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english breakfast tea bags


 (13 reviews)

type: black

origin: india kenya sri lanka

variety: assam ceylon

caffeine: strong

price level: $$$$

Wake up every morning in England, with this quintessential, full-bodied, black tea - a blend of malty Assam, bright Ceylon and robust Kenyan teas. Enjoy this 'British cuppa' with milk and sugar to compliment your breakfast, lunch or afternoon tea.

Recent reviews

    • TJ


      It's intense, robust, full-bodied in taste. I can confidently call it a good English Breakfast. Tastes best with a dash of milk.

      Brew: 5 m @ 210°F

      Amount: 2 bags/0,14 oz/4 g of tea per 15 fl oz/42 cl of water

    • LJ


      Good tea for what it is. These are teabags that brew up a robust, malty brew that stands up to milk nicely. Exactly what it claims to be: a sturdy English Breakfast.

    • CH


      It's a solidly good tea. Not like mind-blowing, but the quality is good and it's nice in the mornings when I don't feel like tasting a flavor.

    • ET


      Good strong wake-you-up tea. Personally I like English breakfast more than Scottish or Irish. Never have it after noon.

    • 

      A nice straightforward black tea, good to start the day (also worked well for making Arnold Palmers)

    • 

      It's a perfectly-serviceable bagged black tea, and maybe a step up from other supermarket bagged brands.

    • 

      Nothing special, but nothing bad. This is a reliable and good cup of black tea

    • BD


      Good cup of tea. What you would expect for bagged tea.

    • 

      Pretty decent english breakfast. Nice for a regular cuppa, but if you want something that surprises you, look elsewhere

    • AH


      Very solid black english tea. Not too much out of the ordinary.

    • YV


      Really nice unflavored black tea! Nice with milk and sugar.

    • 

      I have not been able to find this tea in shops in Fl but I always get some when I visit family up north. it is one of my favorite breakfast teas, it has got a nice strong flavor without being bitter and is perfect when paired with milk or half and half.

    • RJ


      Decent black tea, but does not compare well to Murchie's or Taylor's English Breakfast or to Typhoon Gold