honeydew matcha
by davids tea
(2 reviews)type: green
origin: japan
region: aichi
ingredients: cane sugar matcha green tea natural honeydew flavoring
caffeine: strong
price level: $$$$
We’re totally smitten with this mouthwatering melon matcha. With its revitalizing base of green tea powder, it’s an easy and delicious way to re-energize during a heatwave. But let’s be honest – it just wouldn’t be the ultimate fruity matcha without a succulent splash of ripe honeydew. Lively, juicy and irresistibly fresh, it’s a little slice of paradise. Serve it on ice and say hello to your new summer fling.
Recent reviews
Yu-Hsin Liu
Honeydew flavor tastes artificial but not in a bad or off putting way, the matcha itself is mostly sugar so it is very sweet, this is the only matcha I've ever had that I do not like with milk, it reminds me a lot of the artificial honeydew milk teas from cheaper boba chains