hibiscus key lime full-leaf
(2 reviews)type: herbal
origin: nigeria
ingredients: apple hibiscus lemon lemon flavor rosehip stevia
caffeine: no-caffeine
price level: $$$$
The seductive flavors of the tropics emerge like a soft, warm breeze with every sip of this tangy hibiscus tea. Nigerian Hibiscus mingles with a squeeze of refreshing key lime, hints of lively rosehips and naturally sweet apples. More About This Product PREGNANCY AND LACTATION: Do not use during pregnancy or lactation without the advice of a healthcare practitioner. Caffeine: This herbal blend is naturally caffeine-free. More about caffeine . Steeping Instructions Steeping herbal tea is easy. Simply heat fresh, filtered water to a rolling boil. Then pour water over tea and steep for 5-7 minutes if using a tea bag or full-leaf.
Recent reviews
Krista S
This tea would be a five star blend if not for the stevia - otherwise the blend of fruit and hibiscus is quite stunning. (Stevia not needed for stunningness 😉)