chocolate chai supreme
(5 reviews)type: black
ingredients: black tea cardamom flavor cardamom pods cardamom seeds chocolate flavor cinnamon chips and vanilla flavor ginger root ground cinnamon nutmeg
caffeine: strong
price level: $$$$
All-new but an instant favorite, our Chocolate Chai Supreme combines the flavors of a classic chai with rich chocolate and vanilla. We begin with a base of blended Chinese and Indian black teas, then add all the necessities for a delicious chai—ginger root, cardamom seeds and pods, cinnamon (ground and in chips), and nutmeg. Finally, we swirl natural chocolate, cardamom, and vanilla flavor through the blend, creating a one-of-a-kind tea experience you won’t soon forget
Recent reviews
Rose B
Creamy, sweet and with a distinctive chocolate flavor. I definitely want to try it iced or with milk next time.
Lauren S.
For me at least, it needs to be taken cold. I don't like it so much hot, since there's something off about Harney's chocolate flavoring. Icing it cuts down on that strangeness and makes it drinkable.
Mina Morrow
Not my favorite. It's not that chocolatey, and in fact the chocolate flavor doesn't seem right. Waxy, maybe? It's weird.