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camomile & lemongrass


 (10 reviews)

type: herbal

origin: egypt germany

variety: chamomile

ingredients: chamomile lemongrass

caffeine: no-caffeine

price level: $$$$

Chamomile flowers are the most soothing when infused and naturally caffeine free. Make it part of your go-to-bed routine. A touch of lemongrass adds a subtle lemony note.

Recent reviews

    • GE


      Not the best. The lemongrass is too strong and tastes funny, and I have had better chamomile than this

    • ET


      Good herbal blend. I like that you can taste the chamomile even through the stronger flavor of the lemongrass.

    • 

      A pretty boring and underwhelming blend. Chamomile is overshadowed by lemongrass which is also pretty subdued

    • 

      Pretty good before bed tea. It's relaxing and tastes nice.

    • 

      Not bad but not the best chamomile I have ever had

    • 

      Not a huge fan of chamomile, can drink it in some blends. This one was one of my occasional teas

    • 

      This is a great chamomile tea. The flavors are nice and mild.

    • 

      this is a great chamomile subtle but awesome

    • YV


      Can taste lemongrass and chamomile but I do not like chamomile at all.

    • YV


      I do not enjoy teas with chamomile but for someone who does, they may enjoy it.