedtime, for me, but a lovely tea to sip throughout the day.
Julia J Cosplay
My favorite blend of chamomile and vanilla. Relaxing right before bed with an undertone of vanilla flavor. A wonderful combination.
Sleepytime Vanilla is sooo SO good. So calming and relaxing. The chamomile and other herbs mix just right and it feels like a cup of warm comfort. Hard to overstate how helpful it can be for insomnia and anxiety.
Harmony Moore
This tea is like liquid honeyed sleepiness. I have been trying a bunch of teas with chamomile in them, and this is very light and drinkable on the sweeter side. I will repurchase this tea.
Jessica Burl
They really know how to blend vanilla into their teas. This mixture truly adds to their sleepytime classic.
Justina Auck
This tea is a staple in my tea cabinet. When nothing else sounds good, Sleepytime Vanilla will do the trick. If I had to choose one tea to take with me to a deserted island, this tea would be in the top 3.
Han lastname
My favorite sleepytime! I grew up drinking the original but when this came out I switched over completely. The vanilla isn't artificial at all, which is rare in teas. A real bedtime tea classic for me.
Alexis Wolf
I found the vanilla smell and flavor to be quite artificial, which I did not enjoy, especially layered over the herb/chamomile flavors of normal Sleepytime.
Wilbur Burlington
Great tea! Calming and great taste for a good price considering how expensive tea can be these days
Melissa Torres
I don’t love the taste of chamomile tea, but I love how quickly it relaxes me when I’m trying to go to sleep. This tea makes it a lot easier and more pleasant to drink. With just a bit of cream and sweetener it feels more indulgent as well, and it brings out more of the vanilla.
Katherine Fowee
This is my favorite of the sleepytime teas. very relaxing but with the flavor profile of a dessert tea. Very smooth.
Max Sugerman
I liked the original much more. I found the vanilla flavor to be overpowering and somewhat artificial