chai pumpkin spice
by tazo
(15 reviews)type: black
ingredients: black teas black pepper cardamom cinnamon cloves ginger licorice root natural flavors
caffeine: strong
price level: $$$$
A robust gathering of black tea with classic chai & pumpkin pie spices.
Recent reviews
Rose B
This tastes more apple-cinnamon to me than pumpkin spice, but it's still a rich, aromatic flavor that just screams fall.
Lauren S.
Yes it's a bit on the licoricey side, but I like licorice. Black jellybeans are my favorite. Licorice root aside, it's still a nice spicy tea for the fall and winter.
Jessica Normal
Fantastic off-the-shelf chai, perfect for fall mornings as I drive in to work. Love it with steamed oat milk~
Mina Morrow
Good in a pinch if I can't get any other pumpkin spice teas. It's drinkable, but has a bit too much licorice root for my taste tbh. Overshadows the pumpkin.
Jenna DeWitt
I love this tea every fall! I even got some in January on clearance. A little of tired of it by March, but saving the rest for October where it is more seasonal. Delicious
Marion Black
I love most of the chai teas. However I am not a pumpkin spiced person. I don’t enjoy the flavors
L Silva
I love pumpkin anything really and don't find it that surprising i liked it. I do feel like it's got room for improvement but i liked it.
Han lastname
I keep buying pumpkin teas and expecting them to be better than they end up being, unfortunately for this one it's not nearly spicy enough.
Jeanne Tittelfitz
This is my favorite store pumpkin tea. I like the chai flavors. I will definitely order again.
Alicia Kruzelock
I was so excited about this one. It wasn't bad, but the pumpkin spice flavor does just doesn't balance as well as I thought it would.
Kat I
Thought this blend fell a little flat. Tried to brew longer, it does get a better taste this way.
Yu-Hsin Liu
The licorice root in this tea is so overpowering that you get maybe a hint of artificial pumpkin flavor and some generic warmth from spices but the licorice root unfortunately really dominates in this tea