30 g japanese matcha powdered green tea
by stash tea
Matcha is the powdered leaf tea used in the traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony. To make Matcha, fresh green tea leaves from the finest Gyokuro green tea are ground into a fine powder using a stone mill. For the tea ceremony the powdered Matcha is measured with a chashaku (bamboo spoon) and is placed in a chawan (serving bowl), hot water is added, then whipped with a chasen (bamboo whisk) until frothy. The thick frothy tea is sipped right from the bowl. Two drinks can be prepared from Matcha for the ceremony--Usucha made with 1.5 heaping chashaku , or Koicha made with 3 heaping chashaku . Matcha has a bright jade green color and an unexpected distinctive flavor that is mellow and slightly sweet. Tip: For home use, add 1/2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of Matcha to 2-3 ounces of just below boil fresh water. Add more water to desired taste. Stir or whisk until frothy. Refrigeration of Matcha is recommended.
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