holiday chai black tea
by stash tea
(3 reviews)type: black
origin: india
ingredients: allspice black tea cinnamon clove ginger gingerbread flavor nutmeg rum flavor
caffeine: strong
price level: $$$$
For our holiday interpretation of a classic Indian drink, we have blended premium black teas with an exotic mélange of spices, including nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, clove and cardamom. Natural flavors of gingerbread and rum give this chai a unique twist. The brewed tea has a spicy-sweet gingerbread aroma, with a flavor that is medium-bodied. This tea is excellent plain or with milk (regular or evaporated) and sugar. Some of the finest black tea in the world comes from India, the world's leading producer of tea. Included in these teas are the robust Assams, muscatel Darjeelings and well-balanced Nilgiris. However, most tea consumed in India is not enjoyed for its subtle flavor nuances, but instead is blended with sweet and pungent spices to make chai. Chai is usually brewed very strong, often concentrated, with lots of sugar and milk. Traditional Indian chai combines rich black tea that is boiled in milk with local spices such as cinnamon, clove, cardamom, and occasionally black peppercorns, ginger, and red chilies. The drink is then sweetened with sugar.
Recent reviews
Dee -
Tasting it by itself, it's a powerful chai - lots of clove, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, along with an unrecognizable flavor that's good (I guess that's the rum flavoring that's supposed to be in it?). With milk+honey, it's one of the best chais I've had, probably because it's heavy on the chai spices and I love that.