(5 reviews)Honeybush (Cyclopia Intermedia) grows only in a small area in the southwestern region of South Africa. The Honeybush plant is easily recognized by its trifoliate leaves, single-flowered inflorescence and sweetly scented, bright yellow flowers. The most desirable components for the tea are the leaves and flowers. It shares many similarities with Rooibos. The leaves of the bush are harvested, bruised, and left in the sun to oxidize. The resulting product is then boiled or steeped like tea to make an infusion that is enjoyed both hot and cold. Honeybush is caffeine-free.
Recent reviews
Lauren S.
I like it more than I do rooibos, but unflavored honeybush still has some of that woody, medicinal quality to it that puts me off of rooibos. Not something I think I'd ever want again.
A. Wood
This is definitely my cup of tea. Very delicious. Plain and simple which is all I need